
Insurgence of the Revenant God

The gods join forces in order to defeat the Tyrant god and end his reign of terror. Upon his defeat, he swore to return and take the heads of those who betrayed him. Salvino is a frail young beggar who was often abused. One day, he encountered a strange entity that offered protection in exchange for it to reside in him.

KleanRevel · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Chapter 7, Gifts

When Amon was wandering in his newly placed palace, Azar arrived and praised the god's achievements. Azar added that everything he had forged was faultless, from the sword he used to smite the Eons of Abyss to the palace he resides. No other god can match his might.

Amon believes that Azar can do the same, but Azar knows that as the weakest god, he can not control the manas of the void as effectively as Amon. He will need another eon to rival Amon's mastery. Amon then blessed Azar with gifts that would aid him in mastering the void.

The gifts were the cores of the Dragon Eon, Edna, that reacts with any manas, and of Mind Eon, Hugo, that reacts with the mind. The last gift was Amon's renowned blade, the blade that steals the souls of his enemies, Abaddon. Azar was surprised and questioned Amon for his generosity.

Amon then answered that he no longer needed the accompany of his prized treasures. He had created something more significant, and that is Kedarinus...


The opening of Lena's shop was delayed due to past issues regarding the supposed lot, but Benedict promised to do everything he could to hasten the process. While Salvino was practicing his manas in the garden, Henry approached him and saw the potential of the boy's control of mana.

Upon learning about Salvino's proficiency in the manas, Henry has grown fond of him. The boy's power is immense but lacks techniques that can be used in combat. He shared one of his techniques for the highly active mana, Azarinus, and the perceiving mana, Dharina.

"Instead of channeling one, channel both but by ripples." ~Henry

Henry means that Salvino was only channeling one mana at a time inside of his body. It makes him unable to use both of them instantaneously.

"By ripples?" ~Salvino

"Imagine I threw a ball in a pond, and waves appear near it. Imagine the ball is your heart, and the waves are the manas. Each wave represents two different manas, Azarinus and Dharina." ~Henry

"Like this?" ~Salvino

"Let's spar. " ~Henry

Henry knows that sparring is the best way to practice rippling manas.

"Okay..." ~Salvino

"Don't hold back." ~Henry

Henry created a staff made of earth and started running towards the boy. The boy then shoots fireballs, but henry dodges them and swang the pole at the boy's head. The boy evaded it, but it was a feint for the other side of the staff. The staff ultimately hit the boy's legs and made him kneel.

"Channel it faster." ~Henry

Salvino decided to be serious. He tries pinning Henry down with wind magic, but with each attempt he makes, Henry evades them. Salvino then tries to make him trip using earth magic, but none works. Henry got near and started swinging. Salvino dodged them and shot a wind blast to knock henry back, but Henry immediately blocked it using an earth wall.

"That's it." ~Henry

"Did I pass?" ~Salvino

"Not yet." ~Henry

While they were training, Betty entered the mansion. She heard that Salvino was staying at Benedict's house, and she hadn't thanked Salvino yet. But as she enters, she is approached by Ruth.

"She's not here today." ~Ruth

"I wanted to see Salvino." ~Betty

Ruth chuckles

"I'll tell Maria." ~Ruth

"No! I just wanted to thank him." ~Betty

"Why not? He's a fine boy. Don't follow your aunt. She'll die single." ~Ruth

Betty didn't respond. She doesn't know how to react to Ruth's teasing.

"Can I go now?" ~Betty

"Such a drag. You'll grow grumpy." ~Ruth

[You're the one to talk.] ~In Betty's mind

"You may go. I think he's in the backyard." ~Ruth

"Thank you!" ~Betty

"Don't forget to greet Sonya and Mercy." ~Ruth

"I will." ~Betty

When Betty entered the backyard, she saw Salvino and Henry sparring. She was amazed that Salvino kept up with Henry because Henry won against the blade of vigor Allec in a spar before. And that was the only time Allec had lost.

But while watching, Salvino tripped on Henry's earth magic and took two painful blows. Betty then intervened.

"That's enough. You're being too harsh." ~Betty

"It's fine. It's part of the training." ~Salvino

"Hello, miss Betty. I wasn't expecting your visit." ~Henry

"What kind of mentor hits their apprentice." ~Betty

"It's fine. It's already healed." ~Salvino

"I'm talking to Henry." ~Betty

"Sorry, miss. We're training evasion." ~Henry

"At least go easy on him." ~Betty

"I chose this, please..." ~Salvino

Betty then paused and looked at Salvino. She assumed Salvino was serious and determined.

