
Inuyasha the next generation (Chapter Two)

RainHearts87 · Anime und Comics
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Inuyasha the next generation (Chapter Two)

Inuyasha had been visiting Kagome's grave. it had been a while since he could bring himself to do so. And shippo was standing there with him, now a grown man. A handsome young fox, who was still a loner. But was always hanging around Inuyasha and the others. He was there to help Inuyasha cope with what had happened. To lend his support as well.

Shippo: "...I miss her.."

Inuyasha nodded as he knew his pain.

Inuyasha: "I know Shippo, I miss her too."

He let Inani and Shippo stay with her a little longer to visit with her. As his daughter Inani had brought her mother, her favorite flowers laying them upon her grave. Kaede was waiting as she was also saddened by Kagome's tragic death. As Inuyasha remembered placing her down kissing her on the forehead as he caressed her face with his fingertips one last time, before Kaede began to bury her. Inuyasha lowered his head and was silent. How could this happen he hated it. And though he was mad enough to rip villages apart he kept calm and dealt with it, and the pain. She lived a long and happy life with him, this he knew. And now she was no longer suffering. She was finally at peace. Inuyasha started back to the house as he went to find Hoshimaru, his son. Who was enraged hitting a near by tree by the river, where Kagome and Inuyasha almost had their first kiss. Inuyasha walked over to him grabbing Hoshi's hand, that was bloody and somewhat almost broken. Hoshimaru glared up at him and tried to jerk away, he was never good at dealing with hurtful emotions least of all this. Inuyasha held him tightly hugging him as Hoshi hit his chest crying as Hoshi's silver hair gleamed in the moonlight. His ears lay back as he lowered his head, he felt awful sick even. But Inuyasha didn't leave his side. He allowed him to take out his anger and grief upon him.

Hoshimaru: "Why.. why couldn't you save her?.. dad why!?"

Inuyasha narrowed his eyes down at Hoshi, and shook his head as he gripped Hoshimaru's shoulders leaning down to where he was eye to eye with him.

Inuyasha: "Don't you think for one second I wanted to?! If I could... I... I..."

Then Inuyasha wept as Hoshimaru saw him he hugged his dad as they both embraced one another. Hoshi felt terrible he almost blamed his father for his mothers death. But what he didn't realize was that he wasn't the only one hurting.

Inuyasha: "I wanted to save her, more than anything.. but I couldn't.. I failed her.."

As he wept, Hoshimaru lifted his head to make his father look at him. As he slowly smiled.

Hoshimaru: "No father, you didn't. She's at peace now, I know that and I am sorry I just wish she wasn't gone. I'll go back and check on Inani now, don't be long "

As he hugged Inuyasha and then ran back toward the hut. Inyasha felt lonely as he sat there remembering the good times, the fond memories he and Kagome shared on that one spot. He smiled as he lowered his head.

Inuyasha: "I guess, you'll look down on me now won't you ..Kagome.. I will never forget you.. or forget that you were ever born to meet me."

( Ten long years had passed and now Hoshimaru was on his 20th birthday. Inani was now fifteen and they both looked just like their father. Though Inani resembled Kagome's features. Inuyasha dressed in his normal every day clothes as he and Miroku were off "expelling demons from humble villages for profit" as always it was Miroku's idea. Sesshomaru had returned and taken Rin as his wife as she was now of age and could live with him. Miroku and Sango's daughters along with their son were now in their teens age as well. Shippo was turning into quite the stud as he was now as tall as Inuyasha and in his 20's. Though Sango's daughter took a great interest in him. New changes had occurred as Akiru "Naraku's spawn" had not attacked them for sometime. Inuyasha knew something was up but didn't know what.)

In the future time, (The Present) Kagome's mother & Grandfather had passed away. Sota had allowed His & his sisters childhood friend to move into the house with him. She was looking at her last day through school. though Sota was one step ahead of her. Everything looked different as they had remodeled the house and Sota had told Haru of the stories about Kagome's adventures. He didn't know what had become of his sister, all he knew was that she had married Inuyasha and decided to live in the feudal era. Since Haru's arrival she hadn't told Sota but she had found a single pink jewel laying on the ground in the dirt outside of Kagome's old room window. Which was now her own. She had cleaned and washed it and made it into a necklace. Though always tucking it into her shirt. Sota never knew and left on vacation as Haru took a day to relax at the house she had just finished her final exams and was tired. She hadn't had much sleep lately. From the horrible nightmares she kept experiencing every night since she had gotten there.

