
Into the light once again

Sapphire_26 · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Chapter 12

The splendid fireworks bloomed in the sky and then dissipated.

Arsen appeared in the open space in front of the palace.

There was a court orchestra playing music in front, and he thought it was very nice.

Arsen walked out of the venue for his own reasons.

Although he is the son of the duke, he doesn't like socializing with others.

This noisy banquet venue atmosphere is even more disliked.

In addition, he felt that he was an Edenbell, and he would receive the cold eyes of many people in the venue.

In addition, he also wanted to see the alchemy level of the Emir Empire.

"The wind is very cold." He looked at the rising fireworks.

Firework is a technique related to alchemy, and alchemy is an indispensable part of magic.

Looking at the constantly blooming fireworks, Arsen came to the conclusion that "the alchemy of the Emir Empire is not bad". And it's not just magic. "The crown prince just now." He couldn't remember what his name was.

Although he was young, he has a great spirit.

His meticulous care for his sister is also worth noting.

Yes, great. He admitted obediently.

He belonged to the younger generation born between the two empires and the pros.

Although the country was still a bit chaotic at the time, he was born in the capital. There is no reason to feel inferior or disgusted with the people of the Elmir Empire. "Also, there is a more special thing." He thought back alone.

Looking up at the crying child, the first empress of Emir.

She seemed to be looking at a very enviable person, and she was crying blankly.

Do I look strange?

Or maybe it's because of her height. Doesn't it mean that ordinary children are afraid of people who are taller than themselves?

His mind was full of thoughts like this, and he saw the person she was trying to figure out on the terrace.

"Prince Isis, Princess Aisha, and other royal families."

They seem to be happy about something. He feels sleepy.

What happened?

Although the distance is not very close, it sounds very loud, as if something very happy or surprising happened.

He stared at them for a while.

"Looking at them, I can't help but think".

"What the hell happened?"

A voice calling him came from behind.

"Why are you so surprised?"

Arsen turned around hurriedly.

An elderly man stood behind him. He is also a magician, wearing the same blue robe as Arsen.


Arsen yelled happily.

His name is Delim.

Before Arsen entered the Magician Tower, he began to accept his teachings. Or it was him, Arsen couldn't discover his talent in magic in advance.

Arsen smiled slightly, but Delim's expression was a bit wrong.

He looked in the direction of Arsen's sight as if thinking about something.

Sure enough, he has the style of the oldest sage in the empire.

"I know why you looked there."

Arsen scratched his head: "It can only be that way."

Delim said abruptly: "Our royal family of our country is messy, but the royal family here is very friendly, which is really shameful."

Hearing this sentence, Arsen was startled.

This is an insult to the royal family.

"Master! What if someone hears it!"

Arsen looked around anxiously, shouting at him in a low voice.

But Delim sneered at it.

"What if about being heard?"

Anyway, this is the Emir Empire, I didn't say anything wrong, I'm at this age and don't care about it.

Delim's words made Arsen's eyes widen.

"I don't know, but you have to pay attention."

"Because the punishment for insulting the royal family is very serious."

Arsen's serious appearance made Delim take a breath.

He didn't want to see his disciple like this before bringing him here.

'She' died. After that, Delim knew that he had been very melancholy. He just wanted to change his mood a little, so he added him to the list of envoys.

Unexpectedly, this would be counterproductive.

"I will accompany you wherever you go, even if the royal family is making trouble for you."

Delim frowned and looked at him, and the undecided Assen finally spoke.

"Master, I still don't understand."


Delim said earnestly.

"You should be very clear about what you are going to say now."

"Yes, I know."

"Oh, you are bolder than me!"

Arsen was amused by Delim's joke, he wanted to say was more dangerous than what

Only the direct royal family can make irresponsible remarks on the royal family's trial.

And since 'that incident', 'her' matter was strictly forbidden to mention in the palace.

However, Arsen couldn't help it anymore.

"What should I do, why Alyssa…. why Alyssa must die, I still….." Arsen shed tears, which were very painful tears.

Delim didn't speak, but he just looked at Arsen silently. He understood his current thoughts very well.

Playing with her since childhood, Alyssa, suddenly died one morning.

When the news came, it was all over. This is nothing but a bolt from the blue for Arsen, who has conducted in-depth research on the Magician Tower.

If he knew this early, he would definitely do anything for her.

Even if he sacrificed his life to testify against her.

But when he knew it, it was too late.

Arsen could do nothing.

After that, he lived for a while like a waste. With unbearable sadness of losing friends, and anger at the royal family that caused this tragedy.

"…I can't forgive them." Arsen's breathing was gradually shortened, and he said emotionally.

Delim patted him on the back.

"Okay, please calm down now and get yourself back."

Delim's words made Arsen close his eyes.

Whenever he couldn't concentrate on practicing magic, Delim would say to him "get back".

