
Innocent Overlord In Highschool DxD [DroCompleted]

A Child who was killed Countless millions of Time Before he could even be 2 year's old. Because he was in a mortal world The Reincarnation Guardian always Reset his memory but Thing's are about to get serious when A Celestial Being See's this ......

tiko_tiko · Anime und Comics
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49 Chs

Getting a Mission, Unknown Beautiful Lady.

Three day's later as Hex got up from his bed.He then got ready and was having breakfast.

While eating in the dining room a Magical Circle appeared.

Hex know this circle, this is Serafall Leviathan.

Serafall would often come to see Hex .

Hex seeing Serafall was shocked a little then asked " Serafall onee sama , you've gotten stronger"

Serafall while doing magical girl poses said " I am the strongest Female Devil Hex Chaaaaaaaann and today i got into Low Tier Celestial Class "

Hex said " But Grayfia nee sama is also at the same realm as you now"

Serafall sat down to ear sweet's said" i was Peak Tier Satan Class Devil and Grayfia chan was Low Tier Celestial Class Devil but she couldn't beat me you see "

Hex confusedly asked " why?"

Serafall explained while eating " well in previous Civil war of us devil Grayfia chan was in our opposite side , then she fall in love with Sirzechs and defected in our side but before coming to use she was in pinch so she forcefully broke through in Low level Celestial Class Devil.But yesterday only i broke through Low level Celestial Class Devil so i am wayyyy stronger than her,Akuka who's in Low level Celestial realm for years can fight even High Tier Celestial Class Devil on his own and Sirzechs who is High Tier Celestial Class Devil can fight Some Peak Tier Celestial Class beings, the supernatural world is balanced that way ,Only Shiva Is Mid Tier God Class being and you're now Low Tier God Class being so you're actually this world's balance breaker"

Hex nodded his head and digested the information.its like all top brass of the supernatural world is in Peak Tier Celestial Class but their power differs like how long they were in that class.Only Shiva being all powerful alone standing top of the world.

Serafall then said " well 2 beings surpasses even Shiva and they are on their own league they don't interfere with anything"

Hex asked " So is age everything ,like the more time you get the more powerful you're?"

Serafall said " no, you need potential to do that,like You how old are you? 14 like my sona but you're already Low Tier God Class Devil And strong to the boot but many of them doesn't possess that, potential is very important, Maximum of this old geezers have reached their potential for example Odin ,Thor they are very strong but limit reached. We 4 Satan's are genius so our potential is still there.Sirzechs if he transform can fight many Beings out in the supernatural world that makes him one of the 10 Top Brings along with you of course "

Hex nodded his head .

After eating Serafall ready to go but before going she said " Oh by the way,our Sona's engagement was called off as she has beated her fiance in chess,so you can pursue her"

Before Hex could say ' why would i pursue her?'

Serafall disappeared.

After Finishing the food Hex also began to train himself.Recently he got an idea to create a magic for His grand Party.

at night Quera came into his room and said " Sirzechs has sent a message to you"

Hex asked " Mother is it a mission?"

Quera nodded then left.

Hex got ready with his full black attire then disappeared.

After arriving in Sirzechs office.

Hex asked " Sirzechs onii sama you asked for me?"

Sirzechs who was sitting in his office said " ah! yes Hex welcome,i heard you met with Rias?"

Hex nodded his head and said " Yes ,3 day's ago we met in her house, Seekvaira also visited with me"

Sirzechs nodded his head and asked " So,she's gorgeous isn't she?"

Hex blushed a little and said " Yes she's very pretty"

Sirzechs seeing this laughed and said " well the reason behind today i called you is i have a mission only you can do it"

Hex asked " is it that faction again?"

Sirzechs shook his head and said " no , it's about Devil's"

Hex said " Alright, as the crown prince of the Devil's I'll do it"

Sirzechs said " Let me explain,This mission is a little tricky,you know how Celestial Class are very powerful when they reach peak right? but God class like you is even more powerful than any Celestial Class beings. for example i can fight Indra Who's immensely powerful but I'll lose but Shiva Will just kill me instantly Because his tier is different "

Hex nodded his head and said " yes i know ,in the morning Serafall nee sama explained this to me"

Sirzechs said " then very good, actually you're Low Tier God Class Devil so I've specially asked you to come, Today's mission is for a missing devil who is hiding in middle of Indra and Shiva's territory and Indra and Shiva don't get along well so only you can bring back that devil.Indra won't fight you and Shiva won't care about you."

