
Invasion of the Unknown

BlackOutGaming · sci-fi
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: The answer to defeating them!

Year 3078

-Outside Tokyo City, Scrap Yard, Wednesday, 5:30 P.M-

It was just a normal day for her, searching for scraps and other materials for the invaders, but sometimes she tried to collect some scraps for herself, so she would be able to make some weapons to try and defeat them.

But it's kinda useless to do that if they're too powerful for us to defeat them they are indestructible.

-30 minutes later-

-Outside Tokyo City, Scrap Yard, Wednesday, 6:00 P.M-

It started to rain and there was a lot of thunder heard. As she was searching for some materials for herself, she got caught by the 'Watchers'.

[Creature Biology:

Name: Staysus Watcher

Height: 250cm/8'2''

Rank: ???

Job: To monitor mankind and to exterminate those who disobey them in any way.]

"Tch shit why now of all times," said Iako annoyed. The watcher started to come closer to her and got ready to shoot her with its beam, she got ready to run and it started shooting her. But she kept dogging its shots and running away from it. As she kept running she took the wrong turn and was meet with a dead-end, "well, this is not good.." as she looks behind her, she saw that the Watcher was behind her and was getting closer to her, ready to shoot, "it looks like I messed up heh..I had a good run.. sorry Shirai but it looks like I won't be able to make it back this time..", but at that moment, thunderstruck and hit the Watcher. For a moment it stopped moving, but then it just collapsed to the floor.

"Huh?.. What just happened? Did it...shut down or something?" Iako asked herself quietly as she slowly started approaching the Hunter that just collapsed and her suspicions were correct, it shut down and it won't get up anytime soon. "Is that...how we defeat those things?..", she spoke quietly and then became relaxed and gets a smirk because now they have a way to defeat these beings that kept control of us for these past 15 years.

[Character Biology

Name: Sama Iako

Age: 18

Height: 173 cm/ 5' 8''

Specialty: Engeniring]

"Now to inform Shirai of what has panned here and that he checks its programming, to see if we can make them help us instead", she grinned again and looks at her watch, it's called the Hollow Watch with which she can communicate with, and calls Shirai. After a few seconds of ringing, a hologram of a boy showed up. "Hey, Shirai guess what?" Shirai just sighed and looked at Iako "What did you do this time?", "Hey come on don't be like that anyway something... unexpected happened" He motioned his hand for her to continue "And that is?..". "Well, I may or may not be standing beside a shut down a Staysus Watcher" when Shirai heard that, he fell off his chair and disappeared from the hologram but then quickly stood up and went back to the holo watch "WAIT YOU'RE BESIDE WHAT?! HOW?!!" Iako sighed and in a calm manner replied "ok first of all...CALM DOWN! Jeez I'll explain-"

-After the explanation-

"-and that's how it got deactivated and it looks like it won't be getting up anymore" Shirai took a deep breath and sighed then he started jumping around like a mad man "WOOO HOO! You know what this means right Iako!" as Iako grinned she replied, "yeah, we'll finally be able to defeat these beings" he was smiling ear to ear "that's right! Now just give me the coordinates to where you are and I'll come to you to look at the coding for the Staysus Watcher" Iako noded "right I'm sending you the coordinates right now, see you here in a few minutes". As the call finished the hologram of Shirai disappeared and she waited for his arrival.

[Character Biology

Name: Watanabe Shirai

Age: 18

Height: 180 cm/ 5' 11''

Specialty: Hacking]

-Outside Tokyo City, Scrap Yard, Wednesday, 6:15 P.M-

After a few minutes of waiting, Shirai showed up with his van, he stepped out of his van and went to greet Iako, "hey Iako so where is this Staysus Watcher you told me about?" as Iako showed him to the shutdown Watcher, he became surprised "Wow! So you weren't lying when you told me that there is a shutdown Staysus Watcher". "well anyways let's start with the look of its coding, help me carry it to my van" as Iako complied, she helped him drag the Staysus Watcher to his van so he would be able to decode it much easier.

After they finally got the Staysus Watcher inside the van, Shirai started the decoding. "Wow, its source code is so fascinating! To think they had such advanced technology in coding" Iako sighs a bit as she starts thinking of a new weapon to engineer and goes get her sketchbook and starts sketching it out. After a few minutes had passed, Iako became curious about something "hey Shirai? Is it possible to make this Staysus Watcher work for our side like it can gather some information that we don't know off?", Shirai became curious as well and grinned "that's not such a bad idea Iako, I'll see what I can do.".

-Outside Tokyo City, Scrap Yard, Wednesday, 6:45 P.M-

After a few minutes have passed, as if in sync they both finished what they were doing and looked at each other "alright the coding for the Staysus Watcher is complete, now to take it outside for a test run" As Iako nodded, they then took the Staysus Watcher outside of Shari's van. "Okay here goes nothing.." He turned it on, as it started to stand up, they started getting a bit nervous but in the goggles from the switch, they shoot their beams at, they weren't a red color but it was a dark purple. They took a sigh of relief and smiled "looks like we did it huh?" Iako nodded to his statement and they both looked at the now active Staysus Watcher that was now on their side.

To be continued...

Do you have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

BlackOutGamingcreators' thoughts