
Into the JRPG

Penetentiary · Urban
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6 Chs

Waking Up

When Kyle woke up, he found himself in a class. Surprised, he looked around to see he couldn't recognize anyone at all. Which school had he suddenly woken up at?

The teacher then looked at him. "Kyle, won't you introduce yourself?"

Kyle was dazed and confused. He had no clue where he even was. Where exactly was he? The uniform, the futuristic school, nothing seemed to make any sense!

Kyle stood up on his seat. He turned serious and acted mysterious. "Hello, I am Kyle Warren." And then he sat down.

When the other students heard his introduction, they were stunned. Everyone was looking at the student who spoke with a mysterious attitude and didn't care to introduce himself and were confused.

"Uhh..." The teacher was also stunned. "This is our new transfer student Kyle Warren. Kyle, welcome to the high school. Students, please help Kyle integrate and understand how the school."

Kyle finally understood, he was a transfer student. He took out the cellphone from his pocket and realized that it was a totally unknown device to him at all. He looked at the news and then suddenly looked shocked.

The news was all about dungeons and dungeon raiding. School trained how to fight and use magic and weapons. Kyle suddenly was shocked.

"Isn't this the JRPG Dungeon Raider?" He thought to himself. "I entered this game world as myself? I am a transfer student at First High?"

A few students came around Kyle after the class ended. "Kyle, are you a magician, weapon user or what?"

Kyle shrugged. "I don't know, I'm okay at some things. Nothing too special."

The students looked at each other confused. "The teacher said you were transferred for special reasons. What happened"

Kyle was stunned as well. He was feeling smug that he knew what was going to happen in this world, however he didn't know his own backstory.

"I'd rather not say." Kyle shrugged.

At the corner of the class a group of four students were discussing.

"What do you think about this Kyle?" Lana asked.

"I don't know. He seems too mysterious. Doesn't seem too talkative, but observing him, he seems totally ordinary." John said.

Anna laughed and ignored him. "He is trying to act cool."

Zed snorted. "Just another idiot joined the class."

Kyle had noticed these four. They were the four protagonists in the game which could be chosen by the player. However, he the player had arrived as his own identity.

Kyle thought for a bit and said status within his mind.

[Kyle Warren]

[Rank 0 - Human]

[Skills - Foreknowledge]

When Kyle saw his own status he cursed. "What bullshit status is this!" He grumbled to himself. "I'm a simple cannon fodder! My only skill isn't really a skill, however, it isn't too bad. With my knowledge I can make up for my scrub status."

Kyle decided to first find out his own back story. He looked for the teacher and asked her.

"Ma'am, the students were asking me what my special reason was to being admitted to the school, it is creating an awkward moment for me."

The teacher was stunned and apologized. "I'm so sorry, I slipped up. I didn't want your history with constant illness leading to homeschool being revealed to others."

Kyle was stunned but adapted quickly. "It's okay teacher, but please don't reveal any further."

He went back and googled himself to find out that he was actually the son of a tycoon who has led a sickly life. However, his father now used his contacts and wealth to get him transferred to First High.

However, he was a weakling. Kyle shook his head. After the day of classes ended, Kyle returned to his dorm room.

Kyle began planning. He had an intense understanding of Dungeon Raiders, all kinds of secrets and back stories as well as hidden secrets and update history. He may be weak now, but he could chart his path the strength.

Why did he want to become stronger? Because he knew the impending doom that was coming to the world. The arrival of dungeons will soon change the world and strength was everything.

He looked at the date. Kyle nodded. The tutorial dungeon would soon open to the world and the people would have to make a choice.

He looked up a map of the world, recollecting all the different secrets hidden in this world and where they were.

At that moment, Kyle received a call. He picked up.

"Son, how was school?" A man asked.

"Dad? You put me a sickling among the top students in the country. Are you asking me how school was?" Kyle mocked.

Kyle's father was stunned. He had never heard his son ever be so frank. He turned serious. "Kyle, I know I am putting you through a lot. But its for your own good."

Kyle shook his head. "Don't try that dad. You only did this to maintain your status. For now no one knows how incompetent I am, but the moment the fact that I came from the backdoor is revealed, what do you think is going to happen? The teacher is also quite loose lipped."

Kyle's father sighed. "I hope you can grow up in the pressured environment."

At that time Kyle began coughing. He cut the call. He sighed and went to the washroom, coughing blood. Kyle was surprised. He looked at the status.

[Kyle Warren]

[Level 0 - Human (Sickly)]

[Skills - Foreknowledge]

Kyle sighed. Sickly status. He had to get rid of this as soon as he possibly could. Kyle decided to go out to the city. He walked out and went to a bar.

The moment he entered, people looked at him. Such a young man calmly entered the bar, however, they soon returned to their own businesses. He walked to the counter.

"Give me a shot of tequila." Kyle plainly ordered.

"Underage kids can't drink." The bartender said.

"Since when did you care?" Kyle said as he took out a note and pushed it towards the bartender.

The bartender snorted, he went began preparing a drink and slammed an orange juice on the table.

Kyle stared at the bartender for a minute, before he sighed and began drinking the orange juice.