The next day, Haru had just gotten in from School she had Graduated and was still in her blue and white uniform and walked over to her mirror and looked inside of it, as she did she felt strange her head began to hurt as she was brushing her hair and so she looked down for a moment and then back up and her eyes widened as she saw someone else besides her in the mirror in strange medieval clothing. She backed away as she tripped ending up on her floor then held her head "oww!....." then she looked back up and the image was gone. "what... was that..?" she shook her head and got up as she needed to shower so she shrugged it off. As she did she suddenly kept hearing thumping noises like a heart beat as she stepped out of the shower dried and dressed herself, she began to walk she made it to the shrine outside of her house. She placed her ears to the sliding wooden door and noticed the noise was coming from inside so she opened it shaking all over, but soon as she did the noise stopped. She walked in and noticed the old well as she walked down the wooden stairs to it and looked inside "Hmm, that's strange.." she then shrugged and turned to walk away from it.

A voice began to bathe the air just behind her, the almost sinful touch of seduction rose to whispers. The sweet and alluring charm of a well versed temptress, it came from just directly behind her now. She stopped "what...?" she turned around looking back at the well as her feet approached one after the other until her hands were touching the wooden well. She looked down into it feeling a strange breeze coming from it. "what..is going on?" here eyes widened as she was peering inside. "Thinking of coming down sweetie, we've got candy you know"

It was a witty joke, one that rose with giggling laughter, like listening to soft rolls of the tongue. Those warm words beckoning her just to come down, nothing ensnared her though. Her eyes widened more "a voice? from the well?" she shook her head "what the?" she started to back away as the whispers were making her uneasy "I'm in a bad dream.. that's right.." she laughed nervously. Wind rose and pushed straight from the well, the smell of trees, the waving flowers from down below. The voice resided further below, and as if to disprove her once more those rolling sounds came from one imagined to have elegant features. "Come down here, let me show you a real dream.."

Her eyes widened once more as she slowly approached the well. Placing her hands down upon it and looking in as she gasped "A.. sky?!" she rubbed her eyes thinking she was seeing illusions again. As she slowly leaned over further she saw birds fly by "what!?"

The warm flutter of heat rose passed soon, a hand truly reached out now, giving her, granting her temptation. Her Grams was in for a visit and she wanted to go back inside to tell her what was taking place but then, Her eyes were shaky, her body leaning forward until she fell "aaaahhhh!! Grams!!" she yelled out for her grams as she fell closing her eyes soon hitting the bottom of the well laying on her back. As her eyes slowly began to shift open she saw the sky and heard the birds chirping. "what... happened...?" she rose up running her head as she looked down at the ground "EK!" she jumped to her feet. "Bones!?" she backed up touching the brick wall. Then looked up "I gatta get out of here.." She gripped the sides of the well and climbed till she made it out throwing her legs over the side and sitting on it looking around. Her eyes widened as she did so "what the?... where? am I.."

Before her was a woman, garbed and dressed in fine silk, a kimono peerless among any other. her hair was loosely falling along her shoulders, the raven black struck with streaks of lining perfection. She seemed almost capable, by looks alone to lure anyone whom came close into her clutches. Those lavender swirls dancing about with playful eminence from their warm depths. Her figure was shown plain and clear, both petite and well endowed on all scales.

Her eyes widened "what .." her hands raised to her own head "I'm dreaming I'm dreaming!" she smacked her head "wake up come on wake up!" she smacked her own head a few more times. Noticing the woman was still standing there, Haru stood up, her long black wavy strands dancing in the wind, her blue eyes peering at her curious yet nervous. flawless ivory skin shown through parts of her Blue and white uniform, white socks with brown leather shoes upon her feet. She swallowed hard looking unfamiliar to most there, and unsuspecting of the woman's intentions "Who are you? .. what do you want? where am I?" she looked worried but kept a strong composure.

Lavishing and dashing almost in her looks she began to take steps that showed she sauntered on closer. Just each sway was slow, taken and used in an easy manner, her body moving just below for each one. She had perfection, everything could bask in the open, and be noticed from her own flawless features. Those oncoming orbs of lavender were proving to her she in fact was not in the hands of sleep. She would prove it, but just another moment, a delicate and small hand rose to touch against the other woman's skin. The creamy smooth brush always shown with the familiar scene of scarlet nails.

Her eyes widened as she looked into the woman's eyes backing away "Is this some kind of joke? why are you dressed in those strange clothes?" just then her heart felt heavy as if the same heart beat noise she had heard from the well before falling in. Only this time beneath her chest "ow.. what.. Mmmm.." her knee's giving weigh as she felt she would collapse though not understanding what was happening, instinct told her to reach at her chest as she did the necklace that she was wearing as she pulled it from under her shirt a soft pink jewel dangled from it, the very one she had found in the dirt and cleaned up the day they moved into that house. She watched it as it pulsed in her hand. Then she looked at the woman "what is.. this.." her heart hurting more now she tucked it back into her shirt and took off running not knowing where she was going but only into the woods until she reached a clearing and seen the very tree that was where she had eaten her lunches only it looked different covered in vines. "what??.." she cringed at the pain once more looking behind her for the woman.

