
Gambling with a guarantee

Some days passed and Mo Yan tried to fuck with Fang Yuan and was demolished. I have known the brithercon for years and she is a huge bi-

*Knock knock

De fuck? Who is knocking on my door at 6 am? This might not be as surprising as it sounds to some people, but don't forget that I live in a treehouse, in the forest, where dangerous beasts like boar kings roam, with my brother and people coming to us is as rare as Wild Gu worms.

We also moved to a new location after starting school, a location only like 6 people know about, including us two. We found 5 trees really close in the south area of the forest and made a big treehouse with 3 rooms, 1 kitchen and 2 bedrooms. It is also 3 meters tall, as we have a 2 meter long sword to accommodate.

This was an amazing find for us, as it is close to our hunting territory and all there were perfect conditions to build a house big and durable enough to accommodate me, Chun Jack and Guts. We weigh around half a ton in total, so having a lofty treehouse is bound to bite us in the ass.

What kind of sane person would come here? I opened the door, which is like 5 meters off the group BY THE WAY, and saw the biggest bully of the village in front of me. The bitch named Mo Yan stood in front of me and stared at me with anger "Didn't I tell you to not bully my brother! Do you think I won't punish you!"

I looked at her and laughed. She had told me to fuck off and not bully her brother as soon as she became a Gu master. I even had to teach her a lesson and beat the shit out of her when she got cocky from her middle stage promotion, but I haven't been able to beat her ever since. Gu worms are overpowered man!

"The fuck you want? I haven't even touched your brother. He isn't even worth the effort. If I am going to fight someone, it is Chi Shan. The fucker has gone into hiding since our last match and is avoiding me like the plague! Go and fuck your brother you brothercon and stop bothering me, I gotta cultivate."

Her tone was as if she wanted to fight me, but I had long since prepared for any unwanted visitors. I pulled the lever to my right, activating the trap door and the floor under her feet unhooked and down she went!

She barely managed to fall in a graceful position and stared at me, dumbfounded. That's right! I installed a trapdoor for comedic effect! Even if I was told it was a bad idea by everyone, I still did It! And it was all worth it for just that one moment! Now I get to rub in my genius in the face of at least 5 people!

Still, why tye fuck did she come to look for trouble? She probs came after me to get the rage built up from Fang Yuan out of her system and was generally being a bitch. With me infuriating her even more, she left to find trouble with someone else and I went back to my peaceful cultivation. Quite amazing how well that trapdoor worked.

Those were the days, cultivating nonstop and getting closer and closer to medium. I kinda want to become class president and and get the 10 primeval stone per week allowance. I don't extort, so might as well become class pres and get more benefits.

I am rich, but, like I said, a little extra money on the side won't hurt me. Maybe I should take the Liquor Worm Gu back? It's will belongs to me and is backed up in the system, so I can take it back at any moment. Nah, I don't need it. I'll be #2 after Fang Yuan and get pres position. I highly doubt any of those chumps can compare to me in cultivation! I don't need to eat and have my personal slave to feed my Gu worms for me!

Time has passed and right now it is May. May, oh beautiful may. It is so many things. One of the most beautiful months of all 12, the favorite joke of grade school teachers and the, apparently, month the latest caravan arrives. It is also the month Jia Jin Shen dies. Or does he?

I have recovered the inheritance, although it is currently sealed up, I highly doubt the- no wait. There actually is a way. The 100th reply will coincide with this event and the inheritance will be revealed revealed to the two of them. My brother has fully cultivated the strength of a boar and I don't want any strength path powers hindering me. Ican just give it back and let it hibernate for a while.

Let's just check on the price of the earth tre- Hey wait a minute! Why does this fking thing cost 160 and sells for 5 Gu points! The fk is this! I am getting ripped the fuck off!

Guess I'll have to get creative and do something else. Maybe make it look like a fossilized White Boar Strength Gu? I'll go with that.

I mostly want the story to follow cannon. I have limited insight and strength. If I can follow what I know, I can build a sturdy enough foundation to walk without fear.

Maybe the first Gu Yue will appear and I will be able to- Nah! I don't need his inheritance and my brother won't accept it. From the way he swings his sword, I can tell he has fully accepted his role. Also, he might hate Gu masters, but he isn't willing to slaughter people for no reason. Screw it! Imma do it.

I put the Gu back where it was and just walked away. It looks fossilized and Fang Yuan won't suspect me. Might as well let him do whatever he wants, but he isn't allowed to overuse it. I will take it back as soon as he tries to refine it into a new Gu. It is mine and no one is allowed to abuse it except me!

