
Into the flames (Willows tale 2)

(Sequel to From the ashes) It's never dull when you're married to a fireman, but when Willows sudden fame as an up and coming best selling author brings some unwanted attention from a stalker, dark secrets will be revealed. Will Liam and Willows love be strong enough to survive. "From the ashes, into the flames, we rise together like a great Phoenix"

Shelly_Gray_4323 · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Chapter 23: Rylee Santino

After a day of resting and talking in bed with Liam, we finally get up and make our way to the Main house. Standing outside the front door is a guy with spikes blond hair that reminds me of Mike and Mick. His blue eyes look me over with a side grin. Liam grunts as he holds my arm guiding me up the stairs.

Willow: You must be Mike and Micks cousin Trevor?

I ask.

Trevor: I am. But don't believe anything they've told you about me and yes the good looks come from my side of the family.

I giggle and the uncanny resemblance.

He opens the door and we are immediately greeted by a happy tail wagging Leonidas and smiling Rylee.

Rylee: You doing ok, do you need to sit.

Willow: I'm fine thank you.

She leads us through the large open living room to an equal sized entertainment room where the sound of high pitched giggles can be heard. A man looking almost like a taller Italian version of Liam stands in the center of the room tossing a baby boy up in the air. He catches him and attacks the babies belly with kisses. He has a full head of thick black hair and bright blue eyes. The man stops looking Liam and I eye over before setting his eyes on Rylee. They darken instantly and flare with lust. In only a couple long strides he is taking Rylee into a very passionate kiss with the baby secure in one arm. Rylee pulls back taking the baby.

Rylee: Willow, this is Dante my husband and this is William our son.

Dante smiles and takes my hand kissing the back of my knuckles. Liam tenses and offers a strong alpha hand shake which is met equally by Dante. He chuckles slightly and smacks Liam's arm.

Dante: How are you feeling Willow.

Willow: Much better. It's nice to finally meet you and be able to thank you in person for everything you both have done for us.

Dante: It was nothing. I'm just glad to see you are doing well.

Dante puts a hand on Liam's back and guides him to another darker room where Gram is pouring a couple of drinks, talking with a guy that looks like Ed Sheeran. Rylee with her arms full of a now sleepy baby takes me to the living room where Dr. Lynn who I hadn't noticed at first was sunk into the large grey pillowy couch with a tablet in hand. The enormous fireplace lights up the entire place with its hot flames.

Rylee: Have a seat, I'm going to put this little one to bed.

I sit as far from the fire place as I can opposite side of Dr. Lynn. Occupying my mind by looking at the pictures on the walls. A beautiful green eyed woman with golden brown hair and I very round belly and a tray of drinks struts around the couch setting the tray on the coffee table and reaches out a hand.

Eve: I'm Eve. And oh my god can I just say it is such an honor to meet you.

Willow: Nice to meet you too.

I say cautiously.

Eve: May said to make you a special tea to help relax your muscles. Is that ok or would like something stronger.

Willow: Teas fine thank you.

She hands me one of the mugs and another to May. I guess that's Dr. Lynn's name. I feel like a jerk for not asking before. Eve plops down next to May looking over at her tablet.

Eve: You're finally reading Protect her?

May glance over at me with a shy smile.

May: I'm sorry I didn't know who you where until bubbles here found out and explained.

I usually don't read a lot but I have to admit I haven't been able to put this story down. You are very good.

Willow: Thank you.

Eve: Good, she's freaking amazing. She just earned a best selling and best author award last week for Goddess of the moon. I just finished reading In light of darkness and wow. The way you connected the two stories and the twists. I just don't know how you do it. Your writing is like Rylee playing the piano. Such work of art.

At some point I had turned my gaze to the fireplace and found my self falling into a flash back. Mark forcing me on all fours in front of the fire place but this time I'm smiling because it was the first time I had fought back. I look deeper into the fire with strength rather than fear.

Rylee: Willow? Willow are you alright?

