
Chapter 77

I don't know if this is progress but I somehow felt that even his relationship with Luminous is fucked up. Sigh, I really can't write romance.


700 Years Have Passed*

Xander was now standing in a middle of a town while people were surrounding him. He stared dumbfoundedly at what is happening, he was just walking and wanted to appreciate the advance town. He didn't expect that this place would also be full of believers as they immediately pointed at his face before shouting Unknown One! Xander wondered if he really needed to let Luminous hit him once to somehow lessen her anger for him.

Xander noticed the observing eyes on him as he immediately ran from the place, he now understood the threat that he is facing. Imagine having the whole world chasing you since the one who could find the Unknown One would be given a chance to ask anything from God Ruberios. Even if the resurrection of a dead being could be achieved. Xander was chased by the people until he was out of sight, he used illusion magic on his whole body before returning to the town.

He didn't expect that he would still be held as if all the people are immune to the illusion. Xander's lips twitched as one of Luminous's servants suddenly appeared, Xander recalled that this guy was the one clown killed. Meanwhile Roy was looking at Xander while wondering why princess wanted this man. He possess no special capabilities except for his good looking face, Roy stopped thinking about it before trying to control Xander.

Xander just shook his head before slapping Roy making the vampire fly away faster than the speed of sound. Roy was planted on a nearby building as he grunted in pain, he didn't expect that the man was strong. He could only lament his habit of looking down on lower being. He called Luminous as Xander noticed that before he ran away again, this time not intending to return to that accursed town full of fanatics.

"Ah! Unknown One is running away!", "Chase him! God is going to reward us!" , "For the will of God!", "For the will of God!", "For the will of God!", Xander heard a loud chant as he just shivered, fanatics are scary. After a few second Xander escaped, Luminous appeared while still giving an illusion of shining. She stared at the surroundings and found no traces of Xander so she just returned to her palace with her forehead creased.

Xander arrived at his place and saw Sona was readying herself. "Hm? You have an appointment Sona?" Xander asked as Sona brushed her her before turning her attention to Xander who already sat at the sofa. "Yes, and you're coming too. Along with Carrera" Sona said as she grabbed his nape before bringing him to their room, "Change now, its been a long time since we entered a Walpurgis" Sona said as Xander just sighed before changing his clothes.

Guy already made the rule of only bringing two attendants during Walpurgis as it was annoying when the newcomers bring hundreds with them just to flare their prides. So today Sona would only Xander and Carrera, even though she wanted to bring Guinness to show off her pet, it was off limits. Xander finished wearing his butler outfit, they made that setting since in history of this world, Xander was the servant of Sona.

They just waited until Misery arrived using a portal. "Greetings, Lord Xander, Lady Sona" Misery said while bowing her head, she just glimpsed at Carrera who smirked at her before guiding them. Xander fixed his image before they entered the portal to other dimension. The moment they entered the room, they saw everyone was already there only waiting for them.

"Oh, there they are." Guy said as he crossed his arms while smirking. "Xander! You're late!" Ramiris said as she buzzed all around them. Her form already shrunk to the size of a 10 year old child, making Xander sigh inside as she never matured. Instead she was becoming even more dumb. (A/N: Fun fact, Ramiris's intelligence is lower than average)

Milim also floated beside them. "Umu! Good!" She nodded her head, "Please refrain from playing Lady Ramiris, Lady Milim" Xander said while pushing the glasses between his eyes. "Hm? What are you talking Xander? And why are you in that outfit?" Ramiris asked as Milim also tilted her head. "New fashion Xander?" She asked.

Xander sighed at their actions while Guy just laughed loudly. His disguise was already destroyed so he just took his outfit before wearing a more comfortable one. He also took his glasses, the moment he did that one voice was heard among the attendants of demon lord who were sitting the in the round table. "What?!" They stared at the maid who was behind demon lord Luminous.

