
Chapter 15 One Candy_2

Translator: 549690339


"So, what do you plan to do after school and on weekends?"

"Actually, I never really hung out with them much, but like you said, if I roam around aimlessly, it's indeed possible that I might get targeted by some messy guys..."

Lin Xingjie's expression suddenly became a bit strange.

"Looks like I can only stay at home obediently."

It was apparent that she had quite a resistance to this idea. Although Xu Xiangyang didn't know the reason, this was somewhat good news for him. He tentatively asked:

"Well, if you have free time, maybe you could come to see me?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Xingjie turned her head in surprise and stared at him.

"Finally showing your true colors?"

"...I don't know what you mean, but you've definitely got the wrong idea." Xu Xiangyang answered calmly.

"You always skip classes, and your grades aren't good either. It's hard to catch up on your own. I wanted to help you study, but only if you really want to change."

"Haven't I already promised you? Why would I be unwilling? Yes, you're absolutely right. As a student, the first step to change should start with studying." The girl shook her head, "If there's a problem, it's that my family can't afford a tutor."

Xu Xiangyang frowned immediately.

"What are you talking about? I would never charge you."

"That's exactly why I feel sad." Lin Xingjie cut him off, "I always trouble you too much, and I feel bad about it."

"Don't worry about that." He explained, "Helping others learn can also be considered as a part of revision."

He wasn't lying. Whenever a classmate asked Xu Xiangyang for help, he never refused, largely because of this thinking.

"...It seems like I'm owing you more and more. What if I can't pay you back in the future?"

Xu Xiangyang hadn't expected that his own words would be thrown back at him, and so he answered with a laugh:

"As long as you're willing to learn, my effort won't go to waste. Of course, if you slack off or start to find it tedious, I'll definitely leave you behind and stop caring."

This time, Lin Xingjie didn't argue, but just gave him a deep look and then said nothing.

Xu Xiangyang felt that this was tantamount to agreement.

Until they left the street, returned to the darkness, and walked shoulder to shoulder back to the alley, until Xu Xiangyang said goodbye in front of Lin Xingjie's house, the smile on his face never faded away.


Several days passed after that, but Lin Xingjie was nowhere to be seen. Could it be that she regretted what she said after their conversation? Xu Xiangyang felt annoyed, but he instinctively felt that wasn't the case.

One morning, he woke up from his bed, glanced at the clock on his desk, and realized he was up almost twenty minutes earlier than usual.

After dressing, Xu Xiangyang left his bedroom and saw scattered documents piled on the couch, realizing his sister had come home while he was asleep.

"She's really busy..."

While brushing his teeth in front of the mirror, Xu Xiangyang mumbled to himself with a mouth full of toothpaste foam.

Just then, there came a series of urgent knocks on the door, like raindrops.

Startled, he rinsed his mouth, wiped his face hastily with a towel, and rushed to the door.

"Who is it?"

Opening the safety door from the inside and looking through the iron gate, Xu Xiangyang saw a long-haired girl grinning and standing with her hands behind her back.

"Hello, it's me."

Lin Xingjie greeted him cheerily with a wave of her hand.

"Good morning. What's up?"

"I've come to hang out with you."

What time is it even? Xu Xiangyang felt a bit overwhelmed by the girl's enthusiasm.

"You've come over this early in the morning..."

"What, from the look on your face, is there something you're unhappy about?"

Lin Xingjie suddenly looked displeased and frowned as she spoke.

"I'm here of my own accord, you should be happy about it."

"Who would be happy being disturbed?"

Xu Xiangyang shook his head, keeping a straight face as he opened the iron gate.

"I'm intruding then, should I change my shoes?"

Xu Xiangyang passed her a pair of slippers.

The girl bent down in front of him to take off her sneakers, revealing her white socks. Her long, smooth black hair nearly touched the ground.

"Is it just you at home?"

As Lin Xingjie raised her head, she seemed unsteady on one foot and looked as if she were about to fall over. Xu Xiangyang tried to help her in a panic, but she skillfully supported herself against the shoe cabinet and stood up straight.