"Just don't get yourself hurt..." ~Betty

Henry chuckles. It was the first time he saw Betty so defensive and caring.

"What's so funny..." ~Betty

They continued sparring. This time Salvino wanted to try something. He created the same staff Henry was using.

"Interesting." ~Henry

But the moment Henry got nearer, Salvino took all the blows.

"Hey!" ~Betty

"I'm fine." ~Salvino

"Try it again. This time hold it firmly, and don't forget to channel." ~Henry

So Salvino did as Henry says. He managed to dodge two and block another two, but his movements were poor and let one through his defenses. Before Henry was about to hit him, Salvino shot a wind blast that made Henry dodge, and Salvino took it as a chance to hit Henry using the staff. Henry blocks it, but it surprises him that Salvino is learning fast.

Salvino guessed that the purpose of the staff was to take advantage of the delay in channeling magic.

"That's all for today." ~Henry

"Did I pass?" ~Salvino

"That's an understatement. You did great." ~Henry chuckles

"Thank you." ~Salvino

"I'll teach you how to use a weapon tomorrow." ~Henry

"I'm looking forward to it." ~Salvino

"So, what's your business here, madam?" ~Henry

"I want to talk to Salvino." ~Betty

"Me?" ~Salvino

"As you wish." ~Henry then enters the mansion leaving Betty and Salvino in the backyard.

"Did I do something wrong?" ~Salvino

"Nothing, here." ~Betty

Betty hands over a magical compass powered by Alchemy.

"This compass points at the nearest person. If you channel it with your mana, it points at someone else." ~Betty

"Why?" ~Salvino

"I created it. It isn't much, but thank you for saving us." ~Betty

"Sorry, I can't accept this." ~Salvino

"No, you should. I'm sure you'll find a use for it. You can sell it too. Its components are expensive." ~Betty

Before, the other merchants doubted the usefulness of Betty's creation. It's also why it's not sold despite its design, but regardless Betty is confident. On the other hand, Salvino is afraid that he'll break the device Betty had created. Since Betty insists, Salvino has no choice but to take it.

Dusk came, and Benedict arrived home with good news. Lena's shop opens tomorrow...

At Tervanas, the chancellor, Mustafa, brought a prisoner from Magnus. He saw the man's talent for Alchemy. It'll be a shame to have him rot in Magnus' dungeons.

"Sir, who is this person?" ~Zalia, the commander of the wise knights of Tervanas

"He's a prisoner from Magnus. I saw the talent in him. While imprisoned, he was infusing alchemy on pebbles." ~Mustafa

"Are you sure about this? He's imprisoned for a reason." ~Zalia

"Oh, please! You and I know Magnus doesn't imprison real convicts." ~Mustafa

"Why did we even take their side?" ~Zalia

"We supply them with Alchemy. They supply us with gold. Besides, the lands there are rich, and their foolish ruler had no clue." ~Mustafa

"How about the treaty?" ~Zalia

"That was from the old kings. I will respect that treaty if Dolion isn't their ruler." ~Mustafa

They walked into Mustafa's palace with the man who knew alchemy.

"Zalia, feed this man and take him to the alchemy room." ~Mustafa

"Immediately?" ~Zalia

"Yes, and please tell the others to treat him respectfully. After all, he's here because he agreed to a deal." ~Mustafa

"What was the deal, sir?" ~Zalia

"To find his brother. I will brief the knights later about this." ~Mustafa

So Zalia accompanied the man to the kitchen. While the man was eating, Zalia got curious. The man's body was firm, and his actions were disciplined. She wonders how he got imprisoned.

"How long were you imprisoned?" ~Zalia

"Ten years." ~The man

"Ten years?" ~Zalia

"They extended my imprisonment whenever I refused." ~The man

"What did they want?" ~Zalia

"The secrets of Aria and my teacher who taught me alchemy." ~The man

"Aria?" ~Zalia

"I was sent to defend one of the fortresses of Aria. But the fortress itself was a trap." ~The man

"So you're a warrior from Aria. At first glance, I knew your job isn't simple." ~Zalia

"You can tell?" ~The man

"Yes. No ordinary laborer will have as much discipline." ~Zalia

"I may be a merchant." ~The man

Zalia chuckles.

"I'm surprised you were imprisoned for ten years and still enthusiastic." ~Zalia

"I'm thankful to sir Mustafa." ~The man

"What's your name?" ~Zalia

"Theo." ~Theo

"For now on, you work for us." ~Zalia

"I'd be honored." ~Theo

The beginning of Theo's story and a significant turn for Tervanas.