
Investiture Of The Gods

Adapted from Fengshengyanyi, the founding book of many Eastern Fantasy Novels published here. In an era shadowed by the corruption of the Shang Dynasty, a lone figure stands against the tide of tyranny. Jiang Ziya, once a simple fisherman, now a disciple of the great sage Yuanshi Tianzun, is destined to change the course of history. Betrayed by fate and burdened with an impossible mission, he is thrust into the heart of a celestial war that transcends realms. “Destiny cannot bind me, for I wield the will to defy the heavens.” As the corrupt King Zhou, swayed by the enchanting yet malevolent Daji, plunges the kingdom into chaos, the celestial realm watches in dismay. The gods and immortals, bound by ancient laws, cannot directly intervene. Yet, the tides of destiny shift with the emergence of Jiang Ziya, chosen to lead an army of mortals and immortals alike. Armed with a divine list bestowed by the heavens, Jiang must enlist legendary heroes and demigods, each with their own unique powers and tragic fates. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to overthrow the tyrant king and restore balance to the world. But in this realm where gods meddle and demons lurk, Jiang Ziya finds that the greatest battles are often within. As he confronts his own demons and the burden of his destiny, he must navigate a world where the lines between right and wrong blur, and where every victory comes with a price. In this epic tale of gods and heroes, destiny and defiance, Jiang Ziya's journey transcends mere mortal struggles, venturing into the heart of what it means to be a hero in a world governed by gods and shaped by magic. Credits to 陳仲琳 c.1600

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10 Chs

Lord of Jizhou Revolts Against King Zhou.

King Zhou, upon hearing the reports, was greatly delighted and immediately returned to his palace.

The night passed, and the next day at dawn, he summoned the officials from both civil and military ranks to attend his court.

King Zhou then asked his Chief of Chariots and Cavalry, "Issue my decree immediately and instruct the four regional lords to select a hundred virtuous and beautiful women from each region. Regardless of their social status or wealth, choose them based on their dignified appearance, gentle disposition, virtuous conduct, and graceful demeanor to serve in my harem."

While the king was about to issue his decree, a voice suddenly emerged from the left side of the assembly.

A man stepped forward and prostrated himself, saying, "Your Majesty, I am your humble servant, Minister Shang Rong. I have a request to make. Before making your selection, please consider this: your harem already consists of countless beautiful women, including consorts and concubines. Pursuing more beauties might diminish the hopes and aspirations of the common people.

"I've heard that 'When the people are happy, the ruler will enjoy prosperity, and when the people are sad, the ruler will suffer.' Currently, there are frequent droughts and floods affecting our land.

"It may not be appropriate to indulge in worldly pleasures at this time. The sage emperors Yao and Shun ruled harmoniously, fostering virtue and benevolence throughout the land, without engaging in warfare or causing suffering.

"The celestial bodies shone brightly, and sweet dew descended, the phoenix rested in the courtyard, and precious herbs grew in the wild. The people were prosperous, and resources abundant.

"Travelers yielded the way to one another, and dogs did not bark. Day and night saw fine weather, and rice grew in double ears. These are the signs of a prosperous reign through virtue.

"Your Majesty, if you prioritize the pleasures of the harem now, it may lead to confusion and unrest. I, your humble servant, dare to speak my mind. I hope that Your Majesty will consider my words."

After contemplating for a while, King Zhou said, "Your words are wise. I will cancel the decree."

With that, the courtiers were dismissed, and the king returned to his palace.

Unexpectedly, in the eighth year of King Zhou's reign, in the fourth month of summer, all the major feudal lords from throughout the kingdom gathered with their vassals, totaling eight hundred leaders, and assembled at the Shang capital.

These four regional lords were Dongbo Hou Jiang Huan of Chu, Nanbo Hou E Chongyu, Xibo Hou Ji Chang, and Beibo Hou Chonghou Hu. All the feudal lords came to pay their respects in Shang.

At this time, Tai Shi Fei had heard that Minister Wen Zhong was not in the capital and that King Zhou favored Fei Zhong and You Hun. The two ministers constantly whispered in the king's ear with flattery and cunning words, influencing his decisions.

They exploited the king's favoritism to their advantage. Among all the feudal lords, there was one named Hou Su Hu from Jizhou. Su Hu was known for his upright and unwavering character, and he paid no heed to bribery or deception.

Whenever he observed injustice or unlawful conduct, he would enforce the law and administer punishments without leniency. Consequently, he had not presented gifts to these two ministers in the past.

As fate would have it, on this day, the two ministers reviewed the tributes and offerings brought by the feudal lords. They noticed that all the lords had presented gifts, except for Su Hu, who had not included any gifts. This angered them greatly, and they harbored resentment.

On New Year's Day, in the early morning, the king held his court, gathering officials from both civil and military ranks. They all paid their respects and congratulated the king.

A eunuch then announced, "This year, Your Majesty, is the Year of Tribute, and all the feudal lords from across the realm have assembled outside the Wu Gate, awaiting the issuance of Your Majesty's decree."

King Zhou turned to his Prime Minister Shang Rong for advice.

Shang Rong said, "Your Majesty, you may summon the leaders of the four regional territories and inquire about the local customs, the quality of their lands, the sincerity of their people, their integrity and virtuousness, and their graceful behavior. As for the other feudal lords, they may remain outside the Wu Gate for the New Year's greetings."

The king was pleased with Shang Rong's suggestion and said, "Your words are excellent. I shall proceed as you advised."

