
Rich spoilt CEO

* back at Sera's place *

" He thinks he can just ruin my mood after I had the chance to meet Laya " said Sera to no one in particular. " Well he is wrong , who in the right mind would allow his request . I guess he doesn't know that when a bad guy gives you two opinion , make up the third one and take it instead ." she said laughing to herself.

She later fell asleep and was awoken by her phone beeping.

[ unknown: I want you to protect me so I want you to be my new secretary and I will pay you as much as you want]

' Where in the world,did he get my number and is he crazy think of paying me whatever amount ,I want ' she thought to herself while laughing but was quickly stopped by the sound of her phone ringing. she picked up the phone but her beautiful smile disappeared as she saw who was calling her , it was non other than her father.

" Yes, hello " she answered with a fake smile on her face as though her father could see her face. " hi, have you thought about what I told you about using your powers to work for me ,so as to pay me back for all those years of raising you" he said but she couldn't believe how shamelessly her father said those words to her as though she was not her daughter. " Yes , I have and I am not going to work for you" she said but knew she was going to regret it the second after . " Is that so then I will be expecting a whole amount of money on my account" he said angrily to threaten her into giving in. But to both their surprise she hang up on him . Looking at her phone as her head snapped , she froze but even her powers can't undo what she just did. Still looking at her phone and a small smile creeped on her as she thought of replying to the unknown number.

[ Sera : What if I wanted the money , what would I have to do? ] She wrote this wondering how she had reached this state , wanting money so bad that she would be willing to use her power for such reasons.

[ unknown : If you are interested then meet at star lake hotel in the presidential suite ] she couldn't help but laugh when she thought that he was already bossy yet she hadn't started to work for him so she decided to go and see what type of person he was but most importantly she needed the money to pay her dad so that he doesn't make any excuse to use her power.

* later that day at Star lake hotel*

" Ms Tungsten, right this way please" a loud voice come from behind her . It was a worker of the hotel that had been sent to get her . As he lead the way she was so stuck in the thoughts that she almost jumped to her name being called out. " Ms Tungsten , nice to meet you again " he said as her face turned pale after seeing his face . He was the CEO of the Tang empire , Tan Park . She couldn't believe her eyes , the CEO of the most successful designer perfume was sitting right next to her.

' The rumors are true , he is as handsome as he is successful ' she thought to herself while looking at him . Realising that she was staring at him ,she immediately faced down as he explained what she was to do. " I saw your powers and I thought that you might be the best candidate for a bodyguard but due to you being a female you will have to settle for a secretary so that you are always be near me" apron hearing those words she thought to herself that she could do anything to stay near him. " That means your office is approximately near mine , you will also be staying at my place and I know that this is going to be expensive so name your price" he said with no emotions on his face which made it hard to read what he was reading . ' Mr Park , you are a rich spoilt Ceo ' she thought to herself as she nodded in agreement.