
Into the light once again

Sapphire_26 · Fantasie
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15 Chs


I'm such a fool.

If I were smart, I would not be locked up in an underground jail like I am now, I would not be able to see all of them for more than a week, and I would not have tried to poison my sister.

I lay alone in the cell.

"Did Marianne frame me?" Seeing the weird smile on the that kid's face, I couldn't help but have that thought.

What her smile revealed was not revenge for the person who tried to poison her, but she was happy or even excited about my fall.

It was a malicious smile. For the first time in my life, I knew that Marianne still had such a face.

But why?

Marianne was the child of a maid. On my 11th birthday, the child who used to live on the street officially entered the palace. That was three years ago, when she was only ten years old.

The reason why Marianne can be recognized as the blood of the royal family, was her golden eyes played a big role.

In the empire, gold was regarded as a symbol of nobility. Because it is said that Selena, the youngest god of the Edenbell Empire, has a pair of golden pupils.

For the royal family, the rare golden children's are always given priority to be selected as heirs to the throne. Although Marianne cannot be the heir, her golden eyes are enough to prove the royal blood.

Although it is difficult to enter the palace, it is not easy to become an emperor once in such a strange place. So I always take care of that child and try my best to treat her well. Whenever she is in trouble, I will discuss countermeasures with her. If she needs help, I will actively and selflessly help her.

I have never done anything that would make her resent me.

But why does that child harbor malice towards me? Everything becomes confusing and confusing.

But at this moment. There was the sound of soft footprints from a distance.

"It shouldn't be the time to distribute food." I half-opened my eyes. In the dark, my perception of time becomes very sensitive. Obviously, there is still a while away from catering.

Then I heard a lark-like voice talking to the guard.

"From here on I want to go there alone."

"But, Princess Mariana, it's dangerous."

"It's okay. Didn't you say that she was kept in a separate room? I want to chat with her."

I felt my heart beating faster and heavier as if it was about to pop out of my chest.

She was the one.

The heavy footsteps of the guards got farther and farther, and the light steps that seemed like dancing and getting closer and closer.

I heard the sound of a small door being opened above the Iron Gate, which was originally a hole used to monitor prisoners. Similarly, I can imagine Marianne looking down at me.

"Sister." It was an extremely lively voice.

"…You…." I replied in a nervous and hoarse voice due to lack of water.

"Tired?" Strangely, she looked very happy.

"Tired?" Hearing the almost sure tone, I was silent and did not answer her, and she did not speak for a long time.

"Haha-" Then she started laughing like a madman.

"Haha, hahaha, ahhahahaha!!!"

Her laughter was harsh and frantic.

"Hahahaha, haha, ah, what to do, what to do…! That's great!" I was shaking all over when I heard it.


Marianne was crazy, otherwise, seeing this situation would not have laughed so happily.

"You…, you… what, why did…"

I stumbled and asked, so she laughed for a while. My pain seemed to make her more enjoyable.

"Is it wrong to die?" Her voice was full of smiles.

"Do you want to get out from here?"

"Yes, yes I want."

She laughed loudly when she heard my faint voice.

"There is no such thing, you know, other family members love me too much, don't they?"


"Yes, yes." She said happily. "I just want to see how shabby you are before you die, that's right."


"Then we'll see you on the execution ground." She slammed the door shut.

"By the way, did you know? My sister is beheading."

She walked away in laughter.

I felt empty and continued to lie down in that position.

Decapitation type.

The word pierced my body, and even my bones were numb, and I didn't even realize that my hands were bitten by myself and bleeding.

"What should I do? What should I do to get rid of my charge? I don't want to die like this." I thought desperately.

But it didn't work. Everyone believed Marianne's words now.

I used to hear comments that praised my smartness, but due to lack of food and water, my mind has become dull.

With that little evidence and testimony, no one would believe what I said.

I felt the gastric juice flowing in my stomach, it was a terrible feeling.

"Why, why!" My heart was filled with panic, tears streaming down my eyes.

When I was dying, no one wanted to help me. Although I have a few friends, as long as I heard that my imprisonment was controlled by others, no one would come to rescue me.

Tears flowed down. Regret and give up, distrust and betrayal, all the feelings mixed together, knocked over in my heart.

In fact, the four days are not long. I spent most of the time with insomnia and nothing.

On the last day, I finally tied my hands and was led out like last time.

At this moment, I don't want anything except water, even slices of bread are useless. My body is severely dehydrated and wasted. And today is the last day of my life.

The sky in spring was so bright, I stared at it for a long time.

I was taken by guards to a secret clearing in the palace, where my brothers and sisters and His Majesty the Emperor sat above and looked down on me. There are only a few servants and maids behind them, no other nobles.

It seems that at least I will not be executed publicly. I breathed a sigh of relief and felt fortunate that I was the four emperors.

But the next moment, I became upset.

The silver guillotine placed in the clearing, with its sharp blade gleaming in the morning sun, seemed to be beckoning me: "Come on, come on."

My face is distorted.

At this moment, something flew towards me.

Although it is a small rock, it is aggressive, and I was hit in the head by it.

I barely moved my head, turned around, and looked over there. The Sixth Prince, Lilus was screaming at me: "Dirty woman!" I couldn't find any royal demeanor in him.

"Lilus." He frowned as soon as he heard my voice, seemingly disgusted, and he was not alone. My family members spat at me, scolded my mother, and pointed.

It was really a moment for the four emperors of the Edenbell Empire to become sinners torn to death.

The guards led me to the beheading stand.

In the end, I still died like this, only 14 years old.

Like alms, the emperor spoke.

"Finally, is there anything else to say? The last sentence"

I grinned, eyes full of hatred and hostility.