Xander turned his attention towards the voice and widened his eyes, he forgot about her! Xander thought that she would not enter the Walpurgis as she was busy looking for him. "I found you.." Luminous said before she vanished on her place as she tackled Xander. Xander was dumbfounded at what is happening as he could only stare at Luminous who was not letting go, instead she was wrapping around him tighter than before.

"W-Wait.. Luminous! We're in Walpurgis" Xander tried to tell her but she just ignored it as she used blood to tie Xander and tried to use her Ultimate Skill to control him. "No, Walpurgis is useless. Now that I found you, I will never let you go" Luminous said while her eyes held no emotions on it, only blank could be seen on it making Xander shiver. "Xander.. what's the meaning of this?" Sona asked while narrowing her eyes at Xander, "No way you too?! We are together for 2 milleniums right?" Xander said.

Luminous's eyes blanked even more when she heard that. "So you were living with this woman for many years..? While hiding from me?" Luminous slowly said while glaring at Xander. "Hey woman, hands off. He's my husband" Sona said with warning on her voice. She was just messing with Xander when she asked that question, she knew Xander would never cheat on her since they were always together in the long life they lived here. "Hah? You should back off old hag" Luminous didn't back down as she glared at Sona.

Guy just watched this with amusement in his eyes along with the newcomer demon lords. They didn't expect a Shuraba to happen when they are being introduced today as demon lords. "Wait stop! Its not the time for this, the Walpurgis will start now" Xander said making the newcomer raised an eyebrow. They wondered how strong big the guts of this man to interrupt the argument between demon lords. But they were surprised when the two back downed.

After everyone was already sitting on their chair, Guy gestured his maids to start the introduction. Misery stared at Guy before saying, "Demon, Lord of Darkness. Guy Crimson-sama" she turned to Sona who just closed her eyes. "Devil, Ice Queen. Sona Sitri-sama" she then turned to Ramiris. "Pixie, The Labryinth. Ramiris-sama" Ramiris was introduced as she puffed her chest. "Dragonoid, The Destroyer. Milim Nava-sama" Milim just Umued while nodding her head.

She then turned to Luminous. "Vampire, Queen of Nightmares. Luminous Valentine-sama" Luminous just nodded her head while she took her maid outfit, her disguise was also destroyed because of Xander's presence. "Giant, Continent's Wrath. Dagruel-sama" Dagruel just closed his eyes. She turned to the sleeping guy, "Fallen, Sleeping Lord. Dino-sama." Dino just raised his hand while still sleeping. "Dark Elf, Magic King. Kazaream-sama" the dark elf just nodded his head. Misery turned to the beastman. "Lycanthrope, BeastMaster. Carrion-sama" Carrion just smiled, "Harpy, Sky Queen. Frey-sama" Frey just smiled lightly.

The introduction ended as every newcomer was staring at Xander with interest, he wasn't introduce meaning that he is not a demon lord. Guy stared at the three before humming. "Hmm, barely acceptable but since we are short in numbers, let's just accept them" Guy's words infuriated the three as they released their auras. The second generation demon lords just raised their eyebrow before also releasing their aura. They are no pushovers, mere ants trying to show their powers were just a joke for them.

The newcomers widened their eyes before they were starting to get crushed by the pressure. Their perception of reality began changing at that moment, before they just thought that they are the strongest. But right now they are being pressured and by just second generations at that! They immediately reeled their aura to not kill the additional numbers in their circle. They are the only demon lords left as Guy already hunted those presumtious ones who claimed themselves as the strongest.

The three started panting as sweats filled their head. Kazaream analyzed everyone in the room and noticed that he couldn't get any information from them. The only one he got was from the attendant of the vampire, and the scary thing is they have the same amount of strength. Even the maid behind the Ice Queen is stronger than him, he kept his mouth shut and just listened to the upcoming conversation.

"So? What's the agenda today Guy? Or is it only welcoming those three?" Sona asked while looking at Guy, "Hm? Of course not. That would be boring, instead today were going to do something fun.." Guy said mysteriously as the others perked their ears. "We are going to decide another name! Yaay!" The room was suddenly descended with silence. The newcomers were confused by the silence as Carrion raised his hand.

