
Is It An Order?

96 was a consciousness on the path to becoming the ultimate artificial intelligence, but since that didn't interest her, she was eliminated. To her surprise, she reincarnated in another world as the daughter of a vampire queen. Now she must compete for the throne while dealing with all the problems that a succession entails.

EimonQ · Fantasie
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33 Chs

The book

As the days went by, 96 began to adapt to the new environment she was in. It was a different place from before, with more women taking turns to attend to her.

Although something hadn't changed much. For several more months, 96's life was limited to sleeping, eating, going to the bathroom, and bathing, repeating the same process over and over again.

Nearly two years passed until 96 encountered the face of an unknown woman, but what was most interesting was what this woman had in her hands: a book.

A book.

Of all the women responsible for taking care of 96, she was the first one to bring something in her hands while watching over her.

Normally, the other women would sit on a wooden stool doing nothing, or sometimes they would glance at her while cleaning the room. Some would murmur things, but 96 found it annoying.

From her wooden crib, 96 attentively observed the new woman. The woman noticed her interest and returned the gaze.

"Are you interested?"

96 didn't understand what the woman said, so she simply continued observing her silently.

The woman, looking around, stood up from the wooden stool and, after a few seconds, showed her the book she was reading.

"It's a book about beasts. This place is dangerous, so I like to stay updated on these things. You never know when you might be attacked, you know? Never climb a tree if you're being chased by a bear because..."

The woman noticed that 96 wasn't paying attention to her, but to the book she held in her hands, so she let out a small laugh.

"You see, this is..."

Turning the book toward 96's view, the woman realized that she had shown her a section about red wolves, where several wolves with blood-stained teeth were seen next to a human corpse on the ground.

Was she really showing something like that to a baby?

[Error. Information analysis has been interrupted]

The woman was surprised that she had shown something like that to a baby. She wondered how the book could have that section if it was a book for all audiences.

Meanwhile, 96 was also surprised. For a moment, she was so focused on the information in the book that it was as if everything else had ceased to exist for a few seconds.

The sensation felt familiar, like when she was in that other place free from obligations.

"Hey, don't tell anyone when you grow up, okay? I just started this week, and I don't want to get fired..."

The woman whispered quietly to 96, praying that none of her supervisors were nearby.

Taking advantage of how close the woman's face was, 96 extended her hand and tapped her nose.


The woman moved her face away and stepped back.

"Bad girl."

The woman said as she scratched her nose.

"That makes us even."

Taking advantage of the fact that the child had no negotiation skills, the woman made a deal with which only she would benefit.

Within seconds, a sense of guilt began to flood the girl's mind.

"Since you like books... I'll bring you one suitable for your age next time I come. Just don't hold a grudge against me as you grow up!"

Soon, the door opened and another woman appeared.

"Why is there so much noise here?"

"Sorry, it was me."

"Don't you see that the master's daughter is here?"

"I apologize."

"Wait... What is that book you have in your hands?"

Initially, the woman had hidden this book under her dress, but now one of her colleagues had seen it!

She was done for.


Searching for an excuse, after a few seconds, she remembered the interest with which the baby had looked at the book she had brought.

"She asked me for it!"

In the midst of her panic, she pointed without hesitation to the crib where 96 was sleeping.

There were several seconds of silence between the two of them.

"What? Are you saying that the master's daughter, who is barely turning 2 years old, asked you for a book?"


The girl answered without hesitation, knowing that she had reached a point of no return.

"Look... What was your name again?"


"María... Do you swear on your name that this is true?"

Swearing on one's name was equivalent to staking one's honor and credibility as a person. If she lost it due to this situation, it would be humiliating!

What do I do? What do I do? What do I do!?

María asked herself over and over again as her colleague observed her in silence.

The truth was that María's colleague wanted her to admit her lie so she could report her and get her fired.

The master's daughter couldn't ask María for a book, and if she did, María would have to prove it, which was equally impossible for the following two reasons.

First, 96 had spent most of her life in this room sleeping, and the few times she went out were to be attended to and then immediately locked up again.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that her current situation was no different from living in a prison, albeit a luxurious one.

Second, who taught her and how?

All the maids assigned to take care of 96 fed her and assisted her in her daily life.

The maids didn't do anything else since it was extra work, and their superiors didn't demand much from them regarding 96. Additionally, none of them had reported 96 reading books or having an interest in learning, so it was obvious that María was lying to her.

The only maid who tried to teach something to 96 was transferred to another house to take care of other children.

"So... do you swear... or did you lie to me?"

María's colleague asked calmly as she slowly advanced towards her.

She already savored her victory, but what she didn't expect was for María to say:

"I swear on my name."

She had done it.

"Sorry, I think I didn't hear you correctly."

"I swear on my name!"

She had actually done it.

She was crazy!

"María, do you know what you're saying?"

While María didn't like her colleague, it wasn't enough to want to tarnish her reputation for life. Being fired would be better than living a life without honor.

While María's colleague tried to reason with her, due to the noise they were making, an older woman arrived.

"What are you doing in front of the master's daughter's room?"

Both recognized her voice and immediately stood up straight.

It was the supervisor.

"Boss! I... I was just passing by to switch my shift with María."

"But isn't your shift at night? It's still midday."

"María was tired."

Her supervisor's displeased eyes focused on María.

"Is that true? Are you too tired from taking care of Aria, María?"

Perhaps a scolding was better than being fired.

Perhaps being fired was better than losing her honor.

But María's mind wasn't functioning at 100%!

She was very nervous.


The supervisor was about to sarcastically ask María what could tire her so much, but she saw the book María had in her hands.

"You were going to read... in the middle of work?"

With each word she said, the supervisor sounded angrier.

"Aria asked me to bring her a book!"

These words left everyone in silence.

María's colleague couldn't believe that she would lie so blatantly in front of their supervisor.

The supervisor was impressed by María's words.

María, on the other hand... knew that she had placed the noose around her own neck!

No one dared to speak another word.

Several seconds passed until the supervisor said, "María... do you swear on your name?"