"Yes, it's just me..."

Xu Xiangyang felt awkward trying to withdraw his hand, but she seized it firmly.

He was taken aback.

The soft touch from his palm, the warmth from the girl's skin felt like the gentle cascade of the morning's first ray of sunlight upon him.

"Here, have a candy."


Lin Xingjie smiled and said to him.

Xu Xiangyang spread out his palm and found several banknotes in the center, along with... a large White Rabbit creamy candy.

"I came to repay the money you treated me to that day."

The girl looked around curiously, taking in the room's decor.

"Too bad, I was actually hoping to meet your sister as well."

Xu Xiangyang unwrapped the candy and tossed the milk candy with its glutinous rice wrapper into his mouth, mumbling.

Hmm, it's sweet.

"No problem at all."

"Really? That's great, maybe we can meet up sometime?"

"But only when my sister is free."

"I hardly ever get to see her; cops are really busy. Did she catch any big cases recently?"

Xu Xiangyang hesitated, not saying anything.

His sister had once called him, and as long as he reminded her, she certainly wouldn't tell anyone. But if this curious girl found out, she might pester him for details, and that would be problematic.

Luckily, Lin Xingjie seemed to just mention it in passing and quickly changed the subject.

"Shall we go have breakfast together later?"

She stopped in her tracks, stood in the living room, and looked up at the wall covered in awards, asking softly.

The morning sunlight lazily seeped into the room through the curtains, like a surreal river flowing over the tiles and walls, and a golden light painted a faint halo on the girl's long black hair and white school uniform shirt. Xu Xiangyang stood behind Lin Xingjie, staring at her back and feeling a bit dazed.

"Hm? Why aren't you speaking?" she turned around, puzzled.

"Uh, no, nothing... You mentioned breakfast? Sure, that sounds good."

"Great. I've been wanting to try that pancake stall outside the east gate of the complex."

Seeing Lin Xingjie's nonchalant attitude, it was obvious she was making an excuse. She beat around the bush, hesitant to speak directly, seemingly hiding another purpose.

Xu Xiangyang thought for a moment and tentatively asked:

"Lin Xingjie, did you come here to invite me to go to school together?"

"Ha? Don't flatter yourself, okay!"

Lin Xingjie, who had been concentrating on the photos of the siblings on the wall, nearly jumped in shock.


Xu Xiangyang, due to his lack of friends, was a bit slow to react in this area, and seeing Lin Xingjie's resistant attitude, he felt confused and a bit disappointed as he scratched his cheek.

"What's the problem? I really wanted to go to school with you, and I was hoping we could walk home together after school every day."

If he and Lin Xingjie were only together on the way to and from school but acted like strangers to each other during school, as if she were thin air, they could hardly be considered friends.

"We should find time to chat at school too, and it would be best to do something fun together..."


This time it was Lin Xingjie who became coy.

"I, I understand, since you put it that way... No, that's not the point."

The girl coughed and then spoke in a serious tone.

"What I mean is, regardless of what happens later, for these next few days, you'd better stick with me."


"Of course, to protect you."

Protect me...

Although Lin Xingjie declared it as if it were the most natural thing, Xu Xiangyang quickly realized she was referring to the group of school bullies they had offended. However, he still found it a bit difficult to accept.

This was a problem they both needed to face together, and besides, even if it was about "protection," common sense said it should be him, as the boy, stepping up to protect her, right?

"It should be me protecting you, right?"

To Xu Xiangyang's objection, she showed neither shyness nor anger, only revealing a slight smile and responding softly.

"Okay then, I'm counting on you."

The girl raised one hand towards herself.

The same gesture as that day.

Xu Xiangyang paused for a moment, then quickly raised his hand and bumped fists with her.


"Oh, there's one more thing."

As they were about to leave the house, Lin Xingjie suddenly said.

"I'll tell you at school. I have something to show you."


"—Do you remember... the incident in the alley a few days ago?"

The girl beside him took a deep breath, as if she had made up her mind.