
Inside my System, there's a... God?! - A Fanfic of Solo Leveling & etc

Well, let's take a different path from what is normally seen. Many of you have probably seen countless works with Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and even American protagonists. Many of these works were truly incredible, but others mediocre at best. So here I am, giving attention to a relatively reasonable audience on Webnovel, which I think would be quite interesting to write about due to my knowledge about them. The protagonist of this story will be Brazilian, that's all you need to know until you read the synopsis below. PS: Don't worry about the Protagonist's Name not matching the narrative; they won't suddenly be from another country and have a completely Brazilian name or anything like that. ----- A boy with a strange appearance awakens a System within the slums of Brazil, after being run over by a Beetle while being threatened by an adult for stealing something. Many insane events happening at once, but as if the universe said 'fuck logic,' the same System the boy carries holds a literal...GOD?! The most concerning part is that neither the boy nor the System's god care about alignments; they have their own interests. And to think that a world of Monarchs and Rulers would experience such a drastic and possibly catastrophic change. ----- The synopsis may seem simple, but give it a chance. I've spent 2 years reading things on Webnovel and felt it was time to create something, even if it's mainly for my own interest. Perhaps I can create something good after reading so many works and getting accustomed to different types of plots. Until the prologue, folks. ( The cover is from a work called 'Player,' just like this is the appearance of the Protagonist. The difference is that his eyes are the same color as his hair, unlike in the cover photo where his eyes are shining. The sparkle in his eyes is for later~ )

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Brasil - Rio de Janeiro

It was just another normal day in Rio de Janeiro, extremely sunny and crowded with people on the streets. It was a very pleasant city if you ignored the sudden dangers that arose from time to time caused by the people who lived in this state.

One of these dangers suddenly affected a strange Boy.

The Boy seemed somehow different from the people around him walking down the street. While everyone had diverse and non-standardized features, the Boy had perfectly black hair and eyes, assuming a slightly bluish hue, turning his eyes and hair into an extremely dark blue shade.

"Get that bastard! He stole my damn coxinha!" - An angry adult man shouted as he chased the Boy.

"Tch, this asshole is going to get me into trouble again..." - The Boy murmured as he ran from the man. "YOU ASSHOLE! I TOLD YOU THAT WAS MY COXINHA!"

Both ran through the city streets at an excessively high speed, but still within normal human standards.

People who witnessed this scene sighed among themselves, accustomed to seeing such sights, as it was quite normal among the residents of this area.

This repeated for the next 15 minutes until they reached a dead end.

"Damn... I got distracted." - The Boy commented with a serious look as he chewed on the coxinha.

"DON'T GIVE ME THAT SERIOUS LOOK WHILE EATING MY COXINHA!" - The relatively tired and still enraged man complained a few meters behind the Boy.

Swallowing the piece of coxinha he was chewing on, as he had started during the chase due to sudden hunger, the Boy slowly turned to face the man.

"So... let's talk?"

- ... - The man squinted his eyes at the Boy while leaning slightly against the wall. -

"It depends on your answer. Tell me, which team do you support?"

The Boy widened his eyes at the question the man asked with such seriousness, as he started sweating in fear of giving the wrong answer.

"Damn, this guy is another football fanatic. Last time I saw one of those, he ended up killing four fans who teased his team..." Amidst these thoughts, the Boy began to go through the teams in his mind. "Let's see... Flamengo, Vasco, Fluminense, Botafogo... there's also Palmeiras, but being a Palmeiras fan is sad, they're still looking for the world title so it's completely out of the question."

"Well? What's with the delay and all that sweat? Are you in debt?" - The man questioned with a sneering smile, moving his hand towards his waist.

"SHIT, HE HAS A GUN." This was the Boy's instant deduction upon seeing him move his hand to his waist, and as a survival instinct...

"I'm a Flamengo fan, sir!" - He replied in the most obvious way. "Because for some fucking reason, 90% of the Brazilians I know are Flamengo fans, so this guy must be too... I hope."

"What a shame. I'm a Palmeiras fan." - The man pulled the gun from his waist and pointed it at the Boy. "First, you steal my coxinha, and now you reveal yourself as a Flamengo fan? You're screwed beyond belief." The man unlocked the gun.

"HEY HEY HEY, HOLD ON A SECOND!" Desperate, the Boy moved his hands. "It was just a prank, just a prank. Let's talk, I'm not a Flamengo fan, you know? I can become a Palmeiras fan!" He declared in a panic.

"Tch, don't talk shit, you bastard!" - Strangely more irritated now, the Man grimaced horribly at the Boy.

Throughout this dialogue, a bright light illuminated the entire alley, frightening both of them.

{{ Huh? }}

They both thought the same thing before looking towards the light coming from behind the Man with the gun, realizing that it was a Beetle speeding towards that alley.

