
Flower Wine Monk's inheritance

The ceremony ended quickly after that and news of the genius Fang Yuan drinking himself to death began spreading as me and my slave went out to pound a bear into meat paste. This was our celebratory tradition. For every big achievement of ours we would go out to hunt bigger animals.

The first achievement was the rank 2 Gu we accidentally found and I "ate". We went out and hunted a wolf. The next was our 10th birthday(we were actually born on the same day?!) and we hunted a big boar.

Today was the celebration of my talent and we caught a motherfucking 200kg brown bear with our bare fists and brought it's already tenderized meat home. My slave had a giant wound on his left forearm and I had multiple broken ribs and extremely stressed upper body and lower body muscles. Wrestling with a bear isn't easy, ya know! It sure was fun though.

My mother, like the last 2 times, lectured us about being suicidal and my dad laughed at our enthusiasm and praised us quite well. "Hahaha! Honey, you know your child. This young man can barely contain his hot blood and has been like this since childhood. I still remember the wolf and boar incident. They came back half dead both times, but they won and brought us fame and honor! Just let them do their thing and who knows, maybe they will bring us a dragon for their rank 2 celebration!"

My mom puffed at my dad and said "Don't give them any ideas! God knows they might actually do it!" My slave and I laughed at her comment, but we had a glint in our eyes, that said we both knew what we were going to do.

My mother caught that glint as well and lectured us for half an hour, while healing us, about how we are not allowed to fight a dragon.

"But muuuuuum! We want to!" She sighed at my and my slave's puppy dog eyes and said "Alright, I will cut you a deal. You reach rank 3 Gu master and you can go hunt your dragon, but make sure Jack'er is ready as well when you do!"

We both nodded and the celebration began. Coincidentally, my Health nourishing Gu needed to be fed that day as well. None of the bear meat was left after that day and me and my slave went to sleep in the treehouse we had sat up in the forest.

We have been living independently for a while already. I can wrestle a bear, so living alone isn't that difficult of a task. Besides, we have a legal "guardian".

Wang Er is a name not a lot of people might recognize, but he is a friend of ours and checks up on us every morning to make sure we are not dead or something.

We got close when he was wandering around in the forest and found us fight a boar to the death. It was our 10th birthday celebration and we got so injured he had to drag us home. He has been like a teacher to us ever since and if Fang bitch dares to kill him this time around I will make sure he suffers!

No matter how strong I am or how barbaric I act, I still haven't killed a single person and am a top scorer from my school back on earth! I grew up normally... Normally in regards to my family relationships. I am not emotionless like Fang Yuan and can't abandon people I have grown attached to.

I had never hunted in a forest and Wang Er took up the liberty of teaching us and making sure we stay alive. He is like the cool and strong dad I never had. My Gu master dad isn't weak, but he also can't shoot a bow or defeat me.

The only person I am willing to part with is old man Wang. I don't like old man Wang, though his daughter is kinds nice and my slave has taken a liking to her as well. She was one of the kind people, that gave him small bits and pieces of food when he was on the edge, so she has a special place in his heart. It is less love and more gratitude is what I am saying

We said goodbye to our parents after the good meal and went to our treehouse and soon went to sleep. Or so my parents thought!

My slave looked a bit tired, but there was no time for that! I stopped him in the middle of the forest and slapped his head awake "This is no time to sleep! We have work to do!" My slave quickly sobered up and said "What happened to make you so excited?!"

"Bleh, nothing! It is only the inheritance of a rank 5 Gu master, nothing big!" My slave heard that and immediately jumped out of his skin, fully woken up and already more energetic than during our training sessions. "What are we waiting for then? Let's get going!"

I really love this guy and I want to get going now, but there is something I need to talk with him about. I sighed and said "Chun Jack, I might call you slave, but I think of you as a brother. You know I won't lie to you, but you must surely know what I am thinking and you most likely realized it today."

The energetic look he had and the excitement quickly disappeared and was replaced by an angry expression. Chun Jack clenched his fists to the point they started shaking and a small tear could be seen near the corner of his eyes.

"Why is heaven so unfair! I have worked so hard! I have fought wild beasts on a daily basis and have risked my life multiple times! I have been fighting with you since I was 6 and I know how much effort I have put in, but I have already accepted my fate." He looked down and sighed, tears still coming down his eyes.

" I might have put in effort, but I was never destined to be a Gu master and never even dreamed of it. I have learned everything from you and barely managed to keep up with you. I have seen the effort you put in! People look at us and think are just some crazed barbarians with death wishes, but they can never imagine our struggles! You have done all you could to prove yourself to the heavens, but heaven discarded you! Why did that bottom feeder Fang Zheng awaken as an A grade! He doesn't deserve it! He is inferior in every aspect, so why is his talent so high?!"