Not a sight of her was shown, in truth she was powerful in such a way she wasn't found so easy. the cover of trees kept her concealed, with decorative ease upon her coming closer. She stumbled over to the great tree, putting her weight against it as the pain was taking her breath. Almost smothering to her, she held her chest looking around "what is going on.. " she looked about as she saw no buildings, only miles of trees and fields. She then lowered her head "It's hopeless.. I am obviously not home.. I'm in a nightmare.." she tried to control her breathing.

Soon a soft sound, a whispered scuttle of both grass and leaves sent scattering about. The woman came only in a wisp of breath, landing on both feel elegantly. She knew little, except what this woman was doing.

Her eyes widened as she let out a scream hoping someone anyone would hear her "AH!!! HELP!! SOMEBODY!!!!" she then coughed as she tried to run as she did stumbling the whole way. Reaching a dirt road and seeing what appeared to be a village a mile down. she felt she couldn't catch her breath enough to make it there. as she fell to her knee's gasping and looking behind her. "no... *cough..gasp* what... is she..?" she was breathing fast like trying to catch her breath still holding her chest.

A whispered growl suddenly strode straight through without another moment it would seem. The woman soon froze, upon hearing it she retreated in fear, rushing away with a blaze of speed. Not paying attention and still gasping for breath she continued to hold her chest though she heard the growl she slowly raised her head to look around seeing the woman fade away like in a stream of color. Her eyebrows curled "huh..? the woman is gone.. thank goodness.."

White as snow, came the flash of colors, the body of something more or less humanoid came from nowhere. Just then and there it was bounding through the tricks, faint flashes of white came from all around from time to time, closing in on her. Her head raised seeing a person faint in the distance afraid thinking it was the same woman after her she managed to get to her feet and make it to the great tree once again resting against it still standing with her back to it, as she watched around her black bangs fell over her eyes.


The colors of heaven strode forward, hair was soon found, long and much to familiar to someone else of the past. it was closing in on her, the soft and peaceful look came from these strange almost golden eyes, thick with the enriched color. Hoshimaru was coming in closer, so familiar were her features, resembling a woman he once knew perhaps those colors drew him in? Who knows, he thought to himself, he would keep advancing in a subtle manner.

As the sound of steps were heard, she stood there on alert as she looked about the landscape with watchful eyes. Surrounded by tree's and plants. She worried what was coming towards her. Holding her chest, that was ever hurting her more and more she took out the jewel holding it in her hand as her long black hair fell over her shoulders as she lowered her head looking at the jewel. "why.. does this make me feel like... I can't..b-breathe.." seeing it pulse she then gripped it with her fingertips and looked up once more.

The darkened colors of crimson robed his body, long and flowing white drifted atop his head and passed through the air. He neared, but suddenly vanished without warning, drifting from her perceptible gaze, now left imperceptible. His curious eyes did linger on her, now hidden in the shadow of branches for cover. His head tilting, was it...mother? No he thought, it couldn't be, but there was a slightly striking resemblance enough to trick him. Soon, he gave away his spot, landing meters from her, smacking those bare foot feet down.

Her eyes widened as she gasped landing against the tree with her back, with her hands still at her chest. Her eyes darted up and down glancing at him as her blue eyes then met his, striking golden hues. "H-Huh?... uh..um... " she was speechless then she noticed his ears. She felt even more shocked. This guy definitely wasn't like the people back in her home town. Now she knew either she was dreaming or she slipped into another world some how. Could it be? that Kagome's mother's stories of her adventures were true? what Sota said was true? no, couldn't be. Locked eyes with him and unmoving she trembled slightly. He was beyond handsome but fearsome. His eyes weren't natural. And he had dog ears!

He began to drift in closer, one cautious step just came right after the other. His ears just above twitching about, the same look of curiosity washed into both of his wondering eyes. Was she..mother? Had she finally returned by some force? it couldn't, it just couldn't be! He spoke it almost allowed, his lips seeming to move with those same words. There was less and less distance between them..locked and transfixed, suddenly asking, the one single defying question...who was it?

Her eyes kept locked on him, her heart pounding ever so hard as she breathed faster the closer he got. Was this, the dog guy she heard about through Mrs Higurashi? surely not.. but then. the white long flowing hair, the doggy ears and those golden eyes. A striking resemblance to his father Inuyasha who she'd heard so much about. She felt her body quiver a bit as she watched him, the red robe of the fire rat as well. No.. she thought. Her lips parted as she went to speak "Inu-yasha?.." not even meaning to she blurted out the words thinking this was the same guy from Kagome's story that Sota told her. still even so watched him steadily.

