
A Fateful Reunion

In order to give the Ambassador of the Great Oni Empire some much needed privacy, Admiral Kilen had ordered for the mess hall to be temporarily vacated, so that Yumi and Erich had as much space as they needed to speak about what were clearly personal matters. 

Thus, the two of them sat alone in the mess hall with enough beer to drown an elephant at their disposal. Yumi continued to smile joyfully at Erich while he continued to avert his gaze. It wasn't until Yumi had pestered the man quite thoroughly that he had opened up about everything that had happened to him since they departed. 

Yumi could not believe her ears at the harrowing tale that one man had gone through so much in such a short period of time. She had expected he had suffered a significant amount of trauma as a result of the war which nearly drove his people to extinction, but she never would a have guessed that so much more had happened to the young man.