But when he closed his eyes, the memory of her appeared in his mind.

Her brilliant smile, the way she ran in the palace forest, and the past shared with him.

He couldn't give up these things.

At all costs.

Arsen opened his eyes slowly.

Tears couldn't stop streaming down, but there was a trace of firmness in his eyes.

Delim looked at him.

He is very aware of Arsen's stubbornness. But if he doesn't have that stubbornness and endurance, how can he become the youngest mage in the empire?

Because of this, he felt that he could no longer stop Arsen.


Arsen spoke.

"I want to investigate Alyssa's death."

"Investigate and find out the truth."

Delim couldn't say anything. He was silent for a long time and finally answered simply.


The road Arsen is about to walk is full of thorns. How dangerous it is to investigate the "poisoning incident" suffered by the royal family Marianne.

However, Arsen should go down this road firmly. Then as a master, he can only support this hopeless apprentice.

As I said before, he is already an old man, there is no special meaning in living, and he doesn't want to try other things.

"Go and do what you want to do, and I will help you too."


Delim's words made Arsen very excited.

"Ah, thank you! Thank you, Master!"

Arsen had already prepared Delim's plan to oppose him. But unexpectedly, he was willing to help and support himself.

I can only thank it.

Seeing Arsen's face glowing, Delim jokes mischievously.

"You guy, thank you for not just talking about it. You usually do well. Remember to rub my shoulders every day."

Arsen nodded with a smile, then turned to look out to the terrace.

The Royals of Emir disappeared without a trace long ago.

It is also normal, after all, the fireworks are over.

"…Aisha de Hermi"

Arsen thought of the child again.

"Thank you."

Thanks to her, he can make up his mind.

Alyssa used to be so pitiful, so she would have been sentenced to death so early that he would definitely investigate it privately.

"Even if I pay the price of your life."

A cold light refracted from his eyes.

The Milky Way is flowing in the night sky.

The first emperor of the Emir Empire, the first night of her birthday party, just passed.

The afternoon sun is very warm.

I ran to read a book in a small garden behind the palace.

Because I was full and young, even if I tried to concentrate, I still couldn't help but feel sleepy.

During this time I was daydreaming leisurely,

When I was doing it, I couldn't help falling asleep.

There is no way, this is the natural reaction of the body that cannot resist.

Then I heard a voice calling me.


I raised my head, put my hands on my forehead to block the sun, and looked at the man who was calling me.

His identity is self-evident.

The shining blonde hair dazzled like the sun.

I ran to him.


Isis smiled brightly.

"You are here."

I smiled at him.

Time is passing fast, this is the seventh spring after my birth.

The appearance of Isis in front of him has changed a lot.

Not only has he grown taller, but he has also become more handsome and his facial features have become clearer.

I have also changed a lot, and the biggest change is my body.

I am no longer the kid who would fall after taking a few steps. I can walk freely and my vague pronunciation has become clear.

I can finally do what I want to do.

Because I am taller and my mind is developed, I can think at a higher level.

In the newborn period, whenever I wanted to think about something, I would fall asleep because I was too sleepy.

The baby's body is too inconvenient.

I am very satisfied with these changes and it is much better than before.

The second is the change of people around.

After the first birthday party, I started talking with people.

Before that, people didn't pay much attention to me.

But once I started talking, everything changed.

Seeing me blinking and smiling, my mother is so happy.

The worries of people who have always felt that I have little emotional exposure had gradually disappeared.

They began to think I was beautiful.

This time, the first goal in life was "not to open up to anyone", but it ultimately failed.

Even so, it doesn't matter.

Because I got more things that make me happy and more precious to me, that is my new family.

Family members who are warmer and brighter than the spring sunshine.

I laughed unconsciously, and Isis also laughed with me.

"What are you reading?"

I showed the cover of the book I was reading.

The hardcover marked "The history of the formation of the Emir Empire and ancient languages ​​and their abstract development principles".

He was silent.

"Do you like this?"


I nodded without hesitation.

Isis shrugged.

"Our Aisha is very smart."

"Will 7-year-old children read such books?"

I just smiled quietly without answering.

In fact, there are other reasons for learning ancient languages, but for a child my age, no matter what the reason, it will make people feel too early.

I slowly recalled the past.

The few expressions of emotions make people suspect that I am a dull child.

However, while opening my heart, I also decided to show my abilities to the fullest.

If you are determined to change your mindset, your actions will change.

My reincarnation may be a precious opportunity.

I hope I can live a new life better.

In addition, a new family full of hope and happiness surrounds me.

Since I was 3 years old, I have been pestering my mother.

"Mom, please take a look at my article."

At that time, my language skills were already very mature.

So people think I am very smart.

But when I started to study books over 3 years old (I already understood the content of the book) and started to read this book, it caused an explosive reaction.

I still remember Isis' reaction at that time.