Hex nodded his head and said " It's between the two god's mountain?"

Sirzechs nodded .

Hex said " I'll bring that devil back " then disappeared.

Hex appeared inside a mountain range where many fallen angels are doing something but he didn't care ,But he didn't find that devil so he was about to change his location of search but he felt a presence behind him.

Hex looked back to see a extremely beautiful women with uncommon clothes.She was a Mid Tier Satan Class Being but She was not a Devil.

Seeing Hex that women's cheek flushed red.Hex saw that women who has black hair and a red dot in her forehead,she looked extremely beautiful.Her clothing Hex never seen something like this but it's very beautiful looking.

She was not like Rias who was Busty and Gorgeous or Seekvaira who was Cute and lovely she was in the middle Gorgeous and lovely,her clothing were also in black and silver. She's wearing Jewellery of gold all over her neck some jewelry was so big that it came down to her belly.Her hand was full of jewelry.Hex didn't even know what to call them.he has never seen them before, But she looked absolutely amazing.

(She's wearing something like this)

Hex seeing her said " i am sorry i was searching for a fellow Devil and this is in the middle of the two god's mountain so I didn't intrude any god's abode"

That lady hearing this with her blushed face came near Hex and as Hex felt no malice from her he let her be.

She was checking him out round and round she just walked around Him 6-7 time's round and round looking at him.

Hex was a little uncomfortable by this kind of checking out but he can't feel any lust from her but her feelings of love growing with a alarmingly fast rate by each 360° round she's doing around him.

Hex wanted to say something but she opened her mouth saying" what is your name?"

Hex said " Hextorias Ceresc Bael "

She smiled and said " Alright I've chosen you "

Hex said " chose for what?"

She said " to marry of course, I'll tell my father and mother " and almost turned around to leave.

Hex hurriedly said " This lady here please forgive me ,i will go now and i am a Devil.Pure blooded Devil at that so i don't think it's appropriate for your faction to to do something like this"

That Girl who was in her early 20's said " No worries,My father is very powerful he'll do something about you and me "

Hex said with a Pride " i am a Prince of all Devil's " to dissuade her but it seems it ignited more fire on her eyes.

she replied " oh i am also Princess so we're a good match"

Hex said " but i don't even know you"

That girl replied" Oh but I've fallen in love with you , your innocence make up for everything"

Hex said " This lady i am a Devil a Devil"

That girl laughed and said " i know you already told me that but even if you were an angel you would have attacked me but feeling no malice you didn't even say anything ahahaha you're quite innocent for a Devil"

Hex said again" Lady here listen to me I have 2 fiance's already "

Girl said " oh it doesn't matter let's add me too"

when she was about to leave then Hex asked" What's your name and your father's name?"

She was Flying but stopped and said " My Name is Ashoka Sundari and my father will come to underworld with my marriage proposal"

Then she left.

Hex standing there mumbled 'Ashoka Sundari?'

Then after searching for a long time he couldn't find any Devil or not even a clue so he left .

He came back to Sirzechs office.

Sirzechs asked " you didn't find that devil?"

Hex shook his head and said " no but I've met someone troublesome,they might invade underworld"

Sirzechs just stood up and said " who's that stupid enough? so what happened exactly explain"

Hex nodded then explained, how a lady checked him out and said her father will bring a marriage proposal to the underworld.

Sirzechs narrowed his eyes and said " A women who's Mid Tier Satan Class that's very powerful but her father will bring marriage proposal? even Indra wouldn't dare to say something like that , wait a minute, what's her name?"

Hex said " She said her name is 'Ashoka Sundari '"

Sirzechs facepalmed his face and said" It's very good you didn't kill her otherwise it would have been very bad "

Hex asked" why ? who's she?"

Sirzechs said " First daughter of Shiva"

Hex was shocked that he met Shiva's daughter but she wanted to marry him what the hell?

Hex asked " Will they really come?"

Sirzechs nodded and said " yes they will i guess, But I'll delay it,we need alliance now Hex so you have to sacrifice your self for underworld,is she ugly?"

Hex said " No she's not , she's very beautiful "

Sirzechs said " then you're in luck i guess , let's see we'll discuss it among ourselves and if Shiva say something we'll delay it as long as possible "

Hex nodded and vanished.

Power Stone!!

tiko_tikocreators' thoughts