
Chapter 6

The following day we went to Akihabara main station around 4:30 pm and drove to the outer edge of the district, where the apartment tour was to take place. During the trip i got a flashback of Mayuri's death on the subway, which i immediately banished from my thoughts. after a five minute walk from the train station, which was immediately bordered by a reddish and white residential building. "Typical Akihabara charm." I thought to myself sarcastically and went with Suzuha to the small group of people who had gathered at the front door for a visit.

In addition to us, there was an early 30s-looking businessman in a black suit and a young couple. The landlord arrived a few minutes later, led us upstairs to the 3rd floor and opened the apartment door. As expected, it was a very small apartment of around 38 square meters. A compact bathroom, mini kitchen and two rooms separated by a thin partition, of which only one was supposed to sleep. The applicants looked around the premises with interest and asked questions to the landlord, a well built man with long black hair who must have been around Mister Braun's age. At the thought of our grumpy CRT loving landlord a smile crept onto my lips, which was immediately replaced by the memory of his cruel departure.

"What do you think of this apartment Suzu-chan?" I asked my companion playfully.

She couldn't suppress a giggle and said "Oh Rin... uh Kyouma-chan, I would love to move in here with you."

The landlord laughed at our bizarre exchange of words and came to us.

"You seem to be interested in this apartment, sir..."

"Hououin. Hououin Kyouma!" I finished the sentence. "And that's my F-girlfriend Hashida Suzu." With these words i started to sweat a little.

"On my part. My name is Gouro," smiled the mascular man, and explained more details about the rental. At the end of the conversation i had the impression that i had landed some sympathy and in agreement with the other candidates it was decided that we will be the one renting the room, the landlord told us that we could move in tomorrow, the paperwork could be done in the next few days, the choice of Steins;Gate or maybe just luck.

After half an hour we left the house, not Without saying goodbye to everyone beforehand, and strolled cheerfully back towards the train station. The drizzle had started again, but the warm May rain didn't bother me, on the contrary, I enjoyed the feeling of the wet drops on my forehead.

"It's good that we were able to procure a place for us." Suzuha said to me with a smile.

"Part time soldier, everything happens for a reason, bringing chaos to the natural order and averting the planned dystopia of the organization is the honorable task that has been entrusted to us by the steins;gate." I said to Suzuha being so elated of our success that i cannot stop my old habits from resurfacing.

On the evening of the same day, I appeared at the scheduled time at the Yanabayashi shrine bridge and immediately recognized Kaito by his floral Hawaiian shirt. The rain had subsided and the boy was leaning casually against the crosswalk. He had a lit cigarette and sometimes stole glances around as if he were being followed, constant paranoia was probably the price of criminal life. I approached casually and made myself known within a few meters to not startle him.

"Kyouma, there you are!" Kaito said in a cheerful tone and greeted me with a handshake as if i was an old friend. "How did you and Suzu fare in the first few days in Akiba?"

"We're fine we already procured an apartment for us." I was unsure on how to react in this situation, but i just played along, Anyway, this meeting was better in public than in some dodgy alley.

"Let's get straight to business." my counterfeiter continued in a lowered voice, pulling a large envelope out of his shoulder bag. "I was able to get everything you ordered." He pushed a small stack of documents and two passports half out of the envelope. After i had examined them briefly and checked whether all the details were correct, I nodded and gave Kaito his payment. The boy quickly counted and looked up to me appreciatively.

"Glad to do business with you,Hououin Kyouma!" He grinned while hiding the bills in his pocket.

I was silent for a moment and the said, "Thanks kaito. without you we would not have been able to gain foothold so quickly and would have been in a very tight spot." This words were meant seriously and not sound playful. My counterpart became more serious and looked at me firmly.

"I know that procuring counterfeit documents can be difficult, so handle them carefully. Do not trust anyone who knows how to distinguish them from the original... and if you need something again, just come find me."

After his warning words, Kaito's face brightened again and we shook hands before we parted in different directions.

Today was our last day in the hospital, tomorrow we would move into our apartment, everything was ready. I showed Suzuha her new Japanese passport with the name Hashida Suzu printed on them and explained to her about the things Kaito told me to be cautious about. With all of these documents we would finally be able to get a job. How we could change the future was still in the stars, or should i say in the event horizon, but the first steps towards our survival in Akihabara were already taken.

I had never felt so independent as i am now. Although i rarely saw my parents in 2010 i was still always given their financial support. My friends Daru and Mayuri had been there for my social needs and now i was faced with the challenge of building a completely new circle of friends. Fortunately Suzuha was by my side, even if she is currently suffering from an amnesia. We'd make it somehow.