She knew..the name of his father? Was she an acquaintance perhaps, he was almost seeming to go on the defensive now. He inched in closer though he could be mistaken for his father because he wore his old clothes and looked identical but had not his necklace of subjugation, and without any warning in advance his thumb touch her chin, a part of his hand tilted her. her head rose upwards in his directions, deeper his gaze bore into her eyes already knowing her to not be his mother, but yet...they bore a striking resemblance, and like the klutz he was at times, he said..."Mother?" And just then, one could not even fathom what might happen..

"Hicka?!" Her eyes widened, mother? she thought. no this wasn't Inuyasha. Who was he?? her son? but he couldn't be could he? in a sense her eye brows curled as her eyes did narrow along with the expression of curiosity, her cheeks were now tinted pink. She placed her hand on his chest gently and as she leaned in as if to hug him. her hands then reached up passed his face (I think I wanna touch'em..) she thought to herself. as she began fondling his ears, rubbing her fingertips on them feeling them as her face then had a somewhat serious expression on it while she was doing so. "Wow.. they are real...." she muttered in a whisper. A shocked expression soon met her as well.

At first he was grimacing, his expression was deepening with embarrassment once she was touching his long and perked ears. As she progressively stroked those tender and sensitive parts, his wondrous and thick furred ears he began to grind his teeth slightly. Yes indeed, this young dog demon had a little temper, and now he was embarrassed! (I swear if she does not stop that, I-Imma! I dunno, something!) Those words resounded in his head. His face steadily growing red.

She then stopped, retracting her hands to her chest and let out a sigh. Now that, that's out of my system. She looked at him and cringed seeing his mad expression "I.. I am so sorry! did that offend you!?" she blurted once again with such intent waving her arms about.

"L-Lady, what is wrong with you?!"

Fiery, embarrassed, not the best combination for this guy, they burst out without him being sure of the right way to show them. His chest began to suck in, as did his stomach, steam could almost be seen from his ears.

She covered her face with her hand as small spouts of mumbled laughter could be heard, as she then dropped her hand and started laughing uncontrollably "hahaha..." she held her belly and wiped tears from her eyes she was laughing so hard. "I'm haha... sorry you just.. look so funny haha..." she giggled as she looked up at him.

(Sh-She's just standing there laughing at me!?, without even wondering?! AUGH!) They screamed about in his head all over, his ears rearing back all of a sudden. Suddenly, he only said. "Sh-Shaddup!"

She then stopped wiping her eyes "I'm.. I'm sorry.. but who are you?" she looked up at him with her blue eyes. And all seriousness really wondering who he was and what he was. "I.. knew Kagome's mother.. do you know Kagome? You look like the dog boy her mother told stories about.." still being rather close to him she blushed a little awaiting his response.

He began to turn his head, in just one direction all of a sudden without warning. That name...he knew it, his mother's name resounded clear on this beautiful ladies lips. "That's my mother, ya know her?" He spoke kind of brashly, like he didn't have the best training in respect.

She nodded "I did.. I was her childhood friend but then I had to move.. I live in her house now.." she looked up at him and let out a soft sigh "forgive my manners, I'm a little overwhelmed here.. my name is Haru, I was pretty much taken in by her family when I was young..." she blushed slightly. As she looked around still a bit nervous wondering if that woman was going to come back for her. "this is a weird dream... " she muttered once more out loud.

(Relax man, just relax! She just came here by accident and are her...cheeks red? Wh-Why are mine..!?.) Indeed, he didn't notice till he saw hers, but once she was done speaking he was silent. The woman's presence was gone, he had driven her off with his roar.

She sighed and looked at him now a bit nervous of his silence. she placed her hands on her hips "well speak dog boy!" she pouted out her lips. "this dream doesn't write itself ya know.." still thinking she was dreaming she merely thought her subconscious put her in Kagome's feudal japan. Where the story told of a shikon jewel how she constantly battled to protect it and how she was always protected and loved by a dog boy. She lowered her head "what's your name?" she muttered softly un-noticing of that fact she was blushing. had she knew this was a real place and not a dream she'd be more nervous.

The word (dog boy!) They roamed and flew throughout his ears, his left eye twitched just once. (D-Did she just...) It passed on by, unlike his father he somehow was able to return to being calm. And with her next question he answered slowly "My name is.. Hoshimaru just call me Hoshi"

She smiled somewhat "so your.. her son.. Kagome's .. I mean.." she looked up at him with starry like eyes. Then placed her hands on her face and blushed more. "wow, to think I would dream up something as cool as this.. and he's handsome too.." she closed her eyes and giggled a bit.

(End Of Chapter Two)