
Into the Poké-Verse

One evening, Vergil King, a top-tier competitor in the popular MMO Pokémon game, mysteriously finds himself transported into the Pokémon universe. Now, Vergil must adapt his gaming skills to real-life battles and challenges if he intends to survive long enough to make a dent in this world.

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Chapter 2: From Gamer to Trainer

Vergil and Gallade continued their cautious exploration as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape. The terrain gradually shifted from open fields to a dense forest. Tall trees stretched upwards, their canopies forming a natural roof overhead. The air was filled with the sounds of rustling leaves and distant cries of wild Pokémon.

As they ventured deeper into the woods, Vergil's mind buzzed with questions. How had he ended up here? Was this world really the Pokémon universe he had played so obsessively, or was it some strange alternate reality? And most importantly, how could he get back home?

Gallade walked beside him, its posture tall and vigilant. Its presence reminded him of a watchful knight, guarding and protecting its king. And was a comforting reminder that, despite the surreal circumstances, he wasn't alone.

The forest was growing darker, and Vergil was starting to worry about finding shelter. Just then, a rustling noise caught his attention. He froze, scanning the area for the source. "Gallade, stay alert," he whispered.

From the underbrush, a figure emerged. It was a boy who looked to be around fifth-teen or sixth-teen, with tousled blond hair and curious emerald eyes. He wore a blue jacket and carried a well-worn backpack. The boy's eyes widened as he spotted Vergil. It seemed he was surprised to see Vergil just as much as Vergil was to see him. 

"Hey there!" the boy called out, raising a hand in greeting. "What are you doing out here at this hour? It's getting close to dark and the Pokémon within the forest don't tend to play nice when the lights go out."

Vergil hesitated, unsure how much to reveal. "I'm... new around here," he replied cautiously. "Just looking for a place to stay for the night."

The boy nodded, a reassuring smile spreading across his face. "Ah, I see. Well if you're lost I can guide you back to town, though we probably wouldn't make it there before nightfall. I'm Aaron, by the way."

Vergil looked the boy over, more out of nature than fear. Maybe it was the abrupt change in environment that caused Vergil to be suspicious, but it seemed highly convenient for a random stranger to be walking the forest the same time as him. Still, as he looked around at the darkening forest, he understood that this could be his only ticket to find shelter. 

"Vergil," he replied, also giving out his name. There was no need to show any obvious signs of suspicion. He knew people tended to respond in kind to kind people. 

"Vergil, huh?" The boy repeated. "Cool name. Its getting darker by the second, I know a good spot not too far from here where you can set up camp if you want to follow."

Vergil felt a slight wave of relief but hadn't loosened up completely. "Thanks. I'd like that. Oh, and this is my Gallade."

Aaron's eyes lit up at the sight of Gallade. "Whoa, a Gallade? And why is it colored so differently from others of its species? And here in Kanto?" The boy shot question after question in rapid succession, barely taking time to breathe.

Before Vergil could fish up an answer, Aaron seemed to come up with his own answers instead. "That's rare! Looks like you've got quite the partner."

Vergil glanced at Gallade, feeling a swell of pride despite his confusion. Gallade's sleek, blue-and-white form shimmered in the fading light. "Yeah, he's pretty special," Vergil said. Gallade responded with a confident nod, its eyes gleaming with a calm intensity.

"Now it makes sense why you were out here, so deep in the forest. I'm guessing you're a trainer, just like me!" Aaron's eyes sparkled with excitement. "How about a battle? I'd love to see your Gallade in action."

Vergil's heart skipped a beat. A real Pokémon battle, here in this world? The idea excited him, but now was not the time, he barely knew if he could even trust this guy. 

Not to mention, he was also nervous. He had only ever battled in the game, not with real, living Pokémon. His current state of mind was already in turmoil from the sudden shift to this world, and jumping into a battle wasn't something he could handle right now.