With that small matter out of the way, I went out to the caravan and went shopping for Gu worms. I might have stolen some Gu worms from some dumb blokes and used my entire saving of 450 primeval stones to buy a movement type Gu called Spring Weed Gu, that looked like actual weed, the herb. That fact had nothing to do with my reason for buying it! None whatsoever!

I'll refine it later, as I don't have a Spring Autumn Cicada! Sadly, I only have 340 primeval stones left. Huh? You wondering where I got so many of them? Well, here is a hint. Boar tusks go for 22 tusks per primeval stone, 20 on a good day, but I always sell them for 25 a stone. My brother and I hunt 20 of them each day. We also sell the meat and other shit, so we make quite a lot of money. Our shared income is 13 primeval stones per day.

Thanks to our business partners, the boar kings and the wolf kings continuously pumping out fresh goods each day, we can maintain our business. An entire dear sells for 1 primeval stones, so imagine what an entire herd of boars and wolves goes for! We come back hella injured after each day at work, but we have a medic(mum) to help us recover for free each time.

We make good money and are quite rich for a rank 1 Gu master and his slave. My total income is high and stable, as I don't need primeval essence to hunt those boars and neither does my slave. We have even been getting better at it these days.

Fang Yuan would die of jealousy if he heard how easy my life is! He has to make 56 enemies in order to maintain his income. All I need is a lot of effort and my mum's help.

It is kinda sad I will have to hunt down the boar king. But I still need to make preparations. O need a protective Gu and we can go hunt the damn boar King down! Or not! It is kinda dangerous to fight a giant pig with like a thousand sons and daughters guarding him. Screw it, we will manage! I want the damn Brown Boar Strength Gu really badly!

Chun Jack has hit his body's natural limit in terms of physical strength and only strength path Gus' will be able to help him advance.

I want to buy strength path Gus', but I don't have any savings left. What can I do in such a situation? Simple, I can exploit my system and get Gu worms!

I went to the gambling den and did my yearly routine of scamming the entire rock gambling place! How, you might ask? I used my system to check the contents of the stones I hold. If it says the stone is work 0 Gu points, then it is empty. If it says anything else, there is a Gu worm inside! This is also an aspect of the system I love! The Gu worm only needs to be 1 meter away from my body to be converted into Gu points.

"Welcome to our store, young master! We sell special-" I stopped her from talking, as I have heard this for like 10 times already and said "Ya ya, I know how this place works. I pay 10 stones, and open the rocks to see if I am lucky or not. I have done this before!"

I have indeed! How do you think I have so many Gu points? I "get lucky" every year and get Gu worms, but I sell them before they even appear, so it looks like I opened a dud and no one suspects a thing. It is a genius scheme and I get away each time.

I checked over the the stacks now and bought 5. To be honest, there were 8 that had worms in them. One was Fang Yuan's mud skin toad or whatever it is called. The others were actual worms, so I ignored them, but one of the five was a Gu worm I can't ignore.

Mother fucking rank 3 Stone Aperture Gu! So this is where the bastard Bai Ning Bing got it from! To think I would be so lucky! Well, not lucky, but I guess I'll show this Gu to the masses. It isn't that good and no one will suspect me, as I have been gambling here since childhood.

The other 4 I sold for a total of 35 Gu points. There were 2 rank 2 Gus', so I got a good price for them! Why don't I open them you ask? I can't open 5 stones and win 2 or 3 times! Much less all 5 times! If I do, I might get banned from gambling!

"Damn! The first 4 were a bust! Come on lucky number five!" I slowly began opened it as a stone cube appeared and I screamed like Joseph on a Sunday morning "Oh My God! I actually got one! Woo yeah baby! That's what I have been waiting!"

The observer inspected it and gave me a "fair" price of 190 primeval stones and I laughed in her face. "Do you think I am stupid! This is a rank 3 Gu worm called Stone Aperture Gu. It can fully maximize your cultivate in exchange for all the talent you possess. I am not dumb enough to sell it for 190. I am keeping this bad boy and using it as soon as I reach rank 3!"

No one would find fault with me for this dumb Gu worm. This small expedition has literally saved me 150 Gu points! Who knows, I might find the Fate Flipped Upside Down Gu next? Just joking. That is a custom Gu designed by the system. It cannot be refined by mortals and is what I like to call rank 0, as it exists outside the laws of this world. Even thought it is classified as a rank 3 Gu worm, it is still rank 0 in my heart!

I just finished binging like 40 chapters and finished the entire three king's inheritance arc and bruuuuh! I think I lost NNN reading that! Holy shit was it amazing! I can't wait for the day when I reach that arc and have to write my version of it!

Nike13Kcreators' thoughts