
Hunt for the Dead


Somehow a loud growl woke me up, not knowing when I fell asleep, probably do to all this my body relaxed a little then I feel asleep on the spot, although this is more than sleep… somehow I feel that this body has even a faster healing rate than humanly possible, since the wound on my leg is no longer hurting, although I can still say the wound is there it isn't as hindering to move, more like just getting the skin and muscle torn some then my bones that seemed to be sore before.

Slowly getting myself to get up to look over the window but before I could….

'Didn't you learn anything from the last time?' Rose

Jumping from her random outburst, no this isn't the time for me to jump… maybe this Rose is just proof I am crazy already, but she does have a point the last time I nearly died, but now instead of growling it is more like a sick slurping and crunching noise going on outside, like the sounds you'd hear when something is being eating very sloppy wise.

'Don't ignore me! You cad!' Rose

Come on now Rose… we know I am crazy but no need to for name calling, since I know the last time I got careless this time I'm just going to peek over the bottom of the window to see last time I was stupid and peaked over most of it even though it was boarded it still had plenty of openings.

'…' Rose

Apparently she had no comment to say but I could seriously tell she didn't like the idea and thought I was an utter idiot.

Outside through the cracks there was two seemingly normal-ish zombie types out there munching on the one like I killed before like it was destined to eat the fallen here even their own kind.

It had seemed to die on the spikes I had set, along with quite a bit a few of them… but I guess it wasn't the best idea since they seem to really eat their own kind…

The blade itself was still in pretty good order and sharp enough to fight these two off, since it might have been just bad luck to get a bigger type before these might be weaker… but this time I decided to not take chances with being cocky and picked up a few daggers and opened the crack in the door as slowly as I could to not make a sound while holding my breath, luckily the heads were in view and not looking at me giving me perfect angle to throw the daggers, which are probably some kind of sword since they are longer then a dagger I seen before, and threw them one at a time hitting the heads of the zombies killing them in one blow, though… it wasn't dead center it was close enough to kill them.

Luck was on my side today….. I think…

the time it took for me to get up and walk out there was more than normal since my leg itself still didn't want to obey completely so it was more like a limp and drag then an actual walk out to pull the daggers back out of the zombies, but my luck wasn't the best, and wasn't on my side today cause as soon as I pulled them out three more of them popped their heads out of the woods looking at me then with a low gurgling growl they charged right after me.

"…fuck" Jona

With the lack of proper movement and the two daggers in my hands the only actual luck I had in this is even before I was in this body I was pretty decent at throwing daggers with good speed even got to where throwing axes and short swords were fun to do. Can't blame a guy for wanting to copy a favorite anime character that could bring out infinite blades and sling them like they are arrows, but that's digressing the point that these things are so disgustingly vomit inducing that with the smell alone makes you want to run and vomit I will say these things are more or less the worst possible outcome on the world. As I threw the two daggers at the two closest ones killing them by daggers through the eyes while jumping backwards and nearly tripping over the claw arm behind me while I drew my sword and cut the head of the third one off with great effort on my part since killing these things are more disgusting cause of all the rotten blood that comes out making the smell in the air even worse.

Great… from the sound of that it is more than three this time since it was more like it was five or more coming this direction… so I swiftly picked my daggers back from the zombies with great effort this time cause of them being stuck into the eye sockets gripping the blades it took longer than just taking them from the other zombies that probably had weaker skulls.

By the time I was able to finally get back inside the cabin there were over thirty zombie corpses outside and making me think of all the work I'll need to do to drag them off and I made sure to keep it from the woods cause I don't know if the instructor is in there somewhere but if he was I wouldn't want him to die that way… if he was to die it would be by my own hands not by these undead.

Though if it is the same as the zombies and undead in my games I like fire would be a great weakness to them so even if they walk through it could probably kill them before they get too close to the cabin so it comes off as an extra defense… or so I hope.

So on the way after resting and making sure none of my wounds are opening up. I decide to drag them all off to the other spot I made… only one at a time this time with way more daggers or knives then before.

