
Into another world (my hero academia x ocs)


Diluc_Dilux · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs


Walking down a side walk, a certain Pomeranian caught sight of our green haired broccoli and his new found friends.

'Wait. Is that Deku?' Thought the explosive boy. 'Who's he with? Probably some of his loser friends, if he even has any.'


The green haired boy flinched at the voice of his childhood friend.

"U-Uh, hi Kacchan." Said Izuku with a shaky smile.

'He's gonna scare them away.' He thought, worried for his new friends.

"Well? You said you wanted to fuck with him. Here's your chance." Whispered Kazuki to Rin.

"I'll do it some other time, but I'll mess with him a bit." Whispered back Rin to Kazuki.

"So, Kacchan." Said Rin, smiling while making her way over to him.

"Don't call me that, you extra!" Yelled 'Kacchan'.

"What's a beauty like you doing in a place like this?" Asked Rin, slinging her arm around his shoulder, smirking at how visibly uncomfortable he's gotten.

"Get your arm off me before I blow it to smithereens." He threatened trying to get her to let go of him. 'She's got a strong grip.'

"R-Rin? I don't think that's a good idea." Stuttered Izuku.

"Just let her. She'll learn her lesson that way." Said Kazuki, getting bored of her sister's antics.

Izuku looked like he wanted to do something but also wanted to see how this would play out.

Rin lets out a yawn. "Ight guys, let's go. I'm getting' tired." Said Rin as she takes her arm off of Bakugou and just goes in a random direction.

"My house is actually that way." Said Izuku pointing at the opposite direction that Rin went in.

"Yeah, I totally knew that! Let's go!" Said Rin as she walked in the wrong direction. Again.

"But that's not where my house is." Mumbled Izuku, staring at Rin as she tripped on a stray cat.

"THIS IS THE THIRD TIME THIS DAY!" Rin yelled feeling upset about her luck today.

"Fucking moron." Mumbled Kazuki under her breath.

"Your friend is fucking weird. I'm outta here." Said Bakugou, sick Rin's bullshit and not really having the time to deal with another dumbass that day.

"Did he leave?" Rin asked looking around trying to find Bakugou.

"Fortunately, he did." Answered Kazuki.

"Then my plan worked. Scare off the predator by doing weird shit." Rin said, feeling happy that her plan succeeded.

"Now let's head home." Said Rin walking in another direction.

"It's this way dumbass." Said Kazuki, dragging Rin by the back of her collar.

"Sometimes I feel like you're the older sibling, y'know?" Said Rin, struggling to get out of her sister's grip.

"Maybe cuz sometimes you act so fucking immature." Reasoned Kazuki.

"RoOd! But I one hundred percent agree with you." Said Rin.

Izuku just sweat dropped at our behavior.

~At Midoriya's house~

"Thanks for letting us stay Miss Midoriya." Said Rin smiling, feeling flustered.

"No problem dear, you can stay as long as you want." Said Miss Midoriya, smiling back at her.

"We just want to stay for at least two days. Just till we find a house to live in." Explained Rin, "Thanks for your hospitality though."

"This is the first time in a while Izuku has brought home friends with him. Girls nonetheless."

"Let's just go to my room and start searching for a house for you guys." Said Izuku, trying to get out of this embarrassing situation.

~In Izuku's room + time skippu~

"How about this one?!" Asked Kazuki enthusiastically.

"H-HUH?! BUT THAT'S REALLY EXPENSIVE!!" Screeched Izuku, startled by the amount of money that the house costs.

"We'll be fine. We'll go check it out tomorrow, can we?" Asked Rin, sitting on the floor next to Izuku's desk.

"B-But where are you going to get that kind of money?!" Said Izuku, slightly calmed down, which isn't much.

"We didn't tell you everything about us so just chill out. I can make money with my quirk so no need to worry your pretty little head, okay?" Said Rin, smiling reassuringly at Izuku.

"But, I thought that you could shoot webs out your wrists." Said Izuku, feeling confused.

"Nope, that's only part of what I can do." Rin said, smirking at him, feeling smug at the overpowered-ness of her quirk.

"W-Well, could you tell me about your quirk? I-IF YOU WANT TO. I D-DON'T WANT TO FORCE YOU." Requested Izuku.