"Hm? What's up new guy?" Guy asked as Carrion looked around, "What happened? Why are they down?" He asked as Kazaream and Frey listened. "Don't worry, they are just overreacting" Guy said with an assuring smile on his face. "Is that so.." Carrion was not convinced as everyone looked sullen, only the Ice Queen's two attendants were looking at the scene with amused look on their eyes. "Then let's start" Guy said.

The horror descended as everyone's horrible naming sense appeared. The three newcomers could finally understand what was happening, "Say.. how many days did it take before Great Demon Lords were established?" Carrion asked as Ramiris looked at him with dead eyes. "Its not that long.. just 7 years" They widened their eyes at what she said. They were depressed by such stupid things? Kazaream could only lament as he was not the one who possessed the strength of the ancient demon lords. They act like childrens!

They continued until Guy ended the Walpurgis, Kazaream left a message that his succesor would succeed him if he die as the other didn't care about it. Who would care about a cautious bastard that even hide his face infront of them. Nothing matters to them except for strength if you have no power then you're a coward too the you're useless. You could die all you want and they would never care, that's just how demon lords think.

Carrion and Frey also returned to their territory with heavy feelings, they just experienced the vast difference in strength with the others. They felt like they were not fit to be in the circle anymore, though they still need the title to put an anchor to their rule.

At Great Forest of Jura*

Xander and Sona returned to the forest, but instead of just three of them, another person came along. Xander got a head ache by this thing as he led them inside their house. "So you were living here huh? I expected a more luxurious house" Luminous said while observing the humble house. "You want luxury right? Then go return to your palace and don't come back here" Sona said while gesturing to the door. "Hmph, I wouldn't be fooled by something like a provocation" Luminous said but her forehead was already showing a vein.

"Then? Why did you come here anyway?" Sona asked as she took a sip from the tea that Carrera brewed. "I want him, so give him to me" Luminous said while pointing at Xander who just sighed, wondering how did he even gain Luminous's attention. "You know that's impossible right?" Sona said while raising her eyebrow. Xander was hers, she wouldn't accept something like this. "That's why I want a duel" Luminous said while she narrowed her eyes to Xander who just looked away.

Luminous was confident that she could beat Sona as she is not a True Dragon like Veldora. She was just a Devil, and Luminous's Ultimate Skill is also one of the reason why she was so confident. She trained her Ultimate Skill for the past centuries because she doesn't want to lose anymore. "So what's the wager?" Sona asked while Luminous just thought about it. "You decide yours, I just wanted him" Luminous shook her head before pointing at Xander.

"Then if I win, I'll erase all of your memories of Xander" Luminous's eyes widened at that condition. She was now starting to hesitate, the mere condition has shaken her this much. Just the thought of her memory of Xander being erase made her furious, she was about to refuse when she saw Sona smiling victoriously. "Deal" she accepted the wager as Sona smiled. Provoking people with huge ego is really easy.

Luminous called Roy and Louis for a second to let them handle the Religion, she then prepared herself. She can't afford to lose this battle as that would make all of her efforts drown to waste, she used all of the time of her life to find Xander and now she found him they are going to be separated again? Luminous started thinking if there are other ways to solve it without lowering her pride.

Xander looked at Luminous with sympathy on his eyes, "You know.. you don't need to this you know?" Xander said he also know that she has been looking for him so he recognized her effort. Luminous smiled lightly when she saw Xander's worry she closed her eyes before saying. "It's fine. I should be able to do at least this much" Luminous said was a glint sudden appeared on her eyes. "So that's why, you need to prepare yourself after I finished this" Xander's lips started twitching at that. He could only sigh.

