

„I don't remember when or why, but they say I killed someone. I was judged for this, but I'm still free as they didn't find any evidence to send me to jail and to close me inside a cold cell, for eternity. However, they are still after me! Especially my victim's brother who swore to kill me or to kneel me down. And now, when we are working together, I'm forced to see him every day and to see that big hatred he has for me reflected in his eyes.  And... it's a reciprocal feeling: hating! But even so, something attracts me to him. Is it because I'm a crazy woman that loves the one who hurts her and hates her? Maybe! I don't have an answer to this question! But still, while his eyes are piercing me and leaving me blooding inside, I understand that I know nothing about this world.  My name is Ian SolHi. I'm 30 and I'm a detective in the Homicide Department, Seoul PD. I've been accused once of being a murderer, but I've been also declared innocent, for lack of evidence. That's why I entered the police: to find out the truth and, since then, 7 years have already passed without finding out what happened then. But I feel that everything has changed now: the monster inside me has awakened and he feels the smell of blood."

flyangel2690 · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
11 Chs


  „Ok, detective Kan. I got it. Yes, yes, don't worry. I'll give the message to prosecutor Han. See you in the office."

  „What's wrong?" DooSan asked inspector Yu, who was walking next to him, on a narrow street.

  „Min An Sook. It seems that they got him framed for Li Ha Ni's murder."

  „He got framed?! By who?"

  Inspector Yu stopped for a few seconds and, turning toward DooSan, he stared into his eyes. „Prosecutor Han, tell me, who do you hate the most in this life?"

  „Who do I hate?" DooSan mumbled and stared past Yu… his jaw was slowly shaking off bad memories.



  DooSan and GhiYon entered the restaurant and approached the reception: „I have a reservation under the name of…," but a scream caught his attention and he took a few steps in front to see who was arguing because something was telling him that the person involved in that argument was somehow related to him.

  „What? Why exactly can't she eat here? Is this a crime, adjuma?" Mina yelled at the manager, who was next to them.

  SolHi looked around and, seeing everybody staring at them, she grabbed Mina's arm. „Let's go, Mina. It's not worth…"

  „To go?! Not in a thousand years. We have the same rights to eat here as everybody else and…"

  „Nobody denied you, Miss, to stay," the manager continued, „but… she must go."

   „She???" Mina yelled again. „Miss, lady, whatever other formal names, but not she. This girl has a name too. You could ask her first and then…"

  „Everybody in town and I think the whole country knows… this Miss. In my restaurant, I have the right not to receive assassins to eat at my table."

  The Sky collapsed once again over SolHi: she listened to such insults before but was different this time because she was out of a Court at that moment, and those who were calling her an „assassin" were simple citizens and not a prosecutor or the victim's family, and these ones didn't even know her. But, in their eyes, she was prosecutor Han YuSan's assassin and it won't ever change.

  Without saying more words, SolHi passed by Mina and headed toward the exiting door while a lot of tears were flowing down her cheeks and she was seeing nothing else around.

  Then, she felt she lacked air and the only thing she wanted at that moment was to leave that cursed place where everybody was blaming her for something she felt she had never done, but nobody believed her.

  „How does it feel?" has been heard behind SolHi when she passed by the reception.

  SolHi stopped and slowly turned her head toward DooSan, who was the one telling those words. Through tears, she barely could see his face, but she knew him so well already and she was still smelling the hatred he had for her.

  In the distance was still heard the argument between Mina and the manager, but SolHi was concentrating only on the demon who was standing in front of her, with his hands in his pockets and grinning with satisfaction at her.

  „Like hell," SolHi whispered. „Are you happy now? Aaa? Are you happy, Han DooSan, for seeing me this way?"

  „DooSan, I think is better to…," GhiYon tried to stop him, but DooSan wasn't listening to anybody.

  „Of course, I'm happy. You don't even know how happy I am. Finally, you got what you deserved," and he started to walk around her, looking with delight at her shaking hands and body. „I call this karma. Now I'm finally happy that the Court didn't imprison you because people's hatred and contempt are more than a fair punishment for you."

  A bowl of cold water has been thrown over DooSan's head.

  „You," DooSan yelled at Mina, who was standing next to him with the empty bowl in her hands: Mina's jaw and hands were badly shaking because of anger.

  „Punishment? For whom, idiot? Do you ever know what she had to pass till today?" yelled Mina.

  „Mina, please…," SolHi whispered, drowning in tears.

