
Into The Dawn

"Who do you love the most in the world? " she asked him. At that time he nonchalantly replied her. "Myself". She scoffed and said " of course ". ..... After her Father's death, Roxana lived with her Aunt in a new city, while trying to adapt to this new place, she met a mysterious and handsome young man name Asher Shyne. She felt that the darkness in her life is just like the night which met the dawn, which is the symbol of the beginning of new life. He brought happiness in her life, Just like the meaning of his name 'happy'. But what if the person who brought her happiness wasn't as she imagine him to be. *Cover is not mine.*

Mish_Black · Fantasie
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37 Chs

Revelation - I

Roxana turned her gazed to the dazzling strange man beside her. His messy curtains fringe hairstyle, draped in a black overcoat with a white chemise shirt on and naturally with his gorgeous handsome face, apparently appears to have attracted a lot of attention from the girls.

"Do we know each other?" Roxana instead queries him.

Her sixth sense told he certainly know her. Therefore, instead of beating around the bush, she directly got to the point.

Sebastian gaze at her and curls his lips, his entire face shown an annoyed expression unlike his earlier gentle demeanour, "I thought you were a bit of a naive person," he paused ,"However , it appears you still have some sense in you, Roxana."

Roxana brown eyes widened, there's in no way she misheard him. The way he said her name in syllables, she is now completely certain he know her.

Sebastian smirks at her shocking, doubtful expression and laugh ,"I'm your father's old friend," he cleared her doubt.

Roxana gazed at him up and down, completely doubtful of his words.

"You're in no way my father friend," she uttered and gesture with her eyes at his face, "I mean look at you, you look so young and-"

Roxana tried to recalled all of her father's friends, however none of them have the resemblance as the person sitting beside her.

Sebastian knew she'd misunderstood him, but didn't explain it further. Though he chuckled at her dubious expression and lean towards her face, he swiftly raised his hand in the blink of an eyes and place the lock of her hairs behind her ears and whispered in her ears with his deep and husky voice, "I have secrets, Roxana. Believes it or not I know about you more than you know yourself." He pause and then intently gazed at her with his deep black eyes and then said in a cold voice, "I know you're in a relationship with Asher Shyne. To which, I'm sure your mother Ella will certainly disapprove off."

Roxana stare at him in shock, whatever doubts she'd against him is now completely gone. Since, he knew her mother means he was certainly being honest with her. Her mother Ella is a strange and inscrutable woman, she seems familiar and at the same times unfamiliar even to her, her only daughter. Basically, only a handful of people knew her, but surprisingly this person here appears to be associated with her.

"Oh" she uttered and said casually, "So what, if she knows about him, its not like I'll care about her disapproval and end my relationship with him just to satisfy her."

Sebastian shrugged his shoulders, stood up from his seat and turn his gazed at her and spoke coldly, "Nevertheless, your mother love you. Although, she couldn't be there watching you grown up, she has always watch out on you secretly. The reason she couldn't be with you when your adopted father died, was because she'd almost completely lost her life."

Sebastian gazed at her stunned expression for a while and then turned to walk away, completely ignoring the intense glare of Asher who was walking towards Roxana.

Meanwhile, Roxana was dazed by his revelation and her face instantly pale as she perceived the truth, and hurriedly stood up to followed after Sebastian when someone almost unknowingly bump into her, but a strong arms swiftly grasped her waist and evaded her from the bump.

However, Roxana mind was completely blank, except the words Sebastian told her.

Her father who loves and taught her everything turn out to be her adopted father. On the other hand, her mother for some unknown reasons almost lost her life.

What else is there that she didn't knew?

She felt like her whole life has been a complete lie.

Therefore, she pushed the person holding her waist and tried to break away to followed after Sebastian to find out everything, however the person instead embrace her tightly with his hand on her waist.

"Where are you going? " a cold voice greet her.

Roxana looked up and realised Asher was the person holding her. Seeing him, unknowingly her tears started to stream down her face and broke into a low sob.

At this moment, she realise even the person embracing her wasn't being honest with her, she knows nothing about him except his name. She knew he was hiding something from her, nevertheless she never question him because she love him wholeheartedly.

Yet, why can't he just be honest with her.

"I want to go home," she said in a quivering voice. At this moment, she doesn't want to talk to him. She just want to get away from this place and find her mother to find out the truth about everything.

For the first time in his life, Asher felt like someone had pierce his heart. Her tears, her trembling body like she was about to fall at any moment and the expression on her face like she lose trust on anyone even him, enraged him to the point he want to run after that bastard who put her through this and killed him ruthlessly.

He grasped her hand with his and slowly took her out from the hall.

The campus was quiet, with only the sound of their footsteps and with a very drizzling rain falling throughout the campus.

Asher halted his steps and turned her to face him and said in his warm and gentle voice, "Roxana, talk to me, please."

Roxana instantly broke down into tears and said in her quivering voice, "I don't want to talk to you now."

With her trembling hands she tried took out her phone to call Rian when Asher tooks her trembling hands and grasped them firmly and said, "Please trust me, I'll never hurt you."

"What can I say Asher! My whole life has been a complete life!" she cried out.

The emotions which has been pent-up since Asher disappeared and now the sudden revelation of her life frustrated her to the point that she instantly vent out her true feelings.

"And you!" she pointed her index finger to his chest, "How can I trust you! When you, yourself avoided and ignored me like I wasn't your girlfriend! We just got into a relationship for like two days and then suddenly you disappeared completely without informing me and then when you finally appeared, you are seen with some other girl! How will you think I would feel about this!"

"Where were you when I was trying to reach you out! You were with that girl, right?"

"Tell me!" she yelled, and hit his hard chest with tears streaming down her face.

Asher silently let her hit him for a while and thereafter he suddenly grabs her face with his hands, his eyes which carried gentleness in them a while ago was now filled with completely different emotions, like he was raging with fire. He gazed at her with his deep black eyes and caress her cheeks so tenderly she could scarcely breathe, and brought his face to hers until their lips met in a kiss.

Roxana eyes blurred with tears and the drizzling rain, stared at him in a daze for a moment, until he started to sucked her lips and roamed into her mouth that she finally succumb to his kiss. She couldn't resist the temptation to kiss him, his warm and gentle kiss made her forget about everything.

Asher put his hand on the back of her neck and cradled her face while kissing her softly.

He missed kissing her lips.

He is completely, totally addicted to her lips, her smile and to everything about her that drove him insane just like his craze for blood when he's thirsty. His thoughts are completely filled with only her.

They kisses under the dimly light for a while until they are both completely drenched, after the drizzling rain turned into a heavy rain.

After a while, he released his lips and took off his black coat and draped it on her head, he place both of his hands on her face and wiped her face gently with his hands and said, "You are the light of my life, Roxana. The only light that pierced my dark world when no one else can get through. You're the sole reasons that I like the daylight, which I fucking hate so much. Without you, my dark dead soul which came into life since your existence is void."

Roxana tears which had stopped since their kisses instantly stream down again after she heard his words.

'For you, I'm willing to throw away my immortality' he wanted to said to her.

However, instead he gazed at her tearful eyes, wipe them gently with his hands and said, "I remember the first day I ever looked into your eyes my entire world flip. At that moment, I realised you're going to be the end of me. Roxana, I love you so much that it's killing me to see you hurts like this."