
Iris's Lives

Iris should have died. Or at least, been on death's door. And yet, here she was: making a deal with her own life as the reward. She was to save a soul, a soul so important she had to travel beyond the limits of her world. But Iris isn't fit to work under someone else, she could not live with her life tethered to another. Iris's life has only one person in it. That's the way it's meant to be. But when the only way to get her life back becomes more and more complicated, she finds her convictions shifting.

BlurryVision · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Chapter 16- Highschool Sweethearts

From the perspective of Annaleigh, Iris had suddenly hit her. But to everyone who had seen the situation from start to finish, it appeared as if Annaleigh had suddenly tried to strike Iris and Iris had defended herself. The two stood at a stalemate, with Annaleigh crying on the floor until a teacher came over. They escorted Annaleigh to the nurse while scolding her. Another teacher came over and led Iris over to an empty classroom.

They questioned her for a few minutes, but there were plenty of witnesses as to what happened, so there wasn't much to question about. The situation seemed resolved temporarily, but the teacher had told Iris that they would have to speak to the administration about the event on a later day.


When Iris had come home that day, she immediately went to pick up the book on her bedside table. She had a suspicion she wanted to confirm. This suspicion was validated when she saw the final page, where the list of her tasks lay. 

The third object on the list, 'Sabotage Finn', was crossed off. She thought she had completed the task when he transferred away and she was correct. The last two objectives were troublesome, however. Leon wasn't in love with her, and certainly wouldn't fall in love with her anytime soon. She wondered if there was a way to get around that task. And her other task, to prevent Leon and Lily from getting together, seemed like it was completed to her. From when she had talked to Leon about Lily last, she could tell Leon didn't have a good impression of Lily. After spending so much time with him, Iris didn't think he would be the type of person to forget grudges so easily. Lily had conspired against them, and he wouldn't forgive that so quickly.

Iris closed the book and diverted her attention to something else. She would find a way to complete the tasks without involving emotions.


At the same time, Leon had his group of friends over. His parents had returned from their recent trip and were downstairs. Because of this, the group was a bit quieter than usual. 

They were playing video games and laughing with each other. However, Leon, who was sunken into his chair while absentmindedly playing, was noticed by a few of his friends.

"Hey." His friend elbowed him during a pause in the game.

"What?" Leon snapped out of his daze and looked in confusion.

"What happened recently?" His friend asked, concerned.

Leon averted his eyes and tried to act as usual.

"Nothing much. Just ready for school to be over." He lied.

Leon's friend narrowed his eyes and stared at Leon.

"Is it because of that girl, Syra?" He asked, seemingly nonchalant. He had been one of the friends that had played with Leon and Iris when Iris stayed over. It was impossible not to notice how he seemed to revolve around her. Even back then, when Leon might not have had deep feelings for Iris, he couldn't keep his eyes off of her. 

Leon flinched a bit at his friend's question.

"Let's just get back to the game." 

However, all his friends diverted their attention to the two's conversation long ago. They had all noticed Leon's recent slump, he wasn't great at hiding it. 

"Did she break up with you?" One of them asked. 

"We were never together in the first place," Leon said dejectedly.

"So you were rejected?"

Leon let out a loud, heartbroken, sigh.

"...Yeah. She told me she wouldn't even miss me if she never saw me again."

This sentence was met with a long silence. Everyone gave a quiet vigil in pity.

"...But I still want to see her so bad." Leon slumped over on his side. He was aware of his friend's pity but was too enveloped in his emotions to care.

"So… You should talk to her right?" One of them tentatively offered. None of them had really expected the conversation to get so sad.

"To win her back…Or to get revenge, maybe?" Another added.

"Yeah! Show her what she missed." They all started piling up encouragement, but Leon didn't take it to heart.

"I just want to see her again." He said quietly, but with some conviction.

His friends all glanced at each other, sharing their misgivings. Eventually, they settled back into their pitying silence.


Iris started walking towards the principal's office once classes ended. Their teachers had told both Iris and Annaleigh to go there after school had ended. Iris didn't care much either way. With how many witnesses there had been at the scene, the conclusion was already predetermined. 

She entered the door and was met with Annaleigh yelling.

"I don't know! She probably did something to me! I don't remember!" 

While the principal was enduring Annaleigh's yelling, she saw Iris and waved her in. 

"Now that both of you are here, perhaps we can sort this out." She said magnanimously. She gestured for Iris to sit next to Annaleigh.

"Okay. First let's hear from Annaleigh. What is your recollection of the situation?" She turned to Annaleigh, who was anxiously twisting in her seat.

"I-I was walking down the hallway, heading to my next class, when all the sudden Syra" Annaleigh suddenly paused, her body stiffening.

"I attempted to slam my book on her head." Her robotic voice echoed into the principal's ears.

"What?" Their principal obviously didn't expect this turn of events. Before Iris had come into the room Annaleigh was going on and on about how she was framed and it wasn't her fault.

"She hit me!" All of a sudden Annaleigh said, louder than before. Her awareness suddenly returned to her, but she obviously didn't know what had said before.

The principal looked at her in dismay for a while before turning to Iris.

"And you? What is your recollection?" She asked.

"I was also walking to my next class when I met Annaleigh. She abruptly raised her book over her head and tried to hit me. I disarmed her and she fell." Iris said succinctly. 

"I see." The principal considered their words for a short while before turning to Annaleigh.

"Annaleigh, there were many people that saw you attempt to hit Syria. Since you yourself have confessed, we'll be punishing you accordingly."

"What?! But I-I, I didn't!" The principal simply shook her head and waved for Iris to leave the room. Annaleigh stayed behind to talk with the principal.