He forced a smile, trying to match Aaron's enthusiasm. "That sounds great, but can we do it later? I've had a pretty rough day and could use some rest first."

Aaron nodded understandingly. "No worries! Let's get you settled in. We can battle once you're rested."

As they walked to the campsite Aaron had mentioned, Vergil's mind wandered back to his relationship with Gallade. Despite his recent arrival in this world, the connection between them felt deep and familiar. Not to mention, Gallade's seemingly blind loyalty so far. 

Then he remembered the countless hours spent in the game, training and battling with his shiny Ralts, watching it evolve into Gallade. It had been one of his more used Pokémon since he hatched it from an egg, a result of meticulous breeding for perfect stats.

Gallade had been with him through countless virtual battles, always reliable and effective. It wasn't just a Pokémon to Vergil; it was a symbol of his dedication and skill as a trainer. As they walked, Gallade occasionally glanced up at him, its eyes filled with a proud and confident spirit that hadn't been expressed in their virtual partnership.

An idea dawned on him suddenly. Although they had just met recently to his point of view, this could potentially be drastically different in Gallade's eyes. It was only an idea, but it would explain a lot of why this Gallade stuck so close to him even though they had just met.

Vergil couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. Here he was, in a world where his gaming fantasies had come to life, walking beside the very Pokémon he had raised in the game. It was surreal, yet there was an undeniable comfort in Gallade's presence.

Aaron led him to a small clearing in the woods, a perfect spot for setting up camp just like he stated. "This should do," Aaron said, dropping his backpack. "We'll set up here for the night," he said glancing over at Vergil.

Aaron paused. "Wait… you do have camping gear, right?"

Vergil looked himself over before smiling awkwardly.

"Ah, no worries. Good thing I keep spares in case of emergencies. You'll just have to pay me back with a fun battle tomorrow." Aaron chuckled.

Vergil nodded. "That, I can manage," he said grateful for the break. "Thanks, Aaron. I really appreciate it."

As they set up camp, Vergil took a moment to observe Gallade. The Pokémon was surveying the area, its stance poised and alert like a statue. It seemed to be as much on edge as Vergil, aware that this world, while familiar in appearance, was full of unknowns.

After they had settled in and started a small campfire, Aaron turned to Vergil. "So, how did you end up with a Gallade, and a rare colored one at that? I've read that they are incredibly rare to find out in the wild."

Vergil hesitated, trying to think of an explanation that made sense. "I've had him since he was a Ralts. Found his egg during a trip and raised him ever since. We've been through a lot together."

Aaron nodded, clearly impressed. "Amazing. That means he's evolved twice now! You must be a really dedicated trainer."

Vergil smiled, old memories began to resurface of him pouring hours into EV training Gallade. A flicker of his old confidence ran through him. "Yeah, we've had our share of battles. He's always been by my side."

Gallade, hearing the conversation, moved closer to Vergil, its eyes softening. Vergil scratched behind its blade-like 'helmet'. "I guess you feel the same then?"

Gallade hummed in agreement, its eyes gleaming with pride. It was clear that, despite the strange circumstances, their bond was as strong as he used to imagine when he played the game in his previous world. It felt nice to know that he wasn't just roleplaying anymore, but actually had a bond.

The night passed with casual conversation, and Vergil found himself growing more comfortable around Aaron, or at least as comfortable as he would allow himself. Aaron was a nice guy but still a stranger ultimately.

They talked about the different regions, different Pokémon they've encountered, and shared stories of their adventures. Well, more like Aaron did most of the talking. Vergil would only occasionally insert and exaggerate the experiences he had in game to make up credible stories.

Aaron particularly was very knowledgeable about most topics, much to Vergil's surprise. Even the other regions, which he hadn't ever visited. 

Their conversation was a small comfort in an otherwise bewildering situation, but it helped Vergil feel a bit more grounded. It also helped him gain enough information on his situation and pinpoint a vivid location where he was currently. Apparently he was in the Kantō region, more specifically a forest not too far from Cerulean City. 