Have something to say?

I sneered and laughed.

I remembered the dream I had in prison.

I dreamed that all of this was a dream, and when I opened my eyes, everyone embraced me warmly again.

But that is just a dream.

I thought it was ridiculous to have such a dream, so I laughed out loud.

Suddenly, an angry voice sounded. "How dare she… in front of the emperor…"

That was the voice of the second prince Elsis.

I laughed and laughed because I was too tired to laugh out loud. After laughing for a while, I spoke.

"I told you… but did you listen?"

I did not do that.

Not me, not me.

Today, Marianne is also sitting behind the emperor, showing me her sweet smile, that kind of horrible, strange smile. I remembered the way she smiled at me in prison.

But even so, they still trust Marianne absolutely.

Why, why on earth, why don't you believe me?

You don't want to believe me at all.

Tears rolled in my eyes, and to hold back the tears, I tried to open my eyes wide. So, the third princess Adelina said in a trembling voice: "She actually stared so wide."

"Don't look into the eyes of death row prisoners, because they will bring misfortune," Lilus interjected on the side.

The emperor said to me in a heavy voice: "You still don't reflect on your faults in the end."

I didn't do…that. I always advocated my innocence from beginning to end. Why did I believe that I wanted to poison her because of jealousy?

The emperor did not answer but just raised his hand to signal to another entourage. "Watch the time."


I was shaking.

Before long, the entourage brought an iron soldier.

I know him. He works in the palace of the First prince, Lakias Olafoni. In the past, every time I visited the palace, he was very happy to greet me.

He speaks rudely. "You better close your eyes." But I opened my eyes.

"I'm innocent." I just thought of these words desperately.

However, at that moment, Marianne's golden pupils in the distance seemed to be dyed red like a maple leaf. It was an extremely gloomy, dangerous color.


But I can't observe it closely because the heat is approaching me.

...Ah ah ah ah ah!!!

Even in the raging fire, I never closed my eyes. That bitch, killer, damn guy's words came in his ears. I was bleeding, tearing, and biting my lips. I was very uncomfortable, but I laughed strangely.

The family I loved betrayed me, and no one believed me.

Everything is ridiculous.

"Kill me."

I seemed to hear the wind and feel the guards leading me to the beheading stand. Because I was blind, I couldn't see anything, but I just felt it.

Suddenly the whole body was cold.

"God." I prayed to Selena, the god of the empire, the moon god, and the cruel god of vengeance.

"Is there no chance to avenge me, nor a chance to clear my grievances?"

"Then, please don't give me any more pain, kill me soon."

"I don't want to be reincarnated anymore."

"I don't love anyone, and I won't be betrayed by anyone. Just live in the insignificant beauty."

A smile appeared on my face.

Everything is nothingness.

Alyssa de Edenbell, the fourth princess of the Edenbell Empire, had a short life at the age of 14.

The knife came down, and I fell into the coldness and ecstasy that swept through.

After that, I have been wrapped in warm things. Occasionally I hear a voice similar to a person talking as if being wrapped in a curtain. I hear it dimly, but I always feel that it is the voice of a certain woman or a teenager.

Although several voices are sometimes heard, their voices are always by my side.

"I hope you are born soon."

Hearing the voice of the boy, I felt very at a loss.


"Prince, are you looking forward to that?"

Someone speaks in a voice with this smile, always followed by the voice of a woman next to me.

"Hello, I am Isis, maybe you will be born in a few months."

"But I want to see you now."

Crown Prince? Meet?

Inexplicable words and sentences appeared one after another, but surprisingly, their language was very familiar to me. It was the language of the Emir Empire, the enemy of the Edenbell Empire for generations. As the basic qualities of the Princess of Edenbell, I have learned some languages there.

Why does this language come into my mind?

I didn't delve into this question, because once I think about it in the long run, I get sleepy again. I fell asleep halfway through.

And before I fell completely into sleep, I felt someone touching me gently.

It was the boy just now.

The voice of the boy said: "Come on, my dear sister." His voice was full of warm smiles.

"People all over the world love you very much."

A sweet warmth soaked my heart.

I don't know how long it has been. I always go to sleep when I am sleepy and drink when I am hungry and speechless. But once I want to think deeply, I get sleepy. Besides, I live a comfortable and contented life because I don't even need to move my hands.

Then one day, when I woke up, I felt a little strange. The warmth that has been surrounding me pressed down hard for some reason, and the oppression swept my whole body.


I tried to use my strength to resist this pressure because I didn't want to leave this place.

"Why do you treat me like that?"

But to no avail. The power that bothered me continued to increase, and I was eventually driven outside.

It was cold outside and I coughed a few times from suffocation.

"…Cough cough…"

Fortunately, it didn't take long for me to learn how to breathe with my lungs. After all, this is an instinctive feeling carved into life.

I opened my eyes, and my eyes were blurred.

My body is wet, and there are many things sticking to me for some reason, and I shivered with the cold. But that was only temporary, and I soon became warmer.

I am a little confused and weak.

"Light is light." It took too long to feel the sunshine.

Everyone rushed over. "It's a beautiful royal princess."

"Congratulations on your birth," and a woman's tired but very kind voice, "my daughter."

As soon as I heard that sentence, I used the baby's brain to understand that it was reincarnation, although in the past I only regarded it as a meaningless word.

This time it is still human, the empress of the Emir Empire.


I curse God.

I didn't want to be born again.

Believing in and loving someone is too difficult for me now. None of this is worth mentioning.

Why! Why did God let me be born again?

"I curse you."

Selena, the cold nemesis, didn't stand by my side until the end.

I cried like a baby, and when I heard the cry, people clapped and cheered with joy.