

This story is about a girl, she was always labelled the Villian. Even when she was just trying to help. No one ever considered what she was feeling inside, until one day. She couldn't keep it all inside, and she just burst. It was like time has frozen, and she woke up with an extraordinary gift. With her training in the martial arts and combat fighting, she channel her powers to become one of the greatest heroes ever lived.

Halmas22 · sci-fi
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25 Chs

Base of operation.

"And this is our base of operation." I said to Dai, gesturing around the apartment that Robyn had asked her dad to rent.

"So, this is it?" He ask, a skeptical look on his face as he look around the room.

"No, there is a gym on the other side of that door." I pointed to a door on the left side of the room, and the bathroom is the door next to it." I gave him a grand tour.

"So this is it." He has a expression on his face that I can't read.

"Yea, why do you have that look on your face?" I narrow my eyes at him.

He gave me an are you kidding me look. "Seriously Miayana, you call this your base of operation? Have you never read a comic book? Where are the monitors, where are the equipments. This place sucks."

I roll my eyes at him, and place my hand on my hips. "First of all, this isn't a comic book it's real life. And second, I don't have the money to get all of those things." I sign sitting down on one of the two chairs in the apartment.

"If money is an issue, I can help you out if you want." Dai offered.

"What, no Dai..Could not ask that of you. We just met, and I should be your big sister. I should be taking care of you."

"Hey, it's no biggy. And plus it's our dad's money, and I am apart of the team now. So I have all right to make this place look like a real base of operation." Dai said with a cheeky laugh.

"You won't back down won't You?"

"Nope. I am told that I got my stubbornness from my dad." Dai said pulling out his phone out of his bag pack.

"I heard he was a stubborn man and I inherit it from him too." I laugh.

Five minutes have passed and Dai finally finish with his phone call.

"So I just came off the phone with our father, and he just raise my allowance."

I laugh humorlessly. "Dai, I don't think your allowance can equip this place with servallance camera and what not."

"Oh sweet Mia, how much do you think I get for my allowance?" He said cocky smile.

"50 dollars a month."

He laugh a boisterous laugh. "50 dollars a month, oh my God you crack me up. No my dear, for my allowance which I get weekly I may add, is 100 dollars. And now that it has been raise, I will be receiving 100 dollars extra. Which add up to two hundred dollars."

My mouth drop open, can't believe what I just heard. Wow, I guess he is well off.

"So that can more than get this place started up." Dai look at me, his eyes burning with hope and something else.

"Yea, but Robyn and I will chip in also." Just then we heard the front door to the apartment open. We turn to it and saw Robyn entering with a whole lot of take out bags in her hand.

"Ah, a little help her." She look at us.

Dai and i briskly walk over to her and took some of the bags placing it on the coffee table.

"So what with all the take out?" I ask her, enjoying the wonderful smells coming from the bags.

"Aren't you all hungry, and plus. I had some free coupon." Robyn replied. 'And I couldn't decided what I wanted to after stalking Jax Holt the entire morning.' She thought.

Oh, so she was chasing the a guy. Time to have a little fun. "So, who is Jax Holt? And why were you stalking him?" I causally ask, taking out a container with sushi.

She choke on a french fry she was eating, and started to cough uncontrollable. "I don't know what you are talking about." She denied in between coughs.

"Oh come on Robyn, you know you can not lie to me. Or Dai for that matter, so spill the deets." I said taking a bite from my sushi.

Her mouth open and close before she glare playfully at me and then Dai.

"Hey get out of my head, and you stop reading me like a book." She pointed from me to Dai, who has his face stuffed with Thai noodles.

"Hmmm?" Dai ask confusingly.

"Robyn had been chasing a guy for the whole entire morning, that s why she has so many take outs." I fill Dai in on the info.

Noodles fall from Dai' s mouth ask he look up at Robyn with a smirk. "Oh Robyn, I never peg you as a stalker. Surely you know that he just broke up with his girlfriend of two years."

Robyn look at me with a questioning look, and I shrug.

"H-how do you know that?" Robyn ask.

Dai rolled his eyes at us. "Haven't you guys listen to anything I said since I met you all. I can read people, I just take one look at you, then I saw him through your eyes. And I the break up was pretty clear. By the way, he has nice eyes." Dai went back to his noodles, and I look at him with interest.

"He does have nice eyes, there are crystal blue with a touch of grey." Robyn stated with a dreamy sigh. Nibbling on another french fry.

The atmosphere settle in a quiet comfortable silence before I decided to break it.

"So Dai,"

"Yes?" He answered, wiping bbq sauce from his mouth.

"Can you read me like how you did Robyn?" I sturr my fish tea around the container nervously. And the cocky smile Dai has on his face isn't helping.

"Yes I can. See I told you that you guys weren't listening." Dai shake his head.

"Noted." Robyn laugh, earning as glare from Dai. Who then started to cackle.

"But it's not as easy as reading Robyn and anyone else. I have to concentrate really hard. it doesn't flow that easily."

"That is still unfair." I whine. You can read me, but I can't read your thoughts."

Dai grins at me. "But for what it's worth, I can't get premonitions about you. Just like how I can't get them with dad. So if you are going to be in danger, I can't help you."

I smile at him, and he smile back. I never told Dai this. But I am happy that he found me, we are so much a like in many way it just makes me feel content and happy inside. I Robyn, she is my bestie, and I wouldn't have reach this far in this past month without her.

I look around at the two people I have come to trust the most, and smile. I could not have ask for a better way to start of my day, then eating multiple different types of take out meal with my two awesome team members. Or are we partners. Anyhow, what ever it is, I am glad that I am here with them. What could ever go wrong.

Meanwhile across the city in a warehouse that looks abondan, is a underground secret laboratory. Two men sat at around a iron desk, looking at two monitors. You can barely see their face, even though the monitors light illuminated the room.

"Daison Hesketh thinks that we couldn't find him, or that he was the only source. But now problem, because we have his children right where we want them." One of the guy said. "And they are ready, just waiting to be plucked.