By the time the fire had died down and they were ready to sleep, Vergil felt a little more at ease. He stayed awake for a while staring toward the moon, still feeling a bit restless due to never having camped out in the wild before in his previous world. But having the ever-so watchful Gallade around made things easier. 

The next morning, Vergil woke up with the first light of dawn filtering through the trees. Gallade was already awake, standing guard per usual. Its alertness made Vergil chuckle a bit.

Aaron was up as well, packing up his gear. Hearing Vergil's chuckle, he glanced over at Vergil. "Good morning. I can't claim to be a chef but I do have some sandwiches I made before coming out to the forest. I have extra if you want some."

Vergil only accepted after the offer extended more times than he cared to count. And soon after, he realized why Aaron had been so eager for him to eat up. 

"So, uh, ready for that battle?" Aaron asked with a shameless grin. 

Vergil had forgotten about his promise to battle, but it appeared that Aaron had only been anticipating it since he first saw that Vergil had a Pokémon. Having already promised to do so, Vergil agreed and they moved a bit from camp in an open area, standing opposite of each other. 

Vergil never expected to be battling—actually battling, in real life. Standing opposite of his opponent, Aaron seemed so fantastical to him. Memories of this very same situation in the Pokémon games and shows he played ran through his mind constantly. 

And in this moment, he started to realized how much a Pokémon battle seemed like a cowboy stand off. He felt a rush of adrenaline. The nervousness from the previous day was still there, but so was the excitement. 

Aaron grinned from his position some 40-50 feet away. "This will just be a quick match before we head out." 

Vergil nodded, his heart pounding. He looked at Gallade, who was already bristling with anticipation. "You ready, Gallade?"

Gallade hummed in affirmation, its eyes gleaming with determination.

Aaron tossed a Poké Ball into the air. "Go, Fearow!"

With a burst of light, a large bird Pokémon with sharp eyes and powerful wings appeared, circling above. It cawed, ready for battle.

Vergil's mind raced through strategies. In the game, he had faced many online players with Gallade, but this was different. The stakes felt higher, the challenge more real. He took a deep breath, trying to remember how trainers maneuvered in the Pokémon shows he had watched.

There, things were different from what he was used to. Trainers commanded their Pokémon with confidence and quickness, adapting swiftly to the flow of battle. He would have to mimic that if he wanted to win this battle.

"Gallade, let's start with Swords Dance!" Vergil commanded, his voice a bit shaky. Vergil wasn't particularly used to commanding a Pokémon himself rather than with a click of a button. 

Gallade's blades extended, glowing with an intense light as it boosted its attack power. Fearow's eyes narrowed, sensing the rise in Gallade's strength.

Aarons Voice rang out, both excited and determined. "Let's get this started! Fearow, use Drill Peck!"

Fearow dove at Gallade, its beak spinning like a drill. Gallade stood its ground, blades crossed in front of it to block the attack. The impact was powerful, but Gallade held firm, using the momentum to push Fearow back.

"Now, Gallade, use Psycho Cut!" Vergil shouted, his voices steadying as grew used to this new way of battling for him.

Gallade's eyes gleamed as it swung its glowing blades, sending out powerful psychic energy slashes. Fearow dodged the first cut, but the second one grazed its wing, making it falter in the air.

"Fearow, use Agility!" Aaron's voice shouted, this time with more urgency. 

Fearow pushed through the pain, its movements becoming a blur as it increased its speed. It circled Gallade rapidly, making it harder to target.

Vergil watched carefully, analyzing Fearow's pattern. "Gallade, use Feint!"

Gallade closed its eyes for a moment, sensing Fearow's movements. As Fearow dived in for an attack, Gallade struck with incredible speed, catching Fearow off guard. The blow was not meant to do significant damage but to disrupt Fearow's rhythm.

