
Investiture Of The Gods

Adapted from Fengshengyanyi, the founding book of many Eastern Fantasy Novels published here. In an era shadowed by the corruption of the Shang Dynasty, a lone figure stands against the tide of tyranny. Jiang Ziya, once a simple fisherman, now a disciple of the great sage Yuanshi Tianzun, is destined to change the course of history. Betrayed by fate and burdened with an impossible mission, he is thrust into the heart of a celestial war that transcends realms. “Destiny cannot bind me, for I wield the will to defy the heavens.” As the corrupt King Zhou, swayed by the enchanting yet malevolent Daji, plunges the kingdom into chaos, the celestial realm watches in dismay. The gods and immortals, bound by ancient laws, cannot directly intervene. Yet, the tides of destiny shift with the emergence of Jiang Ziya, chosen to lead an army of mortals and immortals alike. Armed with a divine list bestowed by the heavens, Jiang must enlist legendary heroes and demigods, each with their own unique powers and tragic fates. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to overthrow the tyrant king and restore balance to the world. But in this realm where gods meddle and demons lurk, Jiang Ziya finds that the greatest battles are often within. As he confronts his own demons and the burden of his destiny, he must navigate a world where the lines between right and wrong blur, and where every victory comes with a price. In this epic tale of gods and heroes, destiny and defiance, Jiang Ziya's journey transcends mere mortal struggles, venturing into the heart of what it means to be a hero in a world governed by gods and shaped by magic. Credits to 陳仲琳 c.1600

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10 Chs

The Counsel of Lord Ji

In Ji Province, a scout brought news to Su Huo, saying, "Lord Su, our young lord went out to battle and has been captured."

Su Huo responded, "There is no need to mention it. This son of mine did not heed my advice, relying on his own abilities. His capture today is only natural. However, as a prominent figure, if both father and son are captured, and formidable enemies are pressing our borders, Ji Province will soon fall into the hands of others. Why did all of this happen? It's all because I fathered Daji.

"Our foolish emperor believed in slanderous words and brought calamity upon my entire family, causing suffering for the common people. All of this is due to my unfortunate daughter, leading to endless misfortune. If this city is breached in the future, my wife and daughter will be taken to the capital, subjected to humiliation, and their remains left to rot. This will become the laughingstock of all the lords. It is better to kill my wife and daughter first, and then take my own life, so I won't disgrace the conduct of a husband."

Su Huo was deeply troubled and, holding his sword, walked into the inner hall.

There, he saw his daughter, Daji, with a gentle smile on her face, her rosy lips gently parting as she asked, "Father, why are you carrying your sword?"

When Su Huo saw Daji, his own flesh and blood, and not an enemy, how could he wield his sword?

Su Huo couldn't help but shed tears, nodding as he said, "My dear, because of you, your brother has been captured, the city is besieged, my parents have been killed, and our ancestral temple is in the hands of others. I had only one child, you, and you brought endless calamity upon my family."

While he was still lamenting, he heard the sound of a gong being struck, signaling the request for his presence in the court. Chong Heihu demanded a battle, and Su Huo gave the order, "Secure all city gates, prepare for the attack."

Chong Heihu possessed extraordinary skills, and no one dared to confront him. He ordered his generals to ascend the city walls, readying bows, crossbows, cannons, grenades, and rolling logs for the assault.

Chong Heihu contemplated, "Su Huo, if you come out to negotiate with me, I can withdraw my troops. Why do you fear me and refuse to engage? What is the meaning of this?"

With no other choice, Chong Heihu temporarily withdrew his troops.

A scout reported to Chonghou Huo, "Lord Chong, Chong Heihu has requested a meeting."

Chonghou Huo said, "Please allow him to enter."

Chong Heihu entered Chonghou Huo's tent and spoke, "My dear brother, your son has been captured in battle."

Chonghou Huo responded, "There's no need to mention it. This son of mine did not heed my advice and was too confident in his abilities. His capture today was inevitable. However, it's a great pity for us heroes. With both father and son captured and formidable enemies at our doorstep, Ji Province won't be under our control for long. Why did all of this happen? It's all because I fathered Daji. Our foolish emperor believed in slanderous words, which led to calamity for my entire family and suffering for the common people. All of this is due to my unfortunate daughter, bringing endless misfortune. If this city falls in the future, my wife and daughter will be taken to the capital, paraded in public, their bodies desecrated, and it will become a joke among the lords. It's better to kill my wife and daughter first and then take my own life, preserving our honor."

Chonghou Huo reluctantly considered this, but then Daji, his own daughter, entered the hall.

She had a charming smile, her rosy lips gently parting as she said, "Father, why did you bring your sword inside?"