"I want you to take a guess." Said Rin, having fun toying with the poor boy.

"Stop toying with him, dumbass." Said Kazuki, lying on Izuku's bed.

"Okay, okay, chill out, jeez. My quirk is called Reality Alteration. Happy now?" Answered Rin, feeling annoyed that Kazuki wouldn't let her tease the boy.

"Yes, very much so." Said Kazuki.

"R-Reality Alteration?" Asked Izuku, processing what he just heard. "DOES THAT MEAN YOU CAN CONTROL REALITY??!!"

"Yeah, why?" Answered Rin with the most nonchalant tone she could come up with.

"THAT'S SO COOL!! WHAT CAN YOU DO??" Asked Izuku while pulling out his signature hero analysis notebook.

"Technically, everything your little innocent brain can comprehend." Said Rin, chilling on the floor with her eyes closed.

"Speaking of which, you never made me those pancakes I asked you to." Said Kazuki sitting up from the bed, looking at Rin.

"I won't waste my quirk making you food, idiot."

"PLEASE? I REALLY WANNA SEE HOW IT WORKS." Said Izuku with sparkly eyes.

Rin stared at him for a few seconds before sighing in defeat. "Sure, whatever." She closes her eyes in concentration and slowly a stack of pancakes starts to appear with a blue glow above her. "Well?" She said as the plate of pancakes is floating above her. "Is no one gonna take it? Cuz if not, I'll eat it myself." Said Rin as Kazuki jumped out of bed and snatched the plate of pancakes. "NO, IT'S MINE!" Screeched Kazuki as she sat at Izuku's desk and starting inhaling the pancakes.

Izuku just stood there, still trying to process what he just witnessed.

A knock is heard from the door. A muffled voice says, "I made you guys cookies. Can I come in?"

"U-Uh yeah sure, thanks mom." Said Izuku, taking the plate of cookie, still bamboozled from what he saw a few seconds ago.

"I smell cookies." Said Kazuki, her eyes glowing dangerously.

"Enough food for you. Be grateful that Izuku even insisted otherwise I wouldn't have complied with your request." Said Rin, trying her British accent again, and failing miserably as well.

"She's doing it again." Mumbled Izuku to Kazuki, "She always does that. It's part of her 'charm'." Said Kazuki, making quotation marks with her fingers when she said 'charm'.

"Let's go to bed after finishing the cookies, okay?" Said Rin while munching on a cookie, still sitting on floor.

"M'kay." Mumbled Kazuki while munching on the only two cookies that Rin allowed her to eat.

~Next morning~

Izuku wakes up to the sound of shuffling and angry whispering.

"Stop touching me, dumbass. You gon wake him up!"

"Touchy, touchy, motherfucker!"

"SHHHH. It's literally 5 in the morning."

Both sisters stop when they hear some groaning from the bed.

"What are you guys doing up so early in the morning?" Asked Izuku, trying to rub the sleepiness from his eyes.

"Shouldn't you be at the beach with All Might?" Reminded Rin, completely ignoring his question.

It took Izuku a few seconds to process what was said to him before he jumped out of bed, trying to get his blanket off of him but ended up tripping on it in the process.

"I'll save you, my child!" Said Kazuki, as she tried to catch him, but ended up tripping on his blanket as well.

Both Izuku and Kazuki closed their eyes, waiting to meet contact with the floor just to find themselves a few inches above the ground.

"You both are hopeless. Get your shit together and do it quickly. You got twenty-seven minutes before training, so don't rush it." Said Rin, holding onto the back of their shirts to keep them from falling.

"GeT yOuR sHiT tOgEtHeR, aNd Do It QuIcKly!" Mocked Kazuki.


"Shut up, and get ready. You're already wasting enough time as it is." Scolded Rin.

"Y-Yes Ma'am." Izuku turned to Kazuki who was sitting next to him on the ground, "She looks scary when she gets angry."

"She does. Sometimes she gets so scary that you can get nightmares from it." She whispered.

"I heard that!" Snapped Rin, "NOW GET OFF YOUR ASSES, AND GET READY!"

~Time skip to two hours later after they came back from the beach back at Izuku's place ~

"Hey Izu, can we walk you to school?!" Asked Kazuki, waiting for Izuku to respond.