Making my way slowly there… there is another ten or so there, making them easy prey since they are also eating the corpses of the fallen dead as before throwing daggers into their skulls seem to kill them pretty fast… god this is going to turn more into a mass grave then a trap…

By the time I moved them all to this place and started burning them… and making sure the whole is deep enough hand well set so it doesn't burn the forest it was already sun set… again…

And being out here in the dark isn't the best idea there is… but luckily I was able to get back to the cabin and re set the traps before it was too dark.

But there is one thing I hate about this…. By the time I got into the cabin I was covered in the blood and guts of the zombies with no real way to wash myself off… so disgusting the only option I have is to wipe myself down with the overly huge disinfectant wipes that is more like a towel then anything but strangely it doesn't seem to lose its use after last night so I used it to whip my face off with my hands and arms the best I could before getting a little bit of the dried meat.

Rose… do you think this will end anytime soon?

'Of course, this really doesn't seem like they want to let you die here, but to let you gain real life experience of war and survival, this is probably some survival graduation test' Rose

Why would they ever want to put someone through this? I mean unless they really plan to send me to hell through that portal they we're talking about this really is seemingly a serious pain.

'The test is more of survival then fighting… your just one of the type that wants to fight other than just surviving' Rose then let out a sigh.

Well excuse me… I didn't feel like it was a problem to kill them I mean they did send me here with infected like monsters. And to think I use to think about how the world would be like in this type of scene as if I wanted zombies to come out and take over, now I know how idiotic that was cause it takes so much effort just to cut and kill them if these blades didn't have a blade sharper then a razor with good light and yet heavy materials made in it I would of died multiple times already.

'well get some rest I can tell your body needs the sleep since I am in it, I'd keep watch since we both share this body one side can rest while the other can stay semi active, though I can't take control of the body I can still use the senses' Rose

As she said I was extremely tired enough to fall asleep with a nightmare of today's events going into a view...




I was running from the zombies, but the difference was it was people I knew, everyone I cared for, and they were not like normal zombies they were like devils in disguise trying to kill me with many swords and spears unlike the normal type of zombie the world itself was dipped in red the sky was bloody the moon looked like a laughing skull with burning flames for eyes laughing at me following me everywhere I ran. But the problem with all this is the fact I have no weapons at all I am my old self with no strength other then the ability to dodge and run with no effort of the life of every zombie around me aiming at me like a zombie army rushing me in a unit like format marching the same way with blood everywhere else up to my knees so it makes running even rougher than before.

"Why did a monster like you ever exist?" Mother

"You were the cause of my death!" Father

"You are the devil reborn on earth! You should repent and let us take our revenge." Grandmother

Many more things was said but mostly the same my fears that I carried around with me all my life cause I didn't do anything to them or to save them when if I was faster to act I could of saved their lives if I wasn't such a coward and didn't believe in my own signs that was sent me.

This time I was surrounded with them rushing me stabbing me with the swords and spears having my blood splatter all over the place with my scream loud and even before their laughing it was drowned out as they keep stabbing and cutting to I was riddled with holes and then the ground itself buckled and I dropped into a pit like pond fool of blood as I sank into the bottom of it I could still hear their laughing and once I hit the bottom hands started coming out of the bottom pulling me deeper underground as if to drag me into hell…





I jumped up awake after that with cold sweat all over my body, while sighing. I got up to whip it off my body the best I can as I took my clothes off since I have to put on the same dirty clothes on anyhow but at least I can use this large towel to whip my body a bit as I was looking at myself I noticed the wound on my leg was almost completely healed all that was left was a scar that looked disgusting.

'Boss…. You had a nightmare again… you should really stop blaming yourself' Rose

That would be impossible since if I had acted I know I could of at least saved a few of them, not only did I break the promise I made to be there for them, in order to take care of them with the money that is supposedly sent to them. I doubt I could ever see them again.

The nightmare was more real this time… as if that this place is bringing the nightmares more real like hell itself wanted to drag me in. and Rose didn't say anymore other then I could feel the comforting hands on my shoulders even though I know it's impossible it feels like she's trying her best to comfort me over this matter.