
Into the Dragons and Pirates Den

Dragons... I could never tame or soothe any of their kind. Aunt Sylvia, the lost soothsayer was very wrong to proclaim the village that I could conquer and tame the most ruthless and virile... the greatest of this kind. Cause here I am hiding from the upcoming vengeance that's supposed to be at the mercy of my hands. I am ought to be a dragon whisperer but in the end, I wasn't able to thwart them when they were gobbling the whole of my neighborhood. All of my family...

millineyaaah · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Unbelievable actuals are dreams?




And dreams...

I open my eyes and saw someone so drawling... that his rawness seemed ominous cruelty to utter perfection.

Whose mightiness brought him in? And how could they allow...

This is a dream. Being able to survive and having a man, greatly favored by heavens and hell, pinning me down beneath the dark lit of the moon. Breathing laboriously as if from a deep dive, drips of water were cascading to his shoulder-long chestnut hair, to his chiseled face, and down his flexing tan-toned massive upper body... all the way to mine. He is grinning mockingly yet menace was very well etched on his monolid marble eyes, an art of green and silver.

His body is pressed vulgarly on mine that I could almost hear his heart beatings. And it is the same frantic as mine.

"A frail human. What a waste."

My body tensed on the crusty drawl. It was the kind of bass that would rattle you in the middle of nowhere but would excite you in the midst of a sumptuous feud. Breathless, my orbs traveled more of him.

He is too rugged for a prince.

And too gorgeous to be just a prince.

No prince would be ragged with vivid stretch marks on biceps and triceps... and be fantasized for rousing... glory... and sex.

Not a prince could come close to the intensity of his silence, unless if he became such a beast, terrorizing and ruthless.

Perhaps he was a warrior of the rigorous sea... and the waves... although unapproving of his fleet... couldn't scheme the only sailor that memorized its tricks, that its brink became his playground.

I have never seen such masculine loveliness and it is undeniably lurking my mind.

I closed my eyes when I realized he is too much for me to take.

Especially like this, while he is enveloped and shadowed by the crude night. Unclothed and merciless under the lonely gloomy moonlight. And that the physical distance is a huge matter for me to not try again. He is too close that his hot breaths—no...searing breaths... are doing hypnotic wonders and magics as it caresses my skin.

Zasleigh...Zasleigh... My dearest Zasleigh, what are you dreaming of?

The second time I opened my eyes, his cording neck is what I fully googled on as he leaned more on me, head tilting right so that his nose could have a better access to my neck.

And yes, it came. Its high-bridge point dotted the most sensitive area of my now hypersensitive part.

This is too much for a dream...

He is too hot to be on my cold night.

But I knew therefore it is a dream because if not, how can a significantly unfathomable man with godly intricate features be here in front of me?

He jerked his head up when the lightning flashed and without a skip, the rain started to pour heavily on us. The shine in his golden-tan skin by the harsh downpour escalated the drama his volumized hair is giving. A perpetual smirk shortly escaped his lips as he watch the both of us soak in it. Obviously finding it ridiculously out-of-context.

Could it be true that the Greek gods must not be seen by mortal women, or else it will propel them to a deep curse?

Then was I already cursed?

Is it why I couldn't find a fault in this creature anymore?

And... am I willing to be found?

"Why is a mermaid above the water?" he curiously queried while I struggle of keeping my eyes open as drips strike cold and livid on my face. Hence, despite the obvious obstruction, his short but volumized lashes twirling up in an untamed manner as he glance down at my frame... too wild that it pleases... cannot be uncaught.

This is a dream, so whatever I am gonna do won't be remembered.

Or whatever he is gonna do won't be remembered.

"Is Poseidon so fed up of all the chaos I orchestrated his sea that he reckons on trading me the most gorgeous of them all?"

And who wouldn't be in burns with the way his adams move?!

I wondered if the past me did something so good that it privileged me this. My lips parted as I raked his chest and down... below.

I have only snatched a sight o his v-line when the sky poured harder that it got blinding. Or maybe the galaxy sent it for diversion. Cause I am not supposed to be just doomed on the insurgent sent by gods. Since just right in front of me is what I thought I would never ever be hovered.

The exemplary giant ship, something too consuming that I can't believe I have missed is so pronounced that the roaring of its engine muted the clashing waves on its hull. I can't believe I failed to notice the valorous and braving moonrakers and sails above! And the immensity of the wooden floor that's extending until I couldn't see the edges anymore!

I'm in bad luck, cause what is this...

"Interesting..." he echoed. "What mighty privileges have I stolen to be favored of his and Zeus's bidding?"

His right arm corded and the second I knew, it is already on my nape, pushing me closer to his unrealistic face. I inhaled deeper, catching all of his enchanting male scent. It was a mixture of the sea and an inviting spell... And with my astonishment, his watch descended deeper. Then I knew he suddenly sensed how I am a slave to his screaming prowess.

"Cursed, is it... oh, mermaid." he hissed on gritted teeth.

I closed my eyes, jarred by the intensity of his overall figure. Why am I having this dream after an almost taste of death?

Or is it the taste of heaven before hell?

My mind is painted red... and it is too much that I wanted to summon Zeus out of his den just so he could prick him in the back and throw him into the faraway horizon. Cause him out of sight is the only way for me to retrieve my sanity back.

Perhaps where are the dragons? Why don't they take him out of this world?

"Who are you?" it was a frail whisper.

The mocking glitch on his face ignited like bliss. His lips in palpable refusal to stretch back to its usual laidback place. The greens in his orbs darkened like it was... drawn to the finally uttering sea captive.

"Oh, I thought you died but still in the mercy of my cardiopulmonary resuscitation." he lazily mockingly drawled, and with just one push of his palm, he fully remove himself out of me.

He smirked at me and it twinkled a different kind of lousiness. Like he was so ready to get me but he won't because it won't be as exhilarating anymore.

As if a pirate who knows exactly what to do with the most wanted mermaid of the sea.

And when his eyes met me, I knew therefore that the electric field was moved to where we are.

And it is electrifying me like crazy!

"And my lady, as for you queer, just regard me as someone your world has never seen."

"Do close your eyes and wish not to meet me again,"

Indeed, as I close my eyes and begged the world not to allow me to see him again.