He then ordered the eunuch to convey his decree, saying, "Summon the leaders of the four regional territories to meet me. The other feudal lords may offer their New Year's greetings outside the Wu Gate."

The four regional lords dressed in their finest attire and adorned themselves with jade ornaments.

They passed over the Nine-Dragon Bridge and reached the Crimson Terrace. They called out and paid their respects, prostrating themselves before the king.

King Zhou expressed his gratitude, saying, "You have all contributed to the prosperity and harmony of my reign. Your governance has pacified the wilderness, and your authority has extended far and wide.

"You have worked diligently, day and night, always concerned that you might not live up to your responsibilities. Although you have made only minor contributions, they are within the scope of your duties.

"Still, they are not enough to repay the vastness of my grace. What is the significance of my slight favor compared to the overwhelming expanse of my heart's kindness? You have my endless gratitude."

Dongbo Hou spoke, saying, "We have the honor of serving Your Majesty as regional lords, responsible for maintaining order in our territories. We tirelessly carry out our duties and have always feared falling short of our responsibilities.

"Even if our contributions are as minor as those of dogs and horses, they are but a small part of our role, not sufficient to repay your boundless grace. Why should you worry about us? Your kindness remains deeply imprinted in our hearts. Your Majesty, we are truly grateful!"

King Zhou's joyous countenance radiated, and he ordered his Prime Minister Shang Rong and Assistant Prime Minister Bi Gan to host a grand feast in the Xianqing Hall. The four lords expressed their thanks and withdrew from the Crimson Terrace to attend the feast in the Xianqing Hall.

After the morning court session, the king retired to his private chamber and summoned Fei Zhong and You Hun.

He inquired, "Previously, you both advised me to order the regional lords of the Four Zhens to send beautiful women. I was about to issue the decree, but it was opposed by Shang Rong.

"Now that the Four Zhens are here, should I summon them tomorrow and issue the decree in their presence? This way, once they return to their regions, they can easily select and send the women, saving them the trouble of traveling back and forth. What are your thoughts on this?"

Fei Zhong prostrated himself and said, "Prime Minister Shang Rong wisely opposed the selection of beautiful women.

"Your Majesty, by heeding his counsel and suspending the decree, you demonstrate your virtue. This decision is well-known among the officials and common people, earning their admiration. Suddenly reinstating the decree would not only fail to gain the trust of your subjects but also undermine your reputation.

"I recently discovered that Lord Su Hu of Jizhou has a daughter who possesses exceptional beauty, grace, and virtue. If she is chosen to enter the palace and serve in the harem, it would be a suitable choice. Additionally, selecting just one woman will not disturb the lives of the common people."

King Zhou was delighted by Fei Zhong's words and said, "Your advice is excellent!"

He immediately ordered a palace attendant to deliver a message, saying, "Summon Su Hu."

The messenger arrived at the government office and delivered the message, "Lord Su Hu, His Majesty summons you for a discussion on state affairs."

Su Hu followed the messenger and arrived at the Longde Hall. After paying his respects, he prostrated himself, awaiting the king's commands.

The king said, "I have heard that you have a daughter of outstanding beauty and virtuous character, reserved and graceful in her demeanor. I wish to select her to serve in my harem.

"As a noble of the realm, you shall enjoy the blessings of the throne, maintain peace in Jizhou, and bask in prosperity. Your fame will spread across the four seas, and the people will admire you greatly. What do you think of my proposal?"

Su Hu, with a stern expression, replied, "Your Majesty, in your harem, there are consorts and concubines numbering in the thousands, each enchanting and alluring. They are more than capable of pleasing your eyes and ears.

"Listening to the flattery and seductive words of your attendants, you have fallen into unrighteousness. Moreover, my daughter possesses modest looks and simple qualities.

"She lacks the knowledge of etiquette and has neither the virtue nor the beauty to qualify for such an honor. I implore Your Majesty to focus on governing the state, remove these wicked counselors, and show the world that you are devoted to self-improvement and righteousness.

"Do not become a ruler who indulges in pleasures and leads the nation to ruin. A wise ruler's love for women can lead to the destruction of the state. A minister's love for women can lead to the devastation of ancestral temples.

"Even commoners who love women can become treacherous. I fear that the prosperity built by the Shang family over six hundred years will be jeopardized by Your Majesty's actions."

Hearing Su Hu's words, King Zhou was overcome with anger and exclaimed, "You dare to defy my will! You were summoned without waiting for my chariot, and you dare to speak against my wishes. You have shown disrespect beyond measure. Seize him and take him out of the Wu Gate. Deliver him to the Legalist officials for investigation and punishment!"

His attendants promptly apprehended Su Hu and escorted him away. King Zhou then turned his attention back to Fei Zhong and You Hun, who were still in the hall.

They prostrated themselves before the king and said, "Su Hu has defied your orders, and it is right to investigate him. However, since you intended to select his daughter, this incident might tarnish your reputation.

"If you pardon him and allow him to return to his domain, he will likely send his daughter to the palace as a tribute willingly. This way, the people will perceive you as a benevolent ruler who listens to counsel and forgives transgressions, while also rewarding those who have contributed. It's a win-win situation. We humbly request Your Majesty's approval."

Hearing their counsel, King Zhou's countenance eased slightly,

and he said, "I shall follow your advice. Issue a pardon for him and allow him to return to his domain. He should not be detained in the capital for too long."