
Inner Conflect

Once the village came into view she seemed to sigh in relief as we got closer to the gate one of the guards seen us though I put my blades into my storage device, I'm probably still dressed in stuff normal people wouldn't wear and to top it off I put on the hood that was packed into the inner part of the top I had kind of like one of the zipped up hoods in some jackets, though it wasn't zipped just stuck in a pocket in the back of the neck.

"Sam who is this?" Guard one

"It's my savior that took out too gross knights from some noble." Sam

"Well we need to still check her out.. but you can go ahead and go in" Guard two

"O-okay.." Sam

She got down off the horse but before she could walk away I grabbed her arm before getting off the horse and it made her even tenser.

"Take the horse and get it a place to rest okay? It's been through a lot today just like you" Jona

Sigh… I hate talking so much…

"O-okay…" Sam

She seemed to understand that the horse needs water and care and besides it isn't mine to begin with but I can't let it rest in front of these guards something is telling me they would try something, luckily my chocker is hidden within my collar of my shirt.

When she left the guards seemed to be more relaxed as if they had a crush on the poor girl.

"Well.. We would like to take you into the guard house to question you on what has happened if you're okay with that." Guard one

"Sure…. If it keeps her safe" Jona

Both guards seemed to relax even more and even nod in agreement as they lead me to the small brick house that seemed to be their guard station or house as they call it kind of like the mid-evil version of police.

Once inside there was an old man looking like he seen too many wars and battles with so many scars over his face and arms, inside plate armor like an old knight of old that you'd see in stories.

"I hear you killed two Knights, even if they were evil it is still a crime." Old man

"So…?" Jona

Like I care if it's a crime it is self defense… and the girl herself was saved so no need for me to say anything even though he shouldn't know the story so fast.

"The girl you saved was my granddaughter" Old man

"Oh… she talked about it?" Jona

"yep… she seemed to be taken you as an idol" Old man

That would explain how he knows… but how fast? And how cliché…. I mean to be able to save the girl that is the granddaughter of the knight caption it's like saying I am inside one of the boring story books so far.

"Before we can go anything we need to see your status, so would you please put your arm on this orb here on the table I can promise you would be the only one other than me that would see it." Old man

I just nodded since I talked to much as is… didn't even like talking to strangers one bit it's like they aren't worth it….

The orb in the middle of the table had a glowing shiny pink… kind of like the pink Amanda loved the most… ew…..

Name: Jona Anders

Age: 14

Gender: Female:

Race: Celrisu/ Sub Race: high-Human

Level: 20

Health: 1,900/1,900

Mana: 1,960/1960

Spiritual Qi: 652/652

Job one <Princess>

Job Two <Cheif>

Class one <Ranger>

Class Two < Swords Woman>

Str: 382

Con: 655

Dex: 760

Int: 530

Wis: 639

Luck: 100

"Pr-Princess!" Old man seemed to change his attitude from a more relaxed to a tense one similar to Sam.

"So?" Jona

"what.. kingdom?" Old man.

He seems to be shaking and I could only tilt my head as I thought of an excuse for the title I had probably use something out of a book I read but nothing really important.

"I… don't know… I lost most of my memory" Jona

"About how much is lost?" Old man

"All of my childhood, and knowledge of the kingdoms of this world… all I know is the name I called myself since I woke up" Jona

Sigh…. Such a pain….

"Well… we can do a research with a magic tool to see where you came from, since your clearly human it will be one of the kingdoms we of this land." Old man.

I… would rather not be caught up in politics…..

"I wouldn't want to be caught up in a war between the royal family… and anything of that matter I had to be thrown into hell for a reason.."

"Well… how about taking a rest and we can get back at this later?" Old man.

"yeah…" Jona

A bath would help lots…

The old man seemed to get up personally and guided me to a inn that seemed to be the only one in this village and some hushed talks with the inn keeper that I couldn't hear before grabbing a key and bringing me to a room that wasn't very good… but smaller then my old poor house room but at least it had a barrel which I am sure would be my bath thing.

"Bath…" Jona

As a maid was walking in the hall I asked or more like said and since I was with the old man I am sure she was faster than normal because she bowed and ran off as anyone could in a maid outfit.

After the bath I felt a lot better as I was lying on the hard bed which was better than that cabin floor… as I fell asleep thinking of why the old man said human because my race is something else….

