It's the year 2247 After Starfall. Mortem has welcomed an era of peace, but machinations are always happening in the dark. Shu, a wandering swordsman, is on a quest for revenge. Will he be swept up in the currents of the rising apocalypse, or will he quench his thirst for vengeance?
Stormfeldt Battle School is a prestigious school known throughout the kingdom. Its goal is to raise powerful fighters in order to assist the throne. Talented demihumans and beastkin from all over try to enroll. Just having Stormfeldt attached to one's name is enough to guarantee a prosperous life.
Due to Mortem being in an era of peace, all of the cultivated fighters aren't sent to war. They're instead given the freedom of choice. One could join the Magician's Bazaar, join the royal family's fighters, and more. They could become a warrior that handles disputes around the kingdom on behalf of Stormfeldt, or they could do nothing and choose their own path.
Businesses and companies all over would throw themselves to the graduates on a silver platter. As long as one came from the militaristic battle school, their future was secured. Hundreds of students in uniform could be seen entering the campus. Some of them had their favorite slaves to accompany. Fortunately, these slaves were cleaned up and dressed nicely, as the school wouldn't allow anything less than the best.
While there were slaves, there were also attendants. They followed their chosen student, helping with menial tasks like fetching water, etc. Shu landed in this category. Even though he was slated to be Tessvulin's fiancé, the treatment was that of a lesser being. Such was the way the Lyon Clan dealt with their significant others. Of course, the family took care of them like their own.
It was their custom, which would seem natural to people who were born in Veldhoven. Unfortunately, the young samurai didn't appreciate the tradition. He wasn't going to be at her beck and call for much longer. This was just a great cover for him while he did his work.
Their carriage stopped in front of the gates. Several other carriages also stopped here. It was the drop off point. Multiple students could be seen exiting the vehicles. An arrogant expression covered every single one of their faces. Shu worried that they would trip and fall since they can't even see the ground. The students were too busy looking up to the heavens.
"So…am I dropping you off here, or what?" He asked.
"Naturally, you will be coming with me. Why would I let you go have fun while I suffer through classes?" Tess quipped.
"But I'm not wearing the school uniform." He continued. The swordsman was still in his traditional clothing.
"It's fine. All that does is add to your charm. Not even the Oni Clan dresses like you."
"...Thanks for the compliment."
The two of them entered the gates and began their trek toward the main buildings. It was still the beginning recess, and classes weren't in session yet. Shu held her school bag over his shoulder while his sheathed katana remained in his left hand.
Around ten to fifteen minutes later, they found themselves in the main pavilion. People were hanging with their own groups. The majority of students had formed cliques. Once Tess entered the fray, people focused on her.
"It's the lion princess!"
"Do you think anyone will defeat her today?"
"There's no doubt that Kayne will try for her hand in marriage. That guy is relentless! Won't this be his 241st rejection?"
"Maybe Lady Tessvulin will give in today."
"Who is that walking with her?"
"Is that a bodyguard?"
"He looks harmless."
"Wow! He's so dreamy…"
Multiple students spoke in whispers as they walked past. Tess led Shu through a decent amount of twists and turns. After going up a flight of stairs, they stopped in front of a table that overlooked the campus. Two new figures could be seen lazing around.
The first was a girl with curly blonde hair sitting on the bench. Her legs were swinging back and forth. Long rabbit ears poked out from the sides before drooping downwards. Her bright pink eyes were empty as if her mind was elsewhere.
Next to her was a man with messy green hair. A long single horn protruded from the middle of his forehead. There was an irritated expression, seen through the constant glare of his blue eyes. He was the first to notice Tess.
"Can't believe we're back already. What a pain. Tch." The irritated man spoke.
"Nice to see you too, Airo." She responded.
The lioness went and sat down across from him. When she turned to the side, she gave a knowing sigh. The rabbit girl was still staring off into the distance. It was as if she hadn't heard anything.
"Lulu!" Tess called softly.
Hearing her name, the rabbit turned to see the fierce woman. A joyful smile appeared on her face. In only a second, she leapt onto the woman's lap.
"Tessvee…" Lulu hummed.
Shu smiled seeing the warm scene. It was always good to have friends. There was nothing wrong with being a lone wolf, but he'd done it for a long time. The sleepy man was just tired of it. If he was still alive at the end of everything, he'd prefer to spend the rest of his time with Silent Night and the new friends he made.
After a moment of catching up, Airo finally deigned to look at him. There was a curious light in his eyes. That wasn't the only emotion though. Contempt, as plain as day, could be seen in his expression.
"Who's this? A new servant?"
"He is my fiancé, Airo. Mind your tongue."
"Eh?????" He exclaimed in shock.
The rabbit also looked up and focused on Shu. A possessive expression adored her face. It was as if she was declaring that Tess was her territory. He could care less, though.
"...My name is Shu." He spoke briefly.
Shu had been talking a lot recently. He decided to tone it down a bit. His vocal chords needed rest. Speaking took too much effort.
"Shu, huh? You look like an Oni. If anyone finds out that you're engaged with Tessvulin, a lot of suitors will be gunning for you. Don't worry though, I'm a strong fighter from the Kirin Family. You're in safe hands." Airo explained.
'A Kirin? Isn't that just a unicorn? Imagine!' Shu thought. His lips unconsciously curled up into a grin.
"Pfft…" Quiet chuckles escaped his mouth.
Such an angry looking guy was a unicorn? What a joke! A bit of red could be seen on Airo's cheeks. His irritated face got even more irritated.
"What're ya laughing at huh?! What's so funny, bastard?!"
Tess watched the interaction with a smile. This was the first time she'd ever seen Shu laugh. He tended to have a poker face most of the time. Bringing him along was definitely a good idea.