"H-HUH?! B-But, why? You don't have to." Izuku tried to reason.

"Yeah, but I want to." Insisted Kazuki.

"But why?" Rin asked, wanting to know Kazuki's reasoning.

"I just want to!" Exclaimed Kazuki while pushing Izuku towards the door.

"O-Okay." Stuttered Izuku, already half way out the door.

"DUDES, WAIT FOR ME!" Yelled Rin, running after them.

~Scene change to the side walk~

"So, u-uhm, yesterday, you said that I didn't know everything about you. Could you tell me more then? I'm just really curious." Asked Izuku, "And how did you know about All Might's secret?"

"I'll tell you if you promise to never tell anyone about it, even Katsuki Bakugou." Said Rin in all seriousness.

'She turned serious all of a sudden.' Thought Izuku, now feeling nervous from Rin's serious expression.

"From where we come from, everything power related is all fictional, you included." Explained Rin.

"Even me? As in, I'm fictional?" Questioned Izuku.

"This whole world that you live in was created by someone from our world. You just happen to be the main character." Added Rin.

"What she's trying to say is that you're fictional, and that we know most of your future, since it was displayed for us on a screen and drawn on a piece of paper." Summarized Kazuki.

"R-Really? Does that mean you know if I'll become a hero?" Asked Izuku, eyes sparked with hope.

Rin turns back to her silly self and says, "Yep! But I can't say anything because I don't want to ruin the plot."

"We're already ruining the plot by just being here." Said Kazuki, looking at Rin with the expression that says 'Are you fucking stupid?'.

"Shhhh," Rin shushed Kazuki as she puts a finger to her mouth. "Don't be like that bro, just go with the flow. We'll cross the bridge when we get there. I've said that so many times that I've lost count."

Kazuki tries to bite Rin's finger but Rin manages to remove her finger in time.

"Would you look at that, we're already here. Bye Izuku! See you after school!" Waved Rin.

"You better be ready after class, cuz I'm gon pick you up after school." Said Kazuki.

"You ain't going alone, I'm coming with you. I don't trust you to be on your own. The last time I left you alone, you set the kitchen on fire, and you put an egg in the microwave. It would've exploded if I didn't come in time." Exclaimed Rin.

Izuku's face paled when he heard that she set the kitchen on fire.

Rin grabbed Kazuki by the arm and said, "Well, we'll see you after school. We're gonna go look for houses for the time being. We'll be here to pick you up though. Okay? Bye!"

Izuku was frozen in place for a few seconds before he went into the school while the sisters went house shopping.

'They're really strange. But I like them, they're fun. I almost forgot what it was like to have friends'

Thought Izuku as he made his way to class.

~With the sisters~

"You're an ass, y'know that, right?" States Kazuki, ticked off from what her big sister said back there.

"You're one to talk." Rin said, smirking knowing damn well she pissed off her shrimp of a sister.

"You little-" Said Kazuki about to curse out in anger, but got cut off by Rin slapping her hand over Kazuki's mouth.

"I don't wanna hear it from you. I've heard you call me a piece of shit many, many times, and I didn't get the chance to get back at you for calling me a piece of shit even after everything I've done for your ass." Rin sassed back with equal amount of anger.

"Be shoosh and let's get going." Said Kazuki, Pulling her sister's arm in some random direction.

"That's the wrong way, idiot." Said Rin, pulling her arm from Kazuki's grasp and going another way.

"Yeah? How do you know?!" Demanded Kazuki annoyed.

"Cuz google says so!" Argued Rin, "Let's get going. Maybe we'll find a house beside the Todoroki's or the Bakugou's."

"I want a house near the Bakugou's so I can fuck with Bakugou whenever I want, and me alone!" Demanded Kazuki.

"Ight, shit fine. Jeez." Said Rin, raising her hands in surrender, "So, there are two houses that I specifically chose cuz of the neighbors. The first is near the Bakugou's and the other is next to the Todoroki's. Want to change your mind?"


"That's it. No hesitation? Wow." Said Rin, surprised.

"Ok, let's go then." Said Rin as she grabbed Kazuki's hand, on their way to buy their new home.