
Inside Job: Formless

A mad scientist that struggles to find love due too her job and past finds it in a conspiracy.

Omen_of_Oblivion · TV
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3 Chs

First task

It was now the next day from Adomas's original meeting with his new coworkers. It was now seated at a new seat at the meeting table in the room it first met them and created Sigma. It sat on the chair as its child sat on its lap, playing with two toy cars on the table."Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" the child made, what it thought to be, car noises as it rolled one along the table. A visibly tired woman, that Adomas came to know as Reagan Ridley through his briefing with J.R, gritted her teeth as she was already really tired and was getting annoyed at Aria.

"So you are Rand's male offspring?" Adomas asked Reagan in an flat tone. Reagan clenched her fist and responded to Adomas very offended and angry "yes, Rand Ridley is my father and I am his daughter, daugh-ter, this means female offspring, why would you even think I was male?" Adomas shrugged its shoulders as it patted Aria's head so as to tell it to be a little quieter, "all you humans are hard to differentiate without proper observation, also with the state of humanity I didn't want to offend you, you behave in many non-feminine ways, you did tell me to 'suck your dick' and to my extensive knowledge females don't have penises."

Reagan looked away annoyed and embarrassed as she grumbled incoherent noises. Aria turned to its parent and held up one of the toy cars as it held the other to the table "daddy! Play with me! You can be blue, ooh, ooh, but you have to make the real noises, pleeeeeaaase". Adomas sighed with a happy smile "sure we can play, but wouldn't it be more fun to actually be the cars, I obviously mean smaller versions of the automobiles so we have more space and don't get in the way humans and the other beings in the facility", Aria's face was beaming as it jumped of its parents lap, the toy car in hand.

The child-like bing dropped its toy car as its body shrank and began transfigure and colour to that of the red toy car it just dropped. Adomas chuckled as he saw his offspring wiz around the floor stopping in front of him waiting. The others in the room who were relatively quiet were: Myc the mushroom, who was silently scrolling through social media trolling obese people; Andre the asian chemist, who was sitting down with his face on the table seemingly unconscious; and finally Reagan who was watching the parent and child with jealousy and annoyance.

The red toy car suddenly projected a loud noise which slowly turned into the voice of Aria "Mmmmmmmmbbbrrraa- Ppppplllllll- pplay- come on, play!" Andre's head shot up as he started hyperventilating "the voices! They're back!" He screamed as he frantically looked around the room trying to find the source of the voice. Myc laughed at Andre and started recording him "hahaha, you look so fucking insane, this will totally go viral when I post it!" Myc and Andre began to bicker and argue. Adomas's attention went back to the red toy car as he gave a disapproving and disappointed look "what have I told you about projecting your voice?!"

The little red car backed away a little as Aria projected it's voice once again though this time in a guilty whisper like way "take into account the mental capacities of those who may hear and attune it thusly. Sorry, I was just really excited-"

Suddenly without warning J.R burst into the room followed by Brett, Gigi and Glenn. Brett was covered in what seemed to be soot, Brett and Gigi looked mortified and afraid as Glenn had a smug look on his face. J.R was all sweaty, he was dabbing at his sweat with a handkerchief. "Okay, everyone, we have a huge problem-" J.R started nervously before he was interrupted by Glenn, "I don't see a problem-" J.R quickly shouted back at Glenn "that's because you did it!"

Despite J.R's remark Glenn's look of pride did not waver. J.R quickly walked over to the large screen on the wall by the head of the meeting table. He tapped on his phone as the screen changed to a picture of Brett in a canon scared as Glenn was standing behind it with a lit torch standing like Wile E Coyote with a large ugly smile. J.R pressed the phone screen again as the picture changed to Brett souring through the air waiving his hands and screaming while covered in soot, Glenn was in the frame saluting. J.R tapped the phone once again as the screen changed perspectives to Brett having crash landed into a test tube with an ooze covered figure that seemed to be a Ryan Reynolds in a Green Lantern costume.

J.R sighed as he tapped the screen again. The slide changed to a photo of Brett fumbling to stand up will holding his head. In the background behind Brett was a Ryan Reynolds that looked basically brain dead as he wore the Green Lantern suit, his eyes were also crossed and he was drooling, though he looked brain dead before for just wearing the Green Lantern suit. J.R pressed the screen again and the slide show shut off.

"So what exactly is the issue?" Reagan asked as she didn't really see an issue with the photos. J.R's nose scrunched as he looked to Glenn "the problem is that the photos were posted and a trend called 'Green Lantern 2' has started".

"Oh no" Myc said abruptly and sarcastically as he scrolled through his phone.

By this point Aria reverted back to its usual human child appearance and stood next to its parents chair.

J.R took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose as he began to speak "we can't have people realise that that's a clone and not Ryan so we will have to get Warner Brothers and Ryan Reynolds to make a sequel to that god awful Green Lantern movie".

"For this nearly impossible task of making a good Green Lantern movie we need our best on the job" J.R said as he looked to Adomas. "Adomas, you need to convince Ryan Reynolds to endorse and act in this movie or we have to replace him with one of his brain dead clones, and trust me those 'things' can't act".

J.R turned to Reagan and Gigi "you two will convince Warner Brothers to make the movie while also taking control of the'Green Lantern 2' trend". J.R turned to Glenn "and you! Don't do anything stupid or I'll make you sleep with the fishes again!" To this Glenn gulped and began to sweat.

It was now time for Adomas's first task.