{ Why the fuck is a Beetle here? And wait... HOW DID IT GET HERE?! IT'S A FAVELA ALLEY, IT HAS TO GO UP THE SIDEWALK } With thoughts starting correctly and deviating as the action progressed, the Boy wondered.

Shit. So they found me because of this. SHIT... DAMN THOSE [BEETLE BATTERS]! - The Man shouted indignantly while aiming at the approaching Beetle and firing nonstop with his Revolver, with a bluish energy covering his weapon during the shots.

{ !! } The Boy widened his eyes witnessing this { So, he's a Ranged Awakened, now it makes sense how he kept up with me even though I took all the shortcuts... } He squinted as he saw the bullets moving at a much faster speed than they normally would before attempting to hit the Beetle.

As a sort of response, the Beetle's hood opened, revealing a terrifying purple mouth that swallowed the bullets before spitting them back in the direction of the Man, but this time: stronger and with a purple hue.

- !! - The Man tried to dodge the bullets, but being quite average in his physical abilities, he received the bullets that hit his lower body, causing him to fall to his knees on the ground.

{ Shit... the last line of defense! } The Boy thought in horror as he looked around to see if he could escape, but to his misfortune, he was unable to because he had nothing to make him run away from there.

As if it were a warning from the harbinger of death itself, the Beetle honked its horn as it entered the alley with full force, its hood expanding to engulf the entire alley.

The first to be hit was the Man who was chasing the Boy, and in less than two seconds, the Boy was hit as well.

{ Shit... to think I would die from a cursed Beetle }

The Boy's vision blurred before he lost consciousness, feeling an immense pain in the front region of his body.


In a blue space

- Maaan, this is so boring. There's nothing new around here anymore! - A man with blonde hair and a kind of 'censor bar' on the upper part of his face complained with a bored tone of voice.

During his complaint, the letters on his shirt forming the phrase [Praise God] shimmered in a golden hue.

- Huh? What the hell is this? Did I set it to RGB when I created it? - He questioned the shirt, confused, while holding the part that was glowing.

The light took on a blue hue and 'materialized' into the shape of a window.

[ Hello, [God Arthur]. How about having some fun? ]

A powerful voice echoed in the infinity of this place as the sentence formed in the window.

- Huh? Hey, what's the deal with the proposition? - Arthur raised an eyebrow in doubt before breaking into a wide smile as he snapped his fingers - Ah! So you finally want to settle your debt! I knew helping you would pay off, ORG!

[ ...You didn't have to act like this. But fine, what do you think about having some fun? ]

- Fun, huh? - He sat on a small couch - Tell me more about it.

[ Well, a long time ago, I ended up creating that thing you used to call the 'System' when we were working on some things. I'm sure you remember that. ]

- Oh, yeah! It was during one of my attempts to convince you that it was worth it to help me create a webtoon and then create a world entirely based on the webtoon! - Arthur explained dramatically, as if he wasn't directly speaking to the being called ORG.

- [ That very thing. Unlike the others, this System couldn't be destroyed because it was something more metaphysical, while all the others were just artifacts with ridiculous powers. ]

[ So, I ended up randomly throwing it out there. But here's the problem. I- ]

- No way in hell - Arthur leaned closer to the screen with excitement - THAT LITTLE SYSTEM ACTUALLY FOUND SOMEONE SUITABLE FOR IT?! - A smile that threatened to split his face appeared on Arthur's face.

[ ...Yes. But here's the problem for me, the System has no intelligence or calculations to perform its proper functions. ]

[ In simple terms, it would have to be 100% operated by its User, while the User would be purely limited by the System's Rules. ]

- Hm hm, I see what you mean. - Arthur nodded - So, you would be creating one of those slightly controlled guys randomly, and this guy might accidentally screw over some random person you want to ally with, right? Since afterward, the blame would fall on you and it would ruin the potential alliance.

[ Exactly. So, here's the proposal: since you're essentially an excessively dominated slacker who doesn't care about anything, what do you think about being the one who will have complete ownership of this System? That way, you can make changes however you like and you won't have to stand here doing nothing anymore. ]

- Oh~! That's an interesting idea, but damn... calling me a slacker is not cool. - Arthur complained slightly - Well, what are we waiting for? I'll leave some of my leftovers to take care of things here, and I'll manage this thing myself up close!

[ Alright. I've just transferred ownership to you. Good luck. ]

As if in a hurry, the light instantly disappeared after Arthur agreed.

- Wow, that guy is in a rush.

- But well, let's see what interesting things you can do... - He began replaying the life of the System User from birth to the present moment to get an idea of who he was.

- A 'Brazilian', with a System? Damn, a System User who isn't Korean, Japanese, or American! I won't say it's something unique or brilliant, but definitely more interesting than one of the three repetitive choices. - Arthur muttered to himself - Let's see, all three of them already have so many behavior patterns, and I find them too boring. You know, even though there are infinite versions of those three types out there, they hardly manage to stop resembling each other. It's rare to find versions that can do that.