When Chonghou Huo saw Daji, his own flesh and blood and not an enemy, he couldn't lift his sword.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Chonghou Huo nodded and said, "My dear, it's because of you that your brother has been captured, the city is besieged, and our family faces such hardship."

Just then, a messenger arrived and struck the cloud board, signaling Chonghou Huo to ascend the platform.

Chong Heihu requested a battle. Chonghou Huo gave the order, "Strengthen the defenses at all city gates and prepare for the attack."


Suddenly, the drums outside the city began to beat. Su Hu sighed and said, "Zheng Lun, it seems like it's over for you."

He was deeply puzzled. Just then, a scout rushed in with a report, "Reporting to my lord, Zheng Lun has captured Chong Black Tiger and requests your decision."

Su Hu was baffled by the news and wondered, "How could Zheng Lun, who isn't a match for Chong Black Tiger, capture him?"

He immediately ordered, "Bring Zheng Lun here."

Zheng Lun soon appeared in the palace and narrated how Chong Black Tiger was captured. Su Hu was surprised and said, "I have offended the entire world, and there is no place for me to hide. Zheng Lun, you may not understand the situation fully, but you have violated divine will, and I deserve the death penalty."

Chong Black Tiger kneeled and said, "Brother, we formed a close bond with a single bow, and I dare not forget our friendship. I was captured by my subordinates due to your son's arrogance. It's also because of your kindness and honor that I'm here."

Su Hu then honored Chong Black Tiger and ordered him to sit at the top seat. He instructed Zheng Lun to bring the other generals to meet Chong Black Tiger. Chong Black Tiger praised Zheng Lun's extraordinary martial skills and how he had been captured.

Su Hu arranged a feast for Chong Black Tiger and himself to enjoy together. During the banquet, Su Hu recounted the emperor's desire to take his daughter as a concubine and the events that had unfolded.

Chong Black Tiger responded, "I came here to help my brother, prevent the siege, and rescue you. I didn't expect your son to be so headstrong and refuse to come to the city to negotiate, resulting in my capture. I did this for your sake as well."

Su Hu expressed his gratitude for Chong Black Tiger's loyalty.

Now, let's shift the focus to another part of the story.

Inside the city, a messenger arrives and reports, "My lord, Second Young Master has been captured by Zheng Lun. We don't know his fate; please make a decision."

Hou Huo, upon hearing this news, pondered, "My brother possesses unique skills, so how could he be captured?"

Some officers nearby added, "While Second Young Master was fighting Zheng Lun, Zheng Lun suddenly waved his Demon-subduing Club, and 3,000 Crow Warriors appeared. Zheng Lun emitted two white lights from his nostrils, producing a sound like a bell, and Second Young Master fell from his horse, leading to his capture."

Hou Huo, astonished, thought, "What kind of supernatural technique is this? Send another scout to gather more information."

Just then, another report arrived, "Lord Ji has dispatched an envoy to our gate."

Hou Huo felt displeased and commanded, "Let him in."

The envoy, San Yi Sheng, dressed simply and respectfully greeted, "May I pay my respects to Lord Hou."

Hou Huo asked, "Why did your master refrain from his duties and keep his forces idle when the emperor commanded otherwise? Your master's actions defy the principles of a loyal subject. Now that you're here, what message do you bring?"

San Yi Sheng replied, "My master believes that military actions should only be used when absolutely necessary. For a minor issue, raising troops disturbs the people, drains the treasury, and causes panic among the citizens and soldiers. It disrupts tax collection and burdens the people. Therefore, my master sent me with this letter to propose a peaceful resolution, urging Lord Su Hu to offer his daughter to the palace and cease hostilities. If Lord Su Hu refuses, our army will arrive, suppress the rebellion, and the punishment will be annihilation. At that point, it will be too late for Lord Su Hu to regret his decisions."

Hou Huo laughed heartily and said, "Lord Ji, aware of his own wrongdoing and avoidance of imperial orders, resorts to such excuses. I arrived here first, defeated the enemy, and forced them to retreat. That rebel is justifying his actions to release himself from guilt. I shall see what Lord Ji says when I meet Lord Su Hu in person. But for now, you may leave."

San Yi Sheng departed, and Hou Huo instructed his subordinates, "Prepare to travel to Ji Province immediately and discuss this matter with Lord Su Hu. If he agrees, we can stop the war, but if not, I'll follow Lord Ji's instructions. We must follow the will of Heaven, maintain harmony among vassals, and spare our troops from suffering."

After Hou Huo's decision, Su Hu prepared to go to the palace for negotiations, leaving behind a plan for his daughter's future, which he hoped would be a prosperous one.