It's the year 2247 After Starfall. Mortem has welcomed an era of peace, but machinations are always happening in the dark. Shu, a wandering swordsman, is on a quest for revenge. Will he be swept up in the currents of the rising apocalypse, or will he quench his thirst for vengeance?
The ride back to headquarters was full of the sound of Stark's drinking. Muzette had also joined in while occasionally glancing at Shu. It was incredibly off putting to see the always lazy samurai having the look of calm and collected rage. It was hidden just below the surface. His eyes were cold.
"Do you now understand the real purpose of Silent Night, Shu?" Commander Aiden spoke.
"......." He was silent.
It seemed that the group believed he was angry about the mission. Far from it. Killing wasn't enough to shake the man. Regardless, the swordsman nodded quietly. All of the recent slaughters were the last thing on his mind.
'Althana.' He thought.
The young man had finally found his first piece of information. One of the lowest rung members of the organization was listed in the file. Their location had been revealed.
Shu sat cross legged with his sheathed katana on his lap. His eyes were closed as he found his inner calm. Rin, who was blatantly staring, sat in front of him and leaned in his face.
"...Shu." Her calm voice resounded.
He opened his eyes to see her giving him a staredown. Her expression was stoic as usual. The snow demon was curious.
"Yes, Rin." He answered in a bored tone. The sleepy expression had returned.
"What are you doing? Are you mad? Was it something on the ship?" She asked multiple questions rapid fire. Her purple eyes were locked on his. Shu gave a lazy smile.
"...I'm fine. Are you worried about me?"
"...Hmph." She grunted.
Eventually, a portal opened in front of them via the golden ring. They were instantly back at the estate. Nobody wasted any time and left to wash up. There was a lot of blood that fell from the sleepy man's body. He only watched as it went down the drain.
Later that night, he could be found on the roof. Shu gazed at the sky. A plethora of stars littered the backdrop like a canvas. Two different options lay before him. Either stay and build his reputation, or begin his first attempt at revenge. The young samurai looked at his blade.
'I've been training my whole life for this moment. It's time I get started.' He thought. The decision had been made.
The next morning, everyone could be seen doing their own things. Stark was in the living room, barely waking up from his drunken stupor. A common theme. Muzette was out back with Fuzzy the white fox, giving the rare beast a nice bath. Aiden was in a hidden vault, searching for certain information. It was a casual morning.
Rin's footsteps could be heard as she ran down the hallways. She was still in her pajama hot shorts, a crop top shirt displaying her belly button. Her foot stomped on the muscular man's stomach as she flew by. It only caused Stark to turn in his position. He was hammered.
As she ran through the area, she bumped into the red eyed commander. The man had finished whatever his business was. Aiden looked down at her with a raised eyebrow. Where was she headed with such eagerness?
"Oh, Rin. You seem pretty active this morning. Where're you going?" He asked.
"....." She was silent. The yokai only waited for him to move out of the way. The captain sighed. His hand rubbed his temples.
'Why did I even ask…It's obvious where she's going.' He thought.
Aiden moved out the way, allowing the petite beauty to pass through. The snow demon carried on, the sound of her bare feet resounding through the halls. After a few more turns, she arrived in front of a door. Rin didn't even think before opening it.
"Stupid Shu. It's morning. Wake up!" She exclaimed before leaping on the bed.
As soon as her body landed on the soft mattress, she frowned. It was light and empty. The bed was vacant.
Rin got off the bed and turned on the light. When everything was visible, she frowned. The bedroom was neat and tidy. Shu's battle outfit was neatly folded on the counter. He wasn't here.
Her eyes widened at what this symbolized. Had he left the battalion? Where did he go? Did he just…leave her here?! An intense feeling of loss flooded her system.
"No way…I hate you! DESERTER SHU! EVIL SHU! HEARTLESS SHU!" She screamed. It was the first time such pure emotion could be seen on her face.
Before the saddened yokai could break anything, she spotted a note beside the pillow. Rin immediately reached for it. The anger and sorrow left her eyes after reading it.
'Stop freaking out, Rin. I'll return before the Golden Solstice.' It read.
The Golden Solstice was an event where all of the battalions came together and communed. They would stand before the king, allowing the rookies and newcomers to display their achievements. It was a ceremony where people's efforts were recognized. There would sometimes be exhibition matches. After reading the note, the petite beauty ran out of the room. She was off to tell the others.
As all of this was going on, the man in question could be seen traveling through a pathway outside of Valsir. He wore a white yukata with a red sash, clunky ronin sandals on his feet. White socks went up to his shins. The sheathed katana was in his left hand.
Shu's destination was The Veldhoven, the territory of beastkin. The intel stated that a human resided there. A human that played a part in his tragic past. A dull expression adorned his face. He'd pretended that he was fine the night before, but it was an act.
The pressure that radiated from his body was like an ocean. He was bloodthirsty. There was no laziness or sleepiness in his actions. A calm and collected rage swam below the surface. Murder was on the horizon.