- I don't usually see 'Indians', 'Brazilians', or even 'Mexicans' being System Users in this way. Of course, they exist out there, but they are infinitely less common than those guys mentioned before. But wait...

- Damn, I'm monologuing again. - Arthur scratched his head slightly embarrassed as he spoke to himself - His story is nothing special, except for his strange personality. That's a good thing. I wouldn't want to manage some edgelord or puritan.

- Now, finally, the System itself. Let's start fixing some things in it. - Arthur commented as he moved his finger through some blue tabs and started adding and removing capabilities.

- Very classic, let's remove this here. Ah, putting this here will be interesting! - He removed something called 'Gacha' and replaced it with something that involved controlling the gain of something. - That way, he can be much more controlled than he would normally be, but in return, it will take much more time. The longer it takes for him to become strong, the more entertainment I'll have.

- Now... this part here. - He added a light blue box with golden letters, next to a notice that had some ribbon emojis attached to it - This will allow me to have enough fun too. I can only add new things in future updates, and the rewards are already prepared in that treasure room.

- It's filled with crap I created there. It should be enough for the guy - Arthur took a video game controller from under the mattress lying around in the blue space - Time to play! - He clicked on Play, and strangely enough, when the controller turned on, the System appeared in front of the unconscious boy.


The Beetle had finished colliding completely, crushing both bodies against the wall, which, due to the injuries of the only adult between the two victims, spread blood everywhere.

The Beetle's headlights seemed to be flashing happily but soon stopped when its driver tapped the side of the door.

- Come on, kid, target eliminated. You can come in now. - The Beetle's driver said cheerfully as the Beetle's hood opened again.

A tongue extended out of the hood and wrapped around both bodies. The Beetle's driver simply continued smoking his cigarette as he watched the whole scene unfold.

But in a single instant, the driver's cigarette fell as he looked wide-eyed ahead. The Beetle's tongue had been cut to a level that made it seem like it had simply disintegrated, just like the body of the adult man who was one of the victims.

The cause? The second victim, the boy. He was now standing on the ground with a huge smile on his face, his sclera shining in an extremely bright light blue while his pupil was perfectly white.

- Hey, you. I should thank you! Thanks to you, I got a hell of a great present today, seriously, dude! - The boy, or rather, Arthur, commented as he shook his hand slightly to greet the man inside the Beetle.

- When you try to Reincarnate, I'll hook you up with some things. Leave it to the old man here; I'll do everything as compensation for this great gift I received! - Arthur said playfully as he stared at the Beetle, which seemed to emit a purple aura, materializing hundreds of purple weapons around it.

- Okay, I'll let you. You can shoot. - Arthur said, waving his hand in amusement.

And so, the man did. He released all his Mana into the materialized weapons, and they quickly began to break the concrete of the alley and all the walls due to the tremendous force carried by the bullets.

This rain of bullets created a curtain of dust that worried the man, but he quickly felt relieved when he didn't notice a single movement during the first 5 seconds.

Unfortunately for the man, inside the curtain was Arthur, moving in a strange way to dodge the bullets.

- Damn, it's hard to use a controller to control a human body! - He murmured strangely perplexed, spamming the triangle button to attack the relentless bullets.

Luckily, I can temporarily strengthen this body, so I don't have to worry about it getting blown to pieces on the sidewalk with these little bullets. - Arthur declared satisfied as he repelled the bullets with a punch here and there before suddenly all the bullets stopped.

The reason for this was quite simple. The man controlling the weapons had run out of Mana, completely exhausted. He refused to stop shooting until he was sure the abomination he saw was dead. After all, he was only capable of doing this: materializing this type of weapon and shooting. So he would do it until he was exhausted and would only stop when he had no more Mana to avoid any kind of risk.

- A smart sidekick, I see. - Arthur commented wisely as he stroked his imaginary beard, emerging from the dust area perfectly unscathed. - You know, you've climbed a few levels on my list of 'The Smartest Extra in terms of extras.' That's quite an achievement! I'll make sure you have a healthy life after you reincarnate!

The desperate man stepped on the accelerator, trying to run him over with his furious Beetle, but both he and the Beetle were reduced to a bloody pulp (and scrap too) in the blink of an eye.

- Well, it wouldn't be good for him to be seen fighting these guys right now. So ending this now was unfortunately my best decision. - Arthur complained, quite sulky, before clicking the 'turn off' button. - Good luck, kid. Let's see what you'll do until the police arrive.

And with that, Arthur left the boy's body, causing the boy to wake up and look around in fear. He saw the blood on the ground next to the Beetle's parts, as well as the shattered and bullet-ridden surroundings, with bullets made of Mana slowly disappearing from the ground.

- ...What the hell? Wasn't I supposed to be the guy beaten up here?

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