
Into The Unknown Omniverse: Pokémon Edition

Nero or also known as Luke from his past life, Was given a chance by The Creator to be reincarnated for saving one of his creations. The Creator gave Nero 4 wishes along with his reincarnation. 2 of those wishes are his new reincarnated world(Naruto) and his future adult appearance (Nero from DMC's Game Series and a more mature and handsome version of Nero) while the other 2 wishes are Omni-Travel System and to be accompanied by Kyrie(A.I System Guide also known as Earth-Chan) After being tired of fighting and gruesome killing of Shinobis, Demons, and Other Entities from the worlds that he traveled to. Nero decided to change pace and decided to relive his childhood memories and dream, He decided to travel to the world of Pokémon. but unknown to him the world of Pokémon is not peaceful as he thinks before. Follow the journey of Nero traveling to the world of Pokémon, by Catching, Training the Pokémons that he catches along his journey, and battling his way to the Pokémon League to become the greatest Pokémon Master of all time. Authors Note: This story is going to be a future travel world of MC(Nero) this a super-advanced Arc Volume from my other Fanfic Into The Unknown Omniverse. I decided to write a Pokémon Volume and then add it to the Main Story when I completed the story Arc of Naruto World and Other World Arc. Reasons why I made the Advanced Arc Volume: I’m still rewatching and re-reading other Anime, Manga, and other Content for the Main Story. And I also kinda want to write a Pokémon Story so yeah that's all. Image was taken from Devianart and the Original Artist is Digitalninja.

Mizv · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: New World

'So have you decided on what world you like to travel to Nero?' Kyrie said while flying to my side.

(A/N: Please read my Main Fanfic Into The Unknown Omniverse and read the prologue part to know more about the Characters. I also decided to make Kyrie a fairy sprite body like Ramiris from Tensura or Yui from SAO: Alfheim Online. This thing will also be added to the main storyline.)

"Yeah, I have already decided what world I want to travel into. I decided to go to the world of Pokémon, I feel exhausted from fighting and killing other beings. I think I need a change of pace in my life. " I said

'Yup that's good. I also think you need a break from fighting and killing things. I don't want you to become a murderous battle maniac.' Kyrie said.

"Yeah. So it's just like the other travel right? I will a have a suitable family background for the new world." I said asking for a confirmation that it was like my past travels.

'Yes, a suitable family background will be made for you, and just like the others, Granda Ray will be your known guardian for it. And besides Arceus is one of the Avatar of father from the lower realms so it will be easy. Also are you not going to change somethings? Like the timeline of your arrival? Or age wise of a Pokémon trainer?'Kyrie said.

"Ah well let's just make it 5 years before Ash started his journey. Then let's make the age of trainers to start their journey at the age of 16" I said

'Well okay' Kyrie said

(A/N: Granda Ray is the Father Figure of Nero from his past life and also his guardian before. Again read my main fanfic to know the other characters. Also, the Father who Kyrie mentioned is The Creator itself so yeah.)

"Okay then let's go to the world of Pokémon" I happily said and pure white enveloped my body as I entered the world of Pokémon.


*Unknown Location*

When Nero entered the world of Pokémon, Arceus noticed it and contact his master the Creator.

"My lord, How are you today? As of now, I felt the presence of young master Nero and Lady Kyrie entering my world is there anything you want me to do for them?" Arceus said.

"Oh, Arceus it's been a long time since you contacted me hahaha. I'm fine as you know. Well regarding the two of them let them be. They deserve to take a break from all the fighting and killing they did during their travels. Also, you don't need to give them something you know. They will work hard for it and also don't worry about them they will not cause any trouble to your world and to the pokémons and mortals who are living there. Also if you need some help you can ask them. And you also know that you can't meddle with the mortals living there unless it's necessary." The Creator said.

"I understand master. Well, there are brewing problems. I feel that the corruption of Giratina is starting to increase again and I don't know if the distorted world can keep him trapped inside of it and some pokémons and mortals are also being influenced by the corruption. I might need the help of young master Nero for it." Arceus said.

"Well if you need his help you can ask him, you can also give him something for helping you hahaha well I need to go now Arceus you know where to find me and contact me so adios my dear." The Creator said and ended his communication line.

After the creator ended the line. Arceus decided to contact Nero and ask for his help.


When I opened my eyes. I was greeted by the appearance of the God of all Pokémons Arceus.

"Eh? Ahhh. Hi there Arceus is there anything I can help you with? Or is there anything wrong with my presence here in your world? I'm not allowed here?" I said and ask many questions to the Pokémon God.

"Hello there young master Nero, There is nothing wrong with you being here in my world. In fact, I feel honored for choosing my world to travel to. And the reason why I appeared here is to ask for your help." Arceus said

"Ayah, Please stop calling me young master, you can just call me Nero you don't need to add anything. Well if you need help you can count me in. What help do you need Arceus? "I said.

"Well it's about Giratina, I felt his corruption increasing by the day. And I don't know how long can the distorted world can hold him. I also feel the brewing corruption in my world. I would like to ask for your help to investigate the source of corruption and help me subdue them. The corruption is starting to spread from Mortals to the Pokémons." Arceus said.

"Oh my. Corruption again sigh. Well, I will help you handle it but I will not use any killing method for the mortals. I need a break from all the killings. I will only smite the corruption out of them and let the authorities handle them. And for the pokémons, I will also help them. But what do you want me to do to Giratina? He's still one of your creations you know?" I said.

"Well, you can catch him if you want. you can also try to train him and change his bloodthirsty nature if you want. It all depends on you Nero." Acres said.

"Well let's see how well it goes," I said

"Thank you for helping me. For that, I will gladly make your first ever pokémon partner for helping me. Although it is still an Egg. You need to incubate and take care of it." Arceus said.

"Ohhh that's nice of you Arceus. Well, you can surprise me with what pokémon egg you will give me. I'm not choosy when it comes to pokémon hahaha. But can you make it a shiny though?" I said.

"Well, I can do that. I can also teleport you to the nearest city that you want to stay in." Arceus said.

"Thanks. Can you teleport me to Route 1 near Pallet Town at the Kanto Region?" I asked him.

"Okay. The egg will also appear along side with you with its incubator also your family background and papers have finalized when you appear on the world and also it includes introduction letter for that mortal Professor Samuel Oak from your Grandpa Ray. With that I wish you a happy and productive stay at my world." Arceus said and teleported me away.


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