
True Strength of One

Part 1:

What is it....

What is it that you desire? ... Strength?

Is it raw strength that can move rivers and lift mountains?, No?

Is it strength of the mind that can solve any puzzle or game?, No?

Then what? ...

Strength of the ...? ...

Ahahaha. I see..


But sadly, It's only you who can give it to yourself.

There's a big road in front of you, there are a lot of choices.

Might you choose to walk on it on your own...

Never falter.

I can't join you with your journey, but I will always be with you.

Don't forget,

Your answer.

Part 2:

「I'm going to get you!!」

「You can't! .. Too slow!」

「Ah! Climbing the tree is no fair!」

These guys are just too frustrating!

I just can't win at this game!


Eh? Did someone fall?

「Guys! did you hear that?」

「What? You're just saying things so that you can catch us!」

「N-No! I'm sure I heard something fall over there!」

I'm sure that something fell from the 'Wall'.

「Not going to follow her?」

「Nah. You know when something has caught her attention, there's nothing stopping her.」



「Anyone here?」

I hope it's not something scary.

I should -

*Rustle, rustle ...


Surprised, the girl grabbed a stick and hit the bush with all her strength.


Though differently from what she was expecting, a person collapsed in front of her.


「B-but I didn't hit that strong!」

「 .. did I?」

「Ahh! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!」

Ahh, I'm such an idiot!

「 ... He isn't breathing!?」

「D-don't die on me!」

I-I told dad I won't be using my power.

But!- that's not important right now!

Though I need to make sure to check his wounds first.



「Thank goodness you're alright!」


W-w-w-what happened?!

He spurt blood through his nose?!

「He has a lot of bruises and some are wounds but definitely not from the stick I just whacked him with」

「What's happening here!?」

「I heard some screaming and ..」

「W-why are you stripping him? I-idiot!」

「B-but Sarah, he- he was !」

「Nevermind that j-just go home and treat him.」

Ahh, I'm so stupid. I should've asked for help first.


Part 3:


「My head hurts...」

My body feels so heavy.

.. I can't get up.

「I feel like my blood is all drained out」

It looks like I'm sleeping on a comfortable bed ..

Though why does it feel like it has been so long since I have slept soundly like this.

「Hm?, What's that smell?」

I smell something sweet, like fruits beside me.

「Oh!, you woke up already!」

When I turned my head to the direction of the voice.

Pffftttt ...


「Yes! Me! Trina!」

W - what?

Isn't she-

「Hmm? What are you getting all red for?」

「Perhaps you may have a fever?」


「It's just that ..」

「Just what?」


「Anyway, where are we?」


「Where, you say?」

「We're here at my house!」

「Where is your house!?」

「Just on the outskirts of Larguesto」


I can't recall if I know nor heard this place before.

Then again, I feel like I can't remember anything.

W-wait? Can't remember anything?

「W-Why are you staring at me?」

While I was pondering, Trina got closer.

「I finally met someone from 'Outside'」


「Hey, how did you got in here?」

「By how, what you mean?」

「Yeah, this village is supposed to be surrounded by a huge barrier called 'Wall'」

「.. and I'm interested in how you got in!」


「I think I just..」

「Just what?」

「.. just walked?」


「Y-you just walked all the way here?」

「Ah, No!」

「To tell you the truth, I can't remember much since I woke up.」


「E-eh? Why are you apologizing?」

「F-For the time being!」


I'm so confused.

「Because when you're healed up, you're going to work for food!」

「Alright then.」

I closed my eyes and immediately fell asleep.

It seems that my mind and body is very tired without me noticing.

「Ah!, you slept already!」

「Hahaha .. I forgot to ask your name.」

「Can't be helped.」

「Good night!」

Seems like I can finally rest.


Is this a dream?

「dDdd-DoN'T FoRGeT!」

「YouR MiSTaKeS, YouR WRoNGDoiNGS aND YouR sIn」

Part 4:

「Haaah .. haaa!」

I'm surprised by the noise behind me.

「Huh!?, What's wrong?」

「N-nothing!」 ..

「Nothing at all!」

This guy is so weird-

Is everyone from 'Outside' like him?



「I don't know your name yet!」

「Buuuut- let me introduce myself first」

「I'm Trinita Busalian」

「Call me Trina!」

「Strongest... Warrior?」

「Wow! You know what it means?」

「Umm ..」

「Not really?」

「It's just ..」

「I feel that I've heard it before.」

Maybe the language here and 'Outside' is the same?

.. well, I have been talking to him since earlier so I guess so?

「Now it's your turn to introduce yourself!」

「O-oh yeah」


「Is there any problem?」

「A-aah, no!」

「I- I'm ..」


「Are you crying?」

Is he crying because of his name?



