
Chapter Four

I was frozen in fear. The wolf and I had locked eyes; his in intimidation and my own in fear. I couldn't breathe, or move. I broke eye contact as I heard a twig snap behind me. The wolf lunged, knocking me down. I heard a 'yelp' and it ran off.

"Are you okay?" I heard a voice that sent a shiver down my spine.

I was in the fetal position with my eyes shut tight. I started to stand up and felt a hand grab my arm to aid me in standing. Putting pressure on my ankle sent pain through my entire body. "Oh!" I shrieked as I almost collapsed. He caught me and I inhaled sharply, "Ahh" I winced and arched my shoulders.

"You're bleeding!" He said with concern. I turned my head to see who was helping me. My eyes grew wide, as he was the most attractive person I've ever seen. He had a perfect jawline with a sexy five-o-clock shadow. His hair was jet black and shiny, falling just slightly over his eyes. He pushed his hair back with his free hand as he started examining my back. I could feel blood seeping from my earlier lashings. The fall must have broke them open.

Embarrassed, I tried to hop away from him. "I-uhm-I f-fine." I stated.

"You can barely walk." He said looking toward my ankle. "Let me help you. What's your name?"

"You, you really don't have to." I started. "I'm Saryn." I said looking down.

"Saryn? I'm Luka." He smiled gently. He had a perfect smile with gorgeous teeth. 'He is gorgeous' I thought to myself. I could feel my face flush as he offered me his arm. I linked mine into his as he helped me limp back toward the bonfire. "What are you doing out this way?" He asked.

"Bonfire with my half-sister." I said as I rolled my eyes. "I thought I'd walk the banks."

"It's dangerous out here at night. The wolves have moved their den." He said sternly. I nodded.

Heading up the bank there was a steep incline. Luka put my arm around his shoulders and swung me into his arms in one swift motion. I stiffened are the pain seared through my body. My eyes were shut tight and he whispered "Are you okay?" I slowly opened them and realized I hadn't seen his eyes yet. They were bright silver and beautiful. I looked into them for longer than I must have realized because he then smirked and said "I can hear your friends, can you?" I looked toward the fire in a panic. They all looked just as happy as when I walked off. I don't think they have noticed my absence. Luka held me close as we started the incline. It wasn't too much higher, about two feet, but enough I couldn't do it with my now throbbing ankle. He gently placed me back onto the ground and helped me limp toward the fire.

"Saryn!" Jess looked surprised. "Where have you been? What happened?" I looked down.

"I-I just wanted to clear my head." I said softly. I scanned the fire and realized everyone was looking at me. My gaze stopped on Ty who looked annoyed.

"Luka? The fuck are you doing here?"

"Tyler. You know this is my property line, yes?"

Everyone looked from Ty to Luka. "Ah, yes." Ty smiled. "But why are you with her?" He scoffed. Jess shot him a look of hurt and disappointment. She looked at me apologetically.

I decided I needed to break the tension. "I was just heading home." I said as I turned and attempted to walk toward home I heard quite a few gasps.

"What the hell?" I heard heard Luka say as I turned my back to them.

"Oh no!" Jess sounded panicked. She rushed to my side and threw a sweatshirt around my shoulders, grabbing my arm and putting it around her own. She carefully put her arm around me as to not put pressure on my wounds. "I'm sorry" she whispered.

"Everyone leave and forget you saw anything!" Ty yelled, as the other clumsily took off in the opposite direction. I was looking down trying to focus on getting back to my bed.

"What the fuck happened to her?" I heard Luka's voice. He sounded angry.

"She's a nobody. Why do you care?" Ty said as if I wasn't within earshot. Suddenly Luka stormed to Jess and I and grabbed the sweatshirt off my shoulders.

"Your shirt is red from blood!" He yelled. "Who did this to you?"

I looked up at him in horror. Nobody outside of the home has ever noticed my marks before. Or rather, they chose to ignore them because of my stepmother's influence in this town.

Luka pulled out a pocket knife and cut the back of my shirt.

"How dare you!" Cried Jess as she fumbled to hide my body with her own. I turned around and held onto her to steady myself.

"I'm not feeling well" I said weakly. She turned to aid me.

"Sit then," she whispered and she helped me to the ground. She turned around "I think you two should leave" she said, annoyed. I looked up. Luka was angry and Ty's eyes were wide, his mouth open. "Well?" Jess was getting impatient.

"What the fuck Jess?" Ty asked. "Wh-I-is this normal for her?" He sighed.

Jess nodded and looked at the ground. She looked back up to him "This is why I wish you would show her kindness" she said softly. "She doesn't have much of it"

I looked toward Luka who was staring at me. I felt my face flush and looked down. "I-I'm feeling better. We should head home." I said. What a fool I was. I was so incredibly embarrassed. Jess helped me up and we started back toward the paths. I was kind of glad Luka cut my shirt as the fresh air was a relief to the stinging pain.