
Chapter 114 - Rank 4

Nestled in the sumptuous embrace of a velvety, opulent bed, Luke roused from slumber to find himself ensconced within the walls of the grand castle.

A mere day ago, Ophelia had extended her gracious invitation, letting Luke lodged within the castle's regal precincts. Upon his return with the three children, they engaged in playful interactions with Ophelia. As twilight descended, the castle's chambers were thoughtfully assigned to each of them, formalizing their newfound residence within these majestic stone walls.

Luke's culinary prowess shone through in his preparation of the beef stew, quickly winning Ophelia's heart as it became her newfound favorite. The delectable dish's leftovers were graciously shared with the king, who experienced an equally profound reaction. The flavors invoked vivid memories of happier times with his beloved wife and the tender care of his doting mother.