

Alex the rich second-generation heir of the most prestigious Ambrose family has finally completed his seven-year-long poverty training program. He is now a millionaire again. Will Alex finally find happiness and love now that he is rich again? Is all that glitters truly gold?

Amit_Agrawal_0888 · Urban
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1015 Chs

Ch 768 - The Fight Begins

Alex and the others looked at the Dark Wolf King with wide eyes. He had clearly accessed the higher level of power that they all dreamed of attaining.

All the werewolves had stopped in their tracks the moment the king had transformed into his diabolic form. Now they raised their wolf heads and howled at the sky, so that the entire valley was filled with the deafening baying of wolves. The shrill keening sound could be heard for miles around, as the wolves joyously welcomed the transformation of their king.

As the Diabolic Wolf King appeared, his body swayed violently, and then he moved at high speed to arrive in front of Alex.

He slashed at the air, and his claws left a long white trail. Four sharp blades formed from the wind, each able to cut through metal, and they surrounded Alex. The onlookers gasped at the skill level of the Diabolic Wolf King.

Alex simply stood there, not reacting. "Oh, so is this it?" he asked the transformed wolf. "Is this all I have to deal with?"

He laughed and threw a punch toward the sky. Instantly, the sky and the earth rumbled. Then he roared, and a bright purple light appeared, producing a violent fluctuation in the air. An immense wave of power reverberated from it, creating an enormous blast radius. Even a grand master would be destroyed if they stepped into this area.

Everyone was poised for the fight between Alex and the Diabolic Wolf King.

Alex's blood was boiling, and his black clothes were fluttering in the air. A dazzling purple light shot out from his eyes, colliding with the red light in the king's eyes. A loud crackling sound came from above them.

Under the expectant gazes of those watching, the glowing purple energy collided with the king's claws. An earth-shattering battle, the likes of which had not been seen for decades, had finally begun.

When the purple energy collided with the white wolf's claw, the entire valley seemed to tremble. Even the peak of the mountain, which stretched to the sky, vibrated slightly. With the two of them at the epicenter, the ground began to rock violently, as if struck by an earthquake. A massive wave of energy began to emanate from the two of them, spreading outward like a tsunami. Even people who were far away from the battlefield were affected by this terrible force.

"This is going to be terrifying," Asher said. He and the others were dumbfounded. How could this be happening? None of them had ever imagined such power was possible.

The king sent out a tendril of power, which swept out to the location of the spirit pond and the tricolor flower. The defensive spell that Alex had set up in advance was instantly activated, and a five-colored light barrier enveloped the pond and the flower.

As their powers met, the two of them shot backward, leaving a long, deep mark in the ground. The Diabolic Wolf King stuck his claws into the earth to stop himself retreating, while Alex did the same with his feet.

These two fighters seemed to be evenly matched.

Alex narrowed his eyes and glanced at the king. Since he had cultivated his current level of power, this was the first time that he had met someone who could fight him head on. The Diabolic Wolf King's physical body was much stronger than Asher's. In terms of pure strength, it was not as strong as Alex's, but the king's recovery ability was powerful, and he was almost immortal.

"Again!" shouted the king.

Alex raised his head and laughed. Then he took a step forward and flew into the void.

He used the invisible air as a flight of stairs and ran toward the king. A monstrous power surged through his body as he finally activated his full powers.

The Diabolic Wolf King saw that the tricolor flower was protected, so he didn't have to worry about anyone taking it. He grinned, and the red light in his eyes increased dramatically. With a sway of his body, the invisible force around him turned into a blizzard. He was lifted through the air as he wrapped himself in the blizzard, controlling the gale and directing it at Alex.

Up in the sky, the two forces clashed as they did battle.

This was different from Alex's previous exchange with Asher. Although Asher's power was highly developed, he was still inferior to Alex. But the Diabolic Wolf King was much stronger. He had lived for more than one hundred years, honing his skills, knowledge, and powers far beyond most people's reach.

When the two of them collided, it was as if a tornado had crashed into a hurricane.

Every time they collided, there was a loud ringing sound like a great bell, and the entire valley resounded with it. Even some distance away, there was a loud clanging sound, as if a giant hammer had smashed into an anvil.

The Diabolic Wolf King grabbed Alex's shoulder and tore his black robe apart. The sharp claws left four deep gouges on Alex's body, piercing through his skin.

Alex returned the blow to the left side of the king's chest, breaking several ribs.

After the attack, they both quickly retreated.

Alex swept his eyes across the wound on his shoulder, and his expression turned cold. This was the first time he had been injured since developing his full powers. No one else had been able to leave a mark on him, and now he had been hurt by the Diabolic Wolf King.

The king's injuries were far more severe than Alex. But, in just a few seconds, his ribs knitted back together, and he quickly returned to normal.

He laughed at Alex's frustration. "I'm immortal," he said. "You can't kill me."

His mental energy swept through the air like a tsunami of power, and his eyes shone with contempt.

Alex laughed. "You think you are actually immortal? That's just ridiculous."

With that, he casually waved his hand, and numerous green dots of light gathered on his body. As everyone watched, the four slashes on Alex's shoulder quickly disappeared, and his skin returned to its original state, as if nothing had ever happened.

Unseen in the desert, the few surviving plants withered. Alex had used his power to pull on their life force to heal himself. If this fight had taken place in a rainforest, then even a missile bombardment would not have been able to kill him, because he could have transferred the effect of every attack to the surrounding trees. Unless attacked by a nuclear bomb that instantly destroyed all life in the area, Alex would never die.