「I-I can't say my name?」


It looks like people from 'Outside' are veeeery rude.

「I-It's not like I'm hiding my name from y-you o-or anything!」

「It's just..」


「I remembered!」

「It's Leon」


「Umm... I can't remember my last name yet」 ..

「So just call me Leon」

Oohh, so this guy just forgot ..


It's not because I hit him .. right!?



O-oh right!

It's breakfast time!

「Is your friend alright!?」

「Yes mom!」

「He just woke up from his beauty slumber!」


「Go down here and eat!」

「I'm sure your friend is hungry!」

「Sure sure!」


So embarrasing!

Of all the times!

I need to change the topic-

「Haha, I think we should eat」

「Yeah, I really- think we should」

Part 5:

I'm here

Walking inside an unfamiliar house ..

With an unfamiliar girl ..

Talking about unfamiliar stuff ..

.. even though she said that it was a small house ..

... it seems that we're on the third floor...

The ceiling is really high and has the same color as the sky ...

Wait ...

Why are there moving birds? ...


「There's no roof!?」


「You know ... The roof? , something that covers the house?"」

「You mean from the place where you came from doesn't want to look at the sky?」


「Then you like to look at the sky?」

「It's not about liking the sky!」


「I mean won't rain go in the house and drench everything inside?!」


Does that mean ... this place doesn't have any rain?

「You really don't know rain?」

「Teehee, It would help if you explained it to me」


「It's a time where the sky is dark and -」

「You mean night?」

「No, it's different!」

「The clouds are blocking the sun and -」



HUH!? ..

As I look up, there's no sign of clouds in the sky.

Nor is the sun, just the clear sky ..

That's weird ..

「Huh?, Leon! What's wrong?」

「Why are you crying?"」

Why do I feel so sad.

「I-It's nothing」

「Anyway, I'm hungry」

I need to regain my composure.

「But you haven't told me about the clouds or sun yet!」

I quickly change the subject.

「Let's go eat!」

Trina seems to notice that I don't want to continue the topic anymore and proceeds to lead me downstairs.

Part 6:

「I wonder whats for lunch!」

「Since we have a special guest today we're having a special dish!」

「Ooh!, You're making me starve even more!」

「Yeah!, We're having 'Bird's Nest Soup'!」

I feel like I've heard of it before ..

「Here it is!」

Trina's mother brings us a large green pot and opens it.

「Uhh... Looks delicious?」

「Yeah!, It's my favorite!」

Inside the bowl, a whitish viscous soup with different vegetables and chicken.

「What's this taste?」

「This taste is so -!」

「I love it!!」

「I'm glad you like it」

「Here, have some more」

「Though I'm curious of what and how it's made」

「I think I'll ask another time」

「Good choice!」


「There are some things best left a mystery!」

Wait .. what!?

Now I'm not sure if I'm supposed to eat this.

「I-I guess so...」

As I'm sipping the slimy soup, I take a look around the room and something catches my attention.

「What's that?」

「What's what?」

「That thing over the cabinet」

「Oh, That's a 'Yoyo Stick' that my grandfather used in hunting」

「It feels like it's missing something」

「What do you mean?」

「It's hard to explain but...」

「Maybe it's related to your memories somehow?」

「I dunno.」

「Hahaha, you're weird!」

「I don't want to hear that from someone who stripping me earlier...」

She's blushing?

「You remember that?」 ..

「I-I'm sorry.」

I immediately reget what I said as Trina pinched my sides.

「Ow! ow! ow!」

「I said I'm sorry!」

「Ouch! Why did it get stronger?!」

「My, my, you kids sure are having fun.」


「We're not having fun!」

「Sure, sure」

「I'll clean up here so why don't you kids play outside?」

「But before that, Trina?」

「Yes Mom?」

「Please get me a copy of the 'Book of Questions'」

「You mean that old moldy book at the 'Old Library'?」

「Hahaha, That's not a way to address a book sweetie」

As I looked at the door, there was an dandy old guy.

「Dad!, You're home!」

「Ofcourse!, Super Dad is always here to protect his cutest daughter!」

「And I see that we have a guest.」

「He's Leon」

「Hi sir!, It's a pleasure to meet Trina's parents」

「Hahahaha, Ain't he a well-behaved little lad?」

「I'm going to rest for a while so Daddy can't play with you.」

「It's okay Dad」

「I'll play with Leon and the others instead!」

「Be careful sweetie」

「Yeah Dad!」


「Yes, Honey?」

「Is that kid?..」

「Yes, Honey.」

「I see.」

Part 7:

「Aaaaand this is the town!~」


「You told me it was small..」

「But it is really big!」


「I haven't seen towns outside so I thought you would know of bigger towns.」

As I directed Leon through the stoney path.