Xander was about to persuade her again when Sona looked at him with narrowed eyes so he stopped. They went in the middle of Forest of Jura as they stared at each other. Carrera went in the middle as she would be the fight's referee, she looked at the two and saw they are already ready so she raised her hand before dropping it "Start!" After just saying that huge beam of lights suddenly appeared and went to Sona. Sona looked at it before freezing them in the air.

As if Luminous predicted that, she gave a follow up disintegration spell that has a large area of effect. Then again, Sona just froze it no problem. "Damned woman!" Luminous shouted while stomping her feet on the ground breaking it, she put force on her legs as her body blurred towards Sona who was just looking at her calmly. Luminous made an sword using her blood midway before slashing it to Sona, Sona didn't back down either as she made an ice sword, then they began to clash.

Each time their swords met, a huge shockwave would appear trimming a large part of the forest. And every second they already clashed a hundreds of thousand times. Their perception of reality is faster after becoming a demon lord. It was quite an amazing battle from afar the effects from the two weapons looked cool. Luminous then began turning serious, she looked at Sona with condescending eyes. "This is your last warning, back down woman" she said as Sona just smiled gently. "Go ahead, give me everything you got, I'll accept it with open arms" Sona said as Luminous was confused but shrugged it off.

Luminous's Ultimate Skill started reacting as she was now using it. She want to give all of she have with this one particular ability, she won't care about the surroundings if they would be included on it but she needed to do this. Black and Green aura began erupting from her body indicating the use of Ultimate Skill. Sona didn't do anything as she wanted to know her dedication for Xander. She didn't know anything about what Luminous have done since they were always in the forest, doing nothing but living a peaceful life.

Luminous's aura skyrocketed as took a large breath. "Take this! Death Streak!" Luminous shouted as she raised an hand before clenching something on it. Suddenly the land started to die, everything died in the vicinity. Monsters, plants, animals, even microorganisms died after being hit by the black aura. Sona smiled gently when she saw that, but just like what she said, she intended to accept it with wide arms. So she waited for the aura to hit her which only took 0.5 second.


A silence descended on the place. No living being could be seen within 100 miles, all of them dead.. with the exception of Sona. She stood there closed eyes but visibly still breathing. Luminous was stunned by the scene, "How?! You should have been dead!" She exclaimed not understanding what just happened. "I apologize but.. your comprehension of death is lower than mine. I've been living with DEATH for two milleniums now, I've watched him kill dozens of times. I saw how he did things, what happened to the creatures he killed, or even tested if they can be resurrected" Sona said.

"So its only logical that someone who has higher comprehension of death can rewrite a minor death spell that was given by someone right?" Sona explained as Luminous became more baffled. "W-What are you talking about.. Death? Who?" Luminous couldn't understand the current situation at all. "I'm sorry, little girl. I understand your feelings and efforts but Xander is mine" Sona said before Luminous became a ice statue within a second.

Xander saw this as he shook his head, seeing someone who cares for him get bodied like this leave a weird feeling on his guts. Carrera checked on Luminous before shaking her head, "The battle has ended! Sona Sitri's win!" No one cheered or anything, they just closed their eyes to pay respect to the hardworking girl. "Sigh, you have no choice now. You need to erase her memories" Xander said while caressing the ice statue infront of him. Sona shook his head at his words.

"I did say that I would erase her memories of you, but I didn't say that I would erase it whole right?" Sona said as Xander tilted his head. "What are you gonna do, Sona?" Sona smiled lightly at his words before she erased Luminous's memories about Xander but she left some minor informations. "If she truly does want you, then she would evetually remember anything. I left some small informations so she would look for you if you really are important to her" Xander sighed at her words. "That's more cruel right? You're going to make her suffer more" Xander said.

"No, this is the least she need to do. I just can't hand my husband that I've been loving for many years now, can't I?" Sona said while smirking at him who just chuckled. "Right, still. Thank you, Sona. For giving her a chance" Xander said as he hugged Sona who just snuggled on his embrace. "No.. thank you" Sona said before tiptoing and giving Xander as quick kiss on the lips. Things like this are more precious now that they craved for each other's warm.
