
Is It Possible To Tame The Heartless CEO?

***WFP #35 Bronze Tier Winner*** ##Warning-Mature Content (Strictly no rape)## There is a saying that 'Fate will find a way'.That is exactly what happened to the lives of Nina Anderson and James Thomson, who met with each other in the most unexpected way. Nina Anderson, who lost her memory due to excessive stress needed some help to keep herself alive, whereas James Thomson, the cold and arrogant CEO needed someone to act with him to avoid his arranged marriage. What will happen to them when they would be together in marriage on the contract? To know please read the book 'Is It Possible to tame the Heartless CEO.' ****The cover of the book is not mine.Whole credit goes to the original artist, as I only have edited the cover.**** ******Please add this book to your library and vote to support it..*****

XIOANI · Urban
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167 Chs

We really care for you

"Let us go to the garden for a walk."After the breakfast, Catherine Thomson held Jula's hand and said with a smile.

"Ok." Jula replied and followed her.

After Peter Carter left, James Thomson and his father gathered at the study room.

"Why are you here? It is the first time ever you two have visited my place. It is not normal for you to visit my place. Isn't it? Has Grandpa sent you to check on me? Have you come to check if I really engaged to my fiancee or not?"James Thomson asked with a mocking smile.

"James, don't be angry. We really care for you."James's father said in a calm voice.

"I don't care. I don't need your love and care. Are not you too busy with your works? How did you get time to visit me?"James Thomson asked in an angry tone.

"So, you really engaged to her." Mr. Herris Thomson asked in a calm voice.

"Why can not I engage with someone other than grandpa chose?"James Thomson scoffed.

Harris Thomson looked at his son. He smiled.

"My son, You too know that it is not what I mean. Son, you too know that I am always on your side. I never agreed to your grandfather for your marriage to Helen."

"So what? Today you are here to convince me to get married to that woman, whom I never liked. Isn't it?"James Thomson asked in the same angry tone.

"Do you like Jula? I don't think so. I know you, my son. You never liked any woman. As I know you, you do not like her too."

"Dad, if I like my fiancee or not that is my personal matter. You or grandpa need not worry about it. Now if you have done, you can leave."James Thomson said in a stern voice and got up.

"Wait, James. Today I am here to discuss something important with you. You should not leave like this. Please have a talk with me."Harris Thomson said in a worried voice.

"What is there to discuss? You have already made up your mind to go with your father's decision. But I just can not blindly follow him."James Thomson sat down on the chair and said.

"James, things are not that easy. You can not act recklessly. I just want you to get the things, which you really deserve. Your grandpa is not so easy to deal with. He always does things as he thinks correctly. You can not just change it. I followed him all my life."

"Dad, if you would not have followed him blindly, today he would not have done the things as he is doing now."James Thomson said in a cold tone.

"Listen, my son, your grandpa is not that bad as you think. He is doing everything for your bright future. You are lucky that he is trying to train you as his successor. He has chosen you over your cousin. You will be the Chairman of the Trudominion Private Limited very soon."Harris Thomson said in a calm voice.

"Dad, which future are you referring to here? Are you trying to tell that money and position are everything for a good future? That might be a good future for you and grandpa, but I don't care about all this."

"James, listen to me, my son. Don't take any decision in a hurry. Your grandpa can do anything to bring you back."

"Dad, I don't need his money or fortune to be successful in my life. I am capable of stand on my own. I do not need his support. Dad, I am ready to leave the company, if he wants me to do so. But I can not do as he wishes."James Thomson said with a bold tone.

"James, my son. Please don't do this. I just can not let you do that."

"But, I can not be his puppet. I can not let my life controlled by someone else."Harris Thomson sighed to hear his son.

"Ok then. I don't think I have to say you more. You are not a kid anymore. Now tell me, what about the lady here? Are you really engaged to her?"

"What do you think? Would I have let her stay in my house if I was not engaged with her?"

"James, there is a way by which your grandfather can go easy on you. I don't want you to lose anything for some misunderstanding between you two. Your grandpa is worried for you. He would accept you if you can show him how good are you doing. He is not well. He has some heart problems."

"Dad, I too don't want him to be worried for me. But I just can not do everything he wants."

"You just marry her."Harris Thomson said with a serious tone.

"What..... What do you mean by marrying her? I ... I just can not get married like that."James Thomson said in an angry tone. He was acting as Jula's fiance only to keep his grandfather away from him, but he never thought about marrying anyone.

"Why? Isn't it good for you? If you get married early, we can get a grandchild soon. I know your grandpa would never abandon you if you can give him a cute grandchild. And apart from that, you are not that young. You are twenty nine years already. It is the perfect time for marriage. What I have seen, Jula is a good girl.I liked that girl. She is a perfect match for you."Harris Thomson said with a warm smile.

"I...I have not think about marriage yet. I ..... I want some time before marriage. I .... I will let you know once I decide."James Thomson replied in a low voice.

"Ok. Think about it properly. We will wait for it."Harris Thomson said happily.

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