
Elden Prime

No one saw it coming, but when the dust settled after the space pirates were gone, it was Lyra who came out on top.

The caravans, still reeling from their huge losses, could only watch as Morrison's crew rolled back with trucks full of precious minerals.

The envy in their eyes was almost dripping. They knew those resources had been stolen from them by the pirates. But with most of their crew wiped out and still tangled up in negotiations with the military for answers, they were in no position to fight back. They couldn't do much, except keep their heads down to avoid Lyra's cold, piercing stare.

"I swear that girl brought those pirates here just to wreck our equipment!" Bernard grumbled, looking rough from days of no sleep, his face dark with suspicion.

But not everyone was buying it.

"If she could control space pirates like that, do you really think we could've pushed her around before?"