  „If you never saw her crawling on the floor because she couldn't stand up; if you didn't even listen to her weep during the night because everybody was chasing her; if you didn't see her killing somebody, you can't call her an assassin."

  „But this is what she deserves," DooSan grinned, but he stepped back when he saw Mina approaching him, tightly grabbing the bowl and intending to hit him.

  „And what if she's not guilty?!

  „What? What are you talking about? She was there that night and…"

  „What if she got framed for this? What if you hate not the real assassin? Aaa? How will you redeem your mistake in front of her? With an „I'm sorry?" If so, just lose yourself in hell, mister stupid. Let's go, SolHi. We have nothing else to do here," and, grabbing SolHi's wrist, Mina tried to take her out, but SolHi withdrew her hand and approached DooSan, after wiping away her tears.

  „Do you want evidence, don't you? Well, I'll find that evidence that you weren't able to find, Han DooSan and if I'm not guilty I will make you all pay… for your insults… for your hatred… for being your idiot for two years. You will pay me for this, Han DooSan. I swear that you will pay me for this."

  The slammed door behind SolHi made DooSan react and stare in the same direction.

  „Let's go," GhiYon told him, but DooSan exited the restaurant without saying a word.

  And he saw SolHi approaching Mina's car and he started to run to catch up with her, but the car passed in front of him and none of the girls looked at him.

  A few months after that incident, DooSan found out that SolHi entered the Police Academy and he decided to walk the same path. So, he resumed his studies and he had only one aim: to be a Prosecutor and defeat her, no matter what.



  „Where is she?" DooSan asked while looking around.

  „Detective Ian? She said that she will catch up with us!"

  „Why am I not even surprised?! She always does whatever is crossing her mind," DooSan whispered and they stopped at the corner of the street, looking toward the entrance to a nightclub. „Why do I have the feeling that I saw this before?" And DooSan stared at the motorcyclists and rockers that were in front of the club.

  „Maybe because the last time we met them was bad enough?

  „And because it has been bad enough, will you give up?" SolHi tossed them.

  „Yah, why don't you face them then if you are so…," but DooSan shut up watching her rock vestment. „You decided to copy them. Nice."

  „Copy? Why copy them, when I can be unique?! Let's go, inspector! We don't have the whole night only to eye them."

  „No, thanks. I'll better wait here. The last time I welcomed them, it didn't end well. At all."

  „I can't believe it: only a few puppies and our… are so afraid," SolHi nodded in reproach.

  „Puppies?!" And DooSan took a step in front of her. „Those are Pitbull. Pitbull."

  SolHi imitated a bite and, taking a pack of cigarettes Yu was playing with, she crossed the street in a hurry.

  „That's going to be ugly," Yu whispered while scratching his head.

  „Damn psycho! Go after her or for sure we are dead!" DooSan mumbled and he kicked a stone, making it roll on the asphalt.


  „May I have a light?" SolHi asked one of the motorcyclists seen in front of the club, but instead of lighting her cigarette, she heard their mocking laughter.

  „Listen to me, dwarf, get lost! This is not a place for you!" One of the guys told her and, while he was approaching her, the chains he wore sounded like hitting each other.

  But what was catching the eye was the round and big earring hanging from his nose. „Did you hear me, dwarf? Get lost or…," but he screamed like hell, feeling a hard hit between his legs and, grabbing the earring, SolHi started to pull him toward her.

  „When a lady asks for a light, idiot, you take the lighter out of your pocket and you light her cigarette. If not, you can catch a bullet between your rat eyes, stupid," and the barrel of a gun touched his head.

  The motorcyclists started to surround SolHi, ready for a fight.

  But they stopped seeing Yu getting in a hurry and aiming at them with the gun. Yet, the motorcyclists didn't want to listen to him eventually and started to walk toward them again.

  „Damn! I told her not to…,'' mumbled Yu, seeing that things were getting worse.

  Yet, Yu wide-open his eyes hearing: „I told you not to move between my legs, dwarf. I hate Chihuahuas," a rocker said and he punched SolHi.

  But she moved back and the guy stumbled to his feet.

  Soon after, he has been forced to kneel after a hit in his stomach, received from Yu, who was still aiming with the gun: „Next time when you call someone Chihuahua, first ask if he's not from the police, idiot, and now: everybody stand up, faster and move toward the entrance or I swear a bullet will beautify your rat foreheads."

  SolHi stared at Yu… she definitely didn't expect such a reaction from him. Yet, she was definitely happy because, for the first time in her life, somebody, a man, defended her and SolHi will never forget this.