I was woken up by the smell that came into the room from down stairs I have no idea how my senses was this good, but the smell of food woke me up faster than I could expect since I really only been eating dried food since the trip to the island and to now.

Getting up and noticing that I am practically drooling cause of the smell of cooked vegetables and meat in the air.

Before she could even thing much of the matter she noticed she was dressed already and in the tavern area where they are serving food eyeing the kitchen with great effort.


She tries to control herself better and act like she was waiting on service, and just tried to get the attention of the Inn Attendant lady at the counter.

"OH, How may I help you young lady?" Inn Lady

"Food….." Jona

Before she could even finished her stomach growled as if it was protesting making her embarrassed on the inside but decided to keep her poker face active as to not blush, but it didn't keep Rose from laughing and rolling around in her mind calling her super cute between laughs and the attempt to catch her breath.

"Yes we are serving food may I get you some? But I am sorry since the lack of supplies here all we can do is giving a single bowl of vegetable stew and bread." Inn Lady

"The stew has meat?" Jona

"Yes… it does but it's also best to not ask where it came from" Inn Lady

"Okay… want" Jona

The Inn lady just nodded and went back to the kitchen while she herself made her way to an empty table to sit and keep her ears open for any gossip or interesting topics in this place.

If this… is anything like the stories I read I should be able to figure some stuff out a little of what's going on around these parts though it might just be me being to over thoughtful on their usefulness…

Since most of them were just talking about monsters they've killed, where to stay away from if you didn't have any sort of sneaking ability because of the army there looking for some long lost princess…..




I sure hope that isn't me.

Anyhow as to describe how me and Rose could do this cloning and knew it would work is practically simple boredom one day with nothing to do.

Deciding to really practice more I enter my meditation state after going back to the room after finishing my food.

"I have kicked your ass a bit too much as is. I know you can come in here anytime you want during meditation." Rose

She sighed and then looked back at me with a blade in her hand as if she wanted to fight a lot more than matching the same moves over and over.

"Why not use the swordswoman class?"

"well I would if I knew how too… inside this place isn't like we need the gems right?" Rose

"This place is a type of Domain spell similar to illusions, but mostly a dream state inside the mind that's why we can talk to each other. Other words a mind trick where I trick my mind into believing into reality of this" Jona

Rose seemed to understand and thought of the class change of her own and gem with a swordswoman appeared in front of her and shined brightly when she grabbed it and the air around her changed as if she herself seemed to be more beautiful than normal.

But she seems to still have quite a bit…. Of blade dancer in her since even now she looks like she's about to dance instead of fighting….

"Jona, I am going to try to act a bit it's off the stories and crazy people to see if I can get it down, cause in battle if you can get your enemies to flinch and show fear you will have the upper hand" Rose

Then she just calmed her breath before smiling like any classical yandere from an anime I loved

I could swear I seen a demon behind her making me wanting to back up a little bit, but what was the creepiest was how she laughed making it echo inside this place before walking towards me humming a song in between giggles.

"Oh deary~ let me see how pretty your face can be without that mask of skin~" Rose

And she came up close to me making me make a mistake before I rose my guard she had already kicked me in the gut sending me flying with a loud cough feeling like blood is coming up my throat.

"Oh my~ did that hurt?" Rose

She was already at my ear blowing in it with that same smile before kicking me in the side throwing me even farther away hitting one of the recent trees we made to make this place livelier.

"ku ku ku~ Come on now little one, scream for me~" Rose

She is totally getting into this, and I personally think she's going too far with it but then she seemingly kicked me in the head in the next moment I was in the air unable to do anything as if she had a switch in her head on auto…

I really had no need to talk… not that I want too… but the being you… knowing your thoughts… but you don't know there's its quite frustrating…

But I decided to try to fight back more and it seems to only make her laugh and dance more with quite the creep factor…. Though it isn't that hard to try to defend… it's extremely hard to strike back…

Not knowing when she'd come up with another crazy hit… she is seriously enjoying this way too much… as she started slashing at me like I am nothing more than meat on the slab.

But I got a few attacks in making her more damaged then before slowing down…. Or so I would have wanted to think but it wasn't so… she ended up moving faster getting me a good hit

And all I could see before I blacked out was that I cut her clothes up pretty nicely showing her… that I wasn't that weak… yeah that's it…. not that I was happy about cutting her clothes revealing her body… yeah since it was just mine…