I sighed inwardly. I thought he would be devastated, but not because of this reason. Even I felt indignant when Fang Zheng surpassed us, so I thought Chun Jack would beat himself up and get depressed over such unfairness. To think this dumbass was worried for me rather than himself!

I walked up to him and gave him a good punch to his stomach "You dumb slave! I am Kai Nem, the crazed barbarian! You thought I would be discouraged by cultivation talent! You think I am as weak as that trash Fang Yuan! He is drowning himself in alcohol while I am drowning myself in the future! So what if I am only C grade? I promised you greatness and power when we first met and I will fulfill my promise!"

Even though I loved Fang Yuan's character in the original story, I am still a worldly person. I took in a mortal as my sl-... As my brother and I promised him strength and to stand next to me above the world! I intend to keep my promise and show this world 1 thing! My mortal slave is stronger than any Gu master this world has to offer! Yes, I did it for the memes!

"Alright let's get back on the topic. This flower wine monk inheritance is the inheritance I accidentally found when I was 2. It was there that I acquired the liquor worm Gu.

I went back there one day and found a secret passage, that contained a weird flower and a prerecorded message of flower wine monk talking about his inheritance. The first thing he mentioned was the White Boar Strength Gu. This is a type of Gu even mortals with limited primeval essence can use. It permanently increases a person's strength by 1 boar!"

A sudden realization came to Chun Jack and he said "So that is what you meant! Now I understand what you were talking about! If I understood you correctly, I will need to use such Gu in order to become stronger. Me cultivating is pointless. Even if I miraculously reach rank 3 initial stage, my capabilities will be of a rank 2 initial stage, with 30% talent. No matter what, the thousand steps I will take will only amount to 10 steps people like Feng Zheng will take! The only hope for me are such strength increasing Gus'!"

I nodded at his remark and said "I am not going to sugarcoat it because you are my brother, you cultivating is completely and utterly pointless! That is why we need the white boar strength Gu and that is why we have been fighting wild beasts. Some wild beasts are hundred beast kings and have Gus' like boar, wolf, crocodile, bear and etc. strength Gu. The only hope for you to become stronger in the Future are such Gus. That is why we will get that White Boar Strength Gu tonight and you will come with me to the academy tomorrow! I don't have the time to educate you, so you need to attend the academy!"

After a small discussion we finished our conversation and went to the inheritance cave. Chun Jack saw the recording of how flower wine monk humiliated the Gu Yue clan leader and was shocked at the truth. Afterwards I opened the secret entrance and showed him the White Boar Strength Gu, that was locked in the earth treasury Gu.

I gave the Gu to my slave and instantly traded in the flower for 5 points. The White Boar Strength Gu could also be sold for 5 points, but selling it now would be extremely stupid! "Now, watch carefully. This Boulder is an obstacle one must cross. Flower Wine Monk intended to help the future inheritor with this task by giving them a White Boar Strength Gu, but we aren't doing that!"

Chun Jack saw the fire in my eyes and realized what I was hinting at. "So, we are going to use that as our next obstacle?" I laughed at his idea and said "I have known since childhood that Gu worms make physical exercise pointless. The thing I was doing was establishing discipline and tolerance! I can freely break every single bone in my body and not even blink! So can you!

We have lived on the verge of life and death for so long our survival instincts have peaked and I can confidently say I can quite easily cut off my own arm if it means I will live! We have the mentality needed to survive in this world with bottom feeder level talent! So we will survive and become the strongest in the world! This Boulder is proof of all of our efforts! So watch as I fuck fate and ejaculate inside against it's will!"

My remark got a small chuckle out of my slave as I pushed the Boulder and oh boy was it hard. Every single muscle in my body bulged and I pushed it. 1 step... 2 steps... 10 steps... 30 steps... 49 steps and 50 steps! Without so much as backing off or wasting any time, I pushed it up in less than a minute and reached the entrance of the second trial.

"Yeah!!!! Suck my fatefucking co-." I didn't get to finish that sentence, as Chun Jack slapped my head and told me to knock it off with the profanity. "How dare you, a lowly slave, slap me, your master! I demand an apology!" Chun Jack laughed a bit and said "Oh forgive me master! This lowly one didn't want you to ruin your reputation and had to sacrifice himself in order to stop you!"

The two of us made jokes like these often. I call him slave, but that is just a facade. Without a doubt, we are brothers and, unlike some other brothers, we get along just fine. Still though, Fang Zheng was a real dick. Bullying his brother until he was forced to leave the clan and bit the only hand that fed him his entire life! The bitch chose fake friends over his brother! He acts like he is righteous, but... Actually he is the perfect symbol for the righteous! Hypocrites who like showering in light and hide their darkness.

Should I give the Liquor Worm Gu to Fang Yuan? I kinda want him to put Fang Zheng in his place. I'll think about it later. Tomorrow is the first day of the academy and I will acquire my "first" Gu!