I pointed to a large building near the center.

「And this is the library!」

Aaaand- it's closed.

「I didn't know the library was closed today?」

「It isn't supposed to be closed today though.」

「So what do we do about the book?」

The library is only closed if the librarian is sick or busy.

「Let's go and check the librarian's house?」

「Okay then, lead the way」

「Hehe, You need to learn the roads of the town」

「Yeah, and you need to teach me the roads of the town」

「Well, the librarian's house is not in the town.」

「He lives near the west forest.」

Leon made a strange face when I mentioned the west forest.

It's quite far and sometimes monsters appear but nothing I can't handle!

「Is it safe to go to there?」

「Yeah, if it's near the roads or the plains.」

Dad always told me to be careful of the jungle and the caves.

But I know that the mayor is always going in and out of the south cave and the wood cutters are always in the forest so it should be safe.

「Because there are big scary monsters living deep in the forest and the caves...」

「But as a precaution」

「Ta da!~」


「It's a ..」


「Heh heh heh, It's not any ordinary stick!」

Even if I'm small I know a little magic you know!

I'm going to surprise Leon with this!

「Look at this!」


「T-The rock just exploded ...」

「And there is nothing remaining ...」

「Are you scared of me now?」

「Not a chance!」

「The only things I'm scared at are girls who strip people who are asleep!」

You're still bringing that up!


「Yeah, really!」

Looks like someone needs some punishment!

I pinched Leon's sides.

「Hey!, hey!, stop!」

「I get it already!」

「Heh heh heh」

I marched triumphantly as Leon is walking slowly, holding his sides.

「Hey wait up!」

「It hurts if I walk fast!」

「Eh? What are you saying?」

I teasingly said to get back at him.

This will teach you!

「Hey, is the librarian's house still far?」

He's changing the topic again!

Ahh but we are already near the house.

「No, it's at the end of this path.」


「That's not a house at all!」

「It's just a small box ..」

The nerve!

He's also rude to other people's homes!

「It's the librarians house!」

「It may be small, but it's still a place somebody lives」

「I guess you're right」


「Are you there?」

「Seems like nobody's inside the house」

「Where could have the librarian gone?」


「What's this?」

「It looks like a note」

「What's this? I can't read it.」

「It says..

「'To the one who finds this note, greetings. It is I, the librarian of the 'Old Library'. I have gone to the 'West Forest' to find some herbs for my tea. If you need to use the library, The keys are inside the drawer.. PS. please clean up after using the library and return the key.」

The librarian's notes are so weird.

「The drawer huh?」

「Found it!」

Wha- Leon already found it?

「Okay then, let's find the book your mother requested.」

「Let's go, slowpoke!」

「I'm not slooooow!」

「Ouch, my sides!」

I was trying to get back at Leon when I heard something weird.


「Did you hear that?」

「Hear what?」

「I think I heard somebody scream.」


「Yeah, and it's to the west of this place..」

「To the west huh?」

「B-but that way is the 'West Forest'」

「We need to get some help from the adults first!」

I frowned and remembered the past.

「I-I don't think they will help us」

「Why not?」

「Because a lot of kids are saying that I'm a liar.」

「I don't think they will do that.」


I inadvetantly raised my voice and try to look for a reason to convince Leon to look first.

「I-I think the person who screamed need help fast.」

「We need to go.」

I think it's too forceful and Leon is making a weird face.

「Okay, you go ask adults for help」

「While I search where the scream came from.」


「I'll go with you.」

「I don't think you can ...」

I closed my eyes and pull out my wand.


「I guess I don't have any choice ..」

「But promise me!」

「Run away immediately if there's any danger」

「I promise!」

Part 8:

「It's getting dark.」

「Yet we don't have any clues about the person who screamed.」

「Don't worry Leon!」

「We can continue searching tomorrow」

「How about your parents?」

「It's okay, if I don't go back home before dinner ..」

「I can't go inside the house anymore.」

「Why is that?」

「Because if Dad goes home, He and Mom plays wrestling together」


「Yeah!, there was one time when I went home late and I saw the shadow of Mom on top of Dad and it looked like they were having fun.」

「You saw it outside!?」


I need to change the subject fast or else!

「Looks like we can rest at that place!」

「No, the caves are more dangerous than the forest, so we should just camp out near a river.」

「I-I see」

「Don't worry, I hear the sounds of running water there.」

Yes, I successfully changed the dangerous topic.

But there's something wrong there.