Rylees soft voice breaks me from my trans. I look up in her blue eyes and smile.

Willow: I am thank you.

Rylee: Good because dinners ready.

A few days later I woke early and snuck out of the house to go for a much needed walk alone. I had been doing pretty well not allowing Mark to occupy my mind but this morning I was hit with a nightmare that had me questioning reality. I wondered the property with no destination and found myself at a paddock. Rylee is at the fence stroking the nose of a beautiful black horse.

Rylee: Morning.

Willow: Good morning.

The horse moves her head quickly towards me startling me a little. She snorts as I flinch but then her nose leans further over sniffing me. She nudges me gently and I rub my hand along her nose.

Rylee: She likes you.

Willow: You sound surprised.

Rylee: Well Tuscany is known to have a bit of a temper towards people. Mostly men. She wasn't treated very well by her previous owner and killed him.

I whip my head quickly towards her and jump a little as Tuscany snorts again before turning away and trotting off towards another horse that just came from the barn.

Willow: On purpose?

Rylee: She may have had a little encouragement.

Willow: You seem nothing like what I would imagine a mafia wife to be.

She lets out a humorous laugh.

Rylee: You picture a tight leopard dress, high heal wearing, fake tan, jersey accent snob.

Willow: Kinda. I mean scar face and the god father set the stage for the stereo type which you and Dante are clearly not.

She laughs again but this time it falters into sadness.

Willow: You want to talk about it.

She stares out at the horses with a faint smile.

Rylee: I've never actually told my story. Most everyone around me just knows of it, or has been apart of it. But I did tell you I would.

Rylee told me everything from her Irish mafia father and the attempt on her life, to how Gram trained her for years in Canada to be an assassin. To how Tuscany kicked the head in of some sleazy mob guy that was trying to take advantage of Rylee. To how she and Dante fell instantly in love all over again after being apart for years, to how they came to be now with a miracle child. She was smiling as we made our way back to the house after a long walk along the lake side with Gram and Kevin close behind. She looked as though a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. That's when I noticed the familiar glow.

Willow: You're with child aren't you.

Her smile widened even more.

Rylee: I haven't told Dante yet. I was waiting to surprise him at dinner in the city tonight.

Willow: My lips are sealed on that, but I would really love to use your story as one of mine. It would be a fictional erotic fantasy and no one would ever know it other wise.

Rylee: You know what, I'd be honored.

Willow: Really.

Rylee: Yeah really. Better be good though.

Willow: I will send you the first draft and won't do anything with out your approval.

We giggle as she takes my arm and leads me up to the lake house. The door opens and there's our men laughing. They both stop to devour us with their lust filled eyes. Dante takes Rylee into his arms and swiftly whisks her away while Liam gently lifts me and carries me into our room.

Liam's perspective:

Two weeks have passed and Willow was finally recovered enough to go home. As usual everyone here fell in love with Willow. Rylee offered for us to stay longer but my job was breathing down my neck to get back to work and Willow was anxious to get back to Loki, Liv and Ash. Everything that had happened was swept under the rug thanks to the Santinos who I was completely wrong about. Our last night there they threw a dinner party in Willows honor. All the guys from eagle eye came as well as Karl's family.

I watched from across the room as Willow laughed and mingled looking completely at ease as if nothing had happened she never ceased to amaze me how she bounced back so quickly from everything. I know her writing has a lot to do with it. I had learned that a while back. Near the second anniversary of her daughters death she was falling into a depression but then just like that she got into a writing groove and pumped out her Goddess of the moon story. The more she absorbed herself into her writings the quicker she would recover. Some people use drugs, alcohol, some seek out professionals. Others use working out and their jobs like me. Willows antidote was writing and she was using it vigorously during her recovery here cooped up.

I laughed at the memory of the few days she nearly kicked me out of the room to sleep on the couch with Kevin. When she had finished her most recent story it was obvious she was very sexually frustrated and by the looks she was throwing my way tonight she was ready for me to reclaim her.