
Into the SCP Universe as The Lich.

After being transported to the SCP Universe, he is left confused and struggling to adapt with his new body and powers. As The Lich from Adventure Time, how will he overcome the obstacles and have a peaceful life? through power of course. He later learns this as time goes on, and as time goes on, threats emerge and his peaceful times would eventually end. disclaimer; I do not own anything, Adventure Time or any properties of the SCP Wiki. Warning: I am a young writer, and I am sometimes not aware of my mistakes and grammatical errors as well as any awkward sentencing. Feel free to give criticism, I will appreciate it.

DaoistCKto8n · Andere
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26 Chs

Chapter 2. Freedom

Hassu had been waiting for so long, the lady came back once a while, and sometimes a few orange shirt guys again, but as a lot of hours passed, they stopped coming back in.

Only the lady behind the window checked on him.

A man in white coat entered, sat beside her overlooking at Hassu.

"What's it's designation?" He said.

"SCP-7000" she replied.{Read until the end} "It's Euclid class, we have no idea how powerful this thing is. Any attempts at experimentation and contact with it has been a failure."

The man was silent, then answered, "What about try breaking the rock?"

The woman turned at him, he didn't need to know what she thought. 'Im an idiot.'

"One of my colleagues passed this request, but it got denied. It's better if we just leave it there. It's contained and much better."

"What about the guard yesterday? I heard he got transfered to another station. Is that thing really capable of mind control?" He asked.

"Maybe. We tried, but it never did it again."

They stayed silent for a while, looking at skeleton figure. It's hollow dark sockets that only glowed green dot was chilling. Its mouth open wide to see a rotten flesh and muscle beneath.

The man in white coat remembered those horrible stories told by his grandmother when he was young. Monsters that creep out of your bed and eat you. But ever since he came to the foundation, the monsters under the bed never felt scary as the ones hidden behind containment doors.

The lade in white coat widened her eyes, she was looking at the monitor.

"Get security, it's controlling one of our staff!"she said in an alerted tone.

The man wasted no time and went out running.


'How can I mind control… huh?' hassu thought.

The giant doors opened as a guard came in, Hassu was confused.

'Is this the same guy?'

The guard came up to the prism, took out a knife and raised it in the air.

'is he going to free me? No way.'

Just as the guard brought down his knife, he suddenly shook and dropped to the ground. Four people behind him were MTF, a man in white coat was behind them.

A man on front was holding a taser, he looked at the body and then signaled for his team to carry the guard who was trying to get up.

They beat him up when he tried to stand up.

'I was so close to freedom.' Hassu thought.

Then all of a sudden, he could feel vibrations around his body. The guards and scientist looked behind them as black smoke paraded the halls.

It didn't take long to find for Hassu that an explosion happened. He could see the MTF that tased the guard gestured for one of his men to the gate, and the scientist looking distraught.

They left the room with the beat up guard carried between an MTF's shoulders.

The door remained opened.

Hassu was left alone once again, he checked the window above the gate if the lady was there, but she wasn't.

He was starting to feel anxious and confused.

Hassu was all alone for an hour, before he saw two green uniformed men entering.

'they don't look like from the foundation.' he thought.

Sure enough they weren't, when one of them turned to talk to the other, he saw a very familiar insignia in their shoulder.

'Chaos insurgency…' his anxiety rose, 'are they going to kill me… no, I'm the lich, if they try I'll just posses a vessel.'

He didn't know what it felt like to be a spirit and posses one, but he knows it could probably be easy and know how to do it if he died.

They turned to look at him, one of them took out a grenade and rolled it over beneath the prism. They started running.

'Well damn-'


The prism cracked open from the explosion as Hassu was caught surprised, he turned into a black liquid and spilled out from the crevices of the cracks.

The black liquid was like a puddle on the concrete floor, but it suddenly manifested, forming a huge and tall skeleton covered by old robes.

Hassu was surprised, he was free and it felt weird to be that weird liquid thing, but he was free and could move!

"Huh? What, I am free!" He said.

Soon the sounds came rushing to his ears, the sound of siren and blaring alarm echoed in the containment room.

"All foundation personnel, the Chaos Insurgency is attacking, please head to the bunker room and if you meet any security, they'll escort you. Foundation is on lockdown." a man's voice spoke echoed in the halls.

Hassu was shocked, there was so many things happening, and he could hear and move, which was the best thing.

He looked at the open door, freedom. He can finally roam the place.

'I have no chance of surviving in this forsaken universe. I'll die by a stronger scp than me… maybe I should just stick with the foundation. Yeah that's a good idea.' he thought.

Hassu wanted to stay so in the end if the foundation dealt with the enemy, they'd come back here seeing a friendly lich that did not cause death and destruction.

But he had been bored for how many days he could not count, and he was conscious those times.

He left the containment after convincing himself that he would try help the foundation against the insurgency. This was done mainly out of boredom and curiosity.

The alarm was still blaring, scientist, guards and the entire delta-4 and omega-7 stationed rushed in the hallways.

Meanwhile, Hassu, almost a seven foot humanoid, was walking casually with curiosity in the medium containment level.

The walls were white, and somehow they felt thick. When he opened the doors, it was a little hard to get in, he had to duck and touch the keypad with his finger. It was awkward.

He kept walking in the long halls, he even ended up in a medbay but didn't enter any rooms, no one would be here at this moment.

Hassu exited the medbay and opened a door, the moment he ducked to cross, he was met with MTF's and Chaos insurgency in a shootout.

"Where is squad 12, we need back up here!" Said an MTF, they were unaware of the lich's face peeking out the door.

One of the insurgency saw the SCP and stopped firing, he hid behind a wall as the MTF's took advantage of shooting, they stopped firing, but if he took a peek, he would be shot dead.

"An scp is lose behind them, let's get out of here." He said to one of his team. There was four of them.

Hassu watched as a smoke grenade rolled to the middle of the hallway, exploded into a smoke as the MTF began firing.

He doubted they would hit anyone.

When the smoke dissipated, the MTF stopped, one of them turned around, he froze when he saw the lich.

"Contact squad 12, their heading to light containment entrance. They're probably done causing havoc." Said their leader. "Huh? Are you okay, keys?" He asked, he saw his subordinate frozen, when he turned around, he finally realized why.

A rotten face with it's perfect teeth shown as well as the muscles displayed, its eyes glowed green, staring at their souls.

"Run!" Their leader yelled as they all bolted the way the insurgency came.

"What? Come back I don't mean harm!" Hassu yelled. But they were already gone.

"Oh come on, I didn't even speak."

Hassu's voice sounded deep and soothing, but at the same time it carried a sinister feeling.

'I swear I'm not that scary…'