
Insanely spoilt wife: master delicate wife

Sold to mafia organization, responsible for her sisters death and lives a life of pain .Anlan has to do the unthinkable in order to raise funds for her mum's treatment and safety of her little child, A very cold and dangerous man in the country who she never thought she would have anything to do with suddenly becomes her husband in a wink of an eye In a fancy restaurant a cold man is seen looking so domineering and dangerous "You owe me something pretty and you can only pay back by being my wife.. there's no other option"His cold voice rang out in the room Anlan had to do what she can to help her mum so she accepts the proposal and became the spoilt wife of The the cold Second Master **** Daily mission 50 power stones=1 chapter bonus 100 power stones= more 2 chapters 50 Golden tickets= 2 chapters bonus 100 Golden tickets= More 5 chapters

DaoistdayjSh · Aktion
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115 Chs

Chapter 1 we meet again

Anlan dragged her bag lazily as she walked out of the airport she was so happy to back after so long but couldn't deny that she was quite exhausted from the journey and could no longer hold the urge to get home when she got out Anlan stood at the entrance as a smile crept on her face the whole place was Serene and the weather was cool.she brought out her phone from the handbag and texted her friend to come pick her up after that she kept the phone in her bag.Anlan yawned lazily and decided to get herself some coffee from the nearby shop

 She walked down the looking for a shop but she couldn't stop admiring everything, the street lights were bright showing the beautiful site of the street and the weather made it better just then she saw a coffee shop and she went there

 "I'll have a cup of coffee please" Anlan said packing her hair to the back revealing her beautiful smooth white skin and alluring facial features

"Would you keep staring?" Anlan asked