「Huh? but isn't there a smoke rising in that direction?」





I forcefully closed her mouth with my hand.


As she saw through the leaves of the bush where we were hiding.

There were alot of rough looking people there ..

W-wait, I know! I remember these people!

Trina was terrified and pointed to -

「So you're the librarian huh?」

A rough looking man says as he was dragging a half dead person out the tent.

「Too bad you're not going to live longer anymore.」

「B-boss isn't going to like this.」



「That old man ain't going to live longer than a few months!」

「I'm going to take care of the village once I've killed his son!」

「If there's no more successor, the village and it's women will be mine!」

「Plus, the legendary weapon that can massacre other villages until I make me a new kingdom!」

「Y-you don't mean!?」

「Yeah, the legendary 'Dragon Blood'!」

「Once I obtain that, all the powers a 'Dragon' has will be all mine.」

「Now, we're going to look for that little brat!」

「Or better yet why not kill all the brats we captured!」

「But boss we need the children to demand goods from the village!」 ..

「Leon! we need to run away from here!」


「N-no, t-they wont-」

They followed me .. It's my fault that they got here.

N-no, It's not my fault!

yEs it IS!

evEryoNe iS gOing to DIE bEcauSe of YOU!


「What's wrong?」

「Who's there!?」


「Leon, we need to run away!」

「Or else they will kill us!」

Trina is trying to pull me away but..

「Maybe it's better if I stay here and be killed.」

「Leon!?, what are you saying!」

「I don't want others to be involved in my problem.」

「Look at what happened to the librarian.」

「That's not your fault Leon!」

「Look at me!」

「You've protected me many times today already!」

「If I can't protect people important to me, it is meaningless!」


「Leon!, where are you going!?」


「Hahahaha, if it isn't Don's brat」

「I feel so lucky today!」


Why did you follow me you idiot!


「Who's the other brat?」

「Don't go here!」


「N-no Leon!」

「I'll stay here with you!」

Why won't you leave me.


Why, why, why can't I protect anything!?

I want to repent.

No, I need to repent!

「Hahahahaha, Looks like lady luck's smiling at me today.」

「I'll kill the brat and get my 'Daughter' back too!」

「Don't you dare lay your filthy hands on Trina!」

「And who's going to stop me?」

「A brat that cries all the time?」

「You who killed my daughter!?」

I raised my stick and swung it down with all my might.

「I don't think so!」


But he caught the stick before I hit him.

「What's this? You plan to hit me with a mere stick?」


I immediately fell as my stomach was kicked.

Gah!, He's too strong!


「You're next little missy!」



「I told you!, don't you dare touch Trina!」


I charge at Registo again only to meet his fist on my face.


I shouted with all my strength-



「Hahaha! The vessel will be -」


「Why can't I move?」

White runes suddenly appear on Registo's arm and legs.

「Young master go and run!」


「Hurry, I can't hold him much longer!」

「Young lady could you please be a sweetheart and escape with the young master!」


「Hey!, We can't leave Preio there!」

「Trina!, are you listening to me?」


「I-I can't!, I will not!」



After that I felt pain in my cheeks.

Painful but warm.

「You have a wonderful companion young master.」

「Preio ..」

「You know the consequences of this madness right?」

「You need to take a look at your own madness, Registo」

「I know fully that I will not regret this.」

「Killing the young master will not return Ami back!」

「.. you're just prolonging the brat's death.」

「But I still believe in Young Master's power.」


「You're still the same Preio.」

「Even if you're my best friend.」



「Please, don't stain your hands any further.」

「No, I have sacrificed far too much already.」

「.. for Ami.」

I'm dragged away by Trina, she looks like this but she's unexpectedly strong.

I can't feel my legs .. no my body.

「Leon ...」

「Trina, we have to warn the others.」

My body feels cold and my vision is fading.



「Huh?, you don't have to apologize to me Leon.」

.. wait, he's slept?

「Sorry, Mom, Dad.」

His parents?

I put my hand on Leon's head.

His temperature is high!

「Of all the times to get sick!」

「I need to take care of him..」

B-but I need to warn everyone in town first.

Leon's holding a .. paper?

Is this a paper that Preio dropped earlier?

I checked the paper and inside I see some white powder.

This is medicine!

「B-but Leon can't drink this in his state ...」


「Sorry Leon.」

I laid Leon near a big tree and put leaves over him.

「I'll be back!」

I renewed my determination to save everyone.

Even if they don't trust me, I still have to warn them.


Thank you for reading the first chapter of IoD.

This is a project I made for fun so the releases might not be stable.

Feel free to leave some comments or discuss the current chapter.

Also corrections are appreciated!

ecchikaracreators' thoughts