In an instant, Vergil saw the opening and decided to act on it before the moment was wasted. "Quick, Gallade, take 'em out with Night Slash!"

Aaron's eyes widened. "Oh no you don't, Fearow, use Aerial Ace!"

Just as Gallade readied itself to attack, Fearow regained its composure and dove at Gallade with precision. However, like it's pre-evolutions, Gallade could pick up and sense other's thoughts, Pokémon or human. And although it wasn't outright telepathy, it was more than enough for Gallade to counteract.

Gallade swiftly sidestepped the attack, its blades glowing with dark energy as it struck Fearow. The hit was clean, sending Fearow tumbling through the air.

Aaron's frustration was evident. "Fearow, get up and use Drill Peck again!"

Fearow struggled to its feet, its determination clear. It launched itself at Gallade with renewed vigor. Vergil saw an opportunity. Yet something egged at his mind throughout the fight. His Pokémon had learn and forgot many moves during his time playing the game, and he had already used four moves which was the absolute limit a Pokémon had at its disposal within the limits of the game. 

But there had been instances of Pokémon using more than that limit in the anime, completely breaking this rule. Could I perhaps, use more than four moves? He thought. If this failed, it could jeopardize his battle, but if it worked he would be able to perfectly exploit the opportunity presented to him. 

Perhaps it was his past arrogance and confidence returning to him from his online battles, but this was where he strived and dominated, where he made people twice his age over break their own computers and consoles that they spent thousands to get.

Sometimes you had to take that risk, a leap of faith. "Gallade, let it come closer and use Close Combat!"

Gallade waited patiently, its eyes locked onto Fearow. As Fearow closed in, Gallade moved with lightning speed, delivering a flurry of powerful swings of his blades and kicks. He moved gracefully, showing swift and effective swordsmanship. 

Fearow was overwhelmed, unable to withstand the relentless assault. And with a final, powerful strike, Gallade sent Fearow crashing to the ground, unable to continue.

Aaron sighed, recalling his Pokémon. "Fearow, you did great." He looked up at Vergil with a respectful nod. "Your Gallade's amazing. I've never seen a Pokémon battle like that before."

"Thanks. Your Fearow was tough." Vergil exhaled, a mixture of relief and exhilaration flooding through him. His risk had paid off. He had used five moves within this battle. 

He also noted that Aaron hadn't seemed so surprised by that fact. Perhaps Pokémon, if they were talented enough could learn and retain knowledge enough to use more than just four moves? 

Vergil looked towards Gallade who had appeared to be eyeing him from the side with a proud and confident expression, as if to say "This was easy, we've dealt with more before. I'm capable of much more than this."

Vergil acknowledged Gallade with a head pat. "You did well, Gallade. I'm glad to have you as my partner."

Gallade seemed to bend his head more to get even more head pats. "Gal-lade!"

Aaron approached, offering a hand. "Let's head out. Cerulean City is not too far from here where we can restock supplies and rest in an actual bed."

As they walked, Vergil couldn't help but reflect on the battle. Despite his initial anxiety, it felt natural to strategize and command Gallade, much like in his gaming days. He realized that he was getting the hang of commanding in real-time rather than clicking buttons.

Or perhaps it was just the artificial-but-real bond he had built up over the years of having Gallade around in the game.

Regardless, Vergil's initial uncertainty began to fade, replaced by a growing confidence. He knew he had a lot to learn, but he couldn't help but feel a familiar thrill.

This battle had been just the beginning. He was already looking forward to the next challenge, eager to test his skills and prove himself, much like he had done countless times in the game. With a smirk, he thought, "Maybe this world isn't so bad after all."

Hi everyone,

The more I write this, the more ideas I get about which direction I’d like to take it. I can see potential, but sometimes it’s hard to translate that into words. And yes, I plan to have Pokémon able to use more than only four moves. Anyway, please let me know what you liked and didn’t like, as I enjoy interacting with readers.

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