
innocent love of a deadly gangster

Jessica lost her mother and her father brought home his mistress. With no other option, she went abroad. But she returns, this time stronger and eager to know the truth of her mother's death. She meets her father and is asked to marry the leading industrialist in the country, Steve Smith. To humiliate her father she runs away but is caught by her would-be-husband. He asks her to marry him in return for giving her the truth about her mother's death and she agrees. Steve thinks that the girl is just as innocent as a flower, but he is wrong, Jessica is just testing him whether he lives up to his title as the 'second most wanted gangster' in the underworld. While they are both in love with each other their secrets about the underworld disturb their life. Will they be able to fight back and not just go with the flow? Well, this going to be hard... NOTE: I will be re-publishing the book. The work uploaded before was not edited, the recent work is edited. Hope you understand. The story would continue. once the starting chapters are udated.

I_crzy · Allgemein
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34 Chs


Within twenty minutes Steve reached the store and walked towards Jessica's office. He lightly knocked on the door and heard a soft come in from the other side. He went into the room and his eyes immediately softened at the sight of his beloved.

On feeling the stare on her Jessica looked up to meet his sparkling blue eyes. They were so deep. She smiled and he smiled back.

"Are you done? Shall we go for lunch?" Steve asked as he came close to her desk. he quickly glanced at the designs scattered on her desk. They were simply breathtaking.

Jessica smiled and got up from her desk as she arranged her drafts in a file. "Yeah, we should get going. I am hungry." She smiled at him as she walked towards him and winded her arm around his. Steve looked at the intertwined arms a beautiful smile broke onto his lips as they walked out of the office.

Amy stood in front of Jessica's office as she saw the lovely covers. "AWW…" She shouted grabbing the attention of the couple who just chuckled at her.

"Do you wanna join us for lunch?" Jessica asked Amy.

"Nope, I don't wanna be a third-wheel. You go and enjoy your lunch date. I will go back home and have lunch with mamma." Amy said as she quickly took her bag and rushed out of the store without waiting for a reply.

Steve and Jessica looked at her retreating back and laughed. "We should get going, I have n=made a reservation," Steve said as he lightly pushed Jessica out of the store.

Jessica moved out with Steve beside her. As quickly as they were out of the store they caught a lot of attention. After all, they were no less than a Greek god and goddess.

They gracefully walked to the elevator and the parking lot. Steve led Jessica to his car and opened the passenger seat for her like a true gentleman. She smiled at his behavior as she stepped into the car and got comfortable. Steve walked towards the driver's seat and sat down.

"Where is your driver today?" Jessica asked.

"I gave him an off. I wanted to be my wife's personal driver." He answered as he winked at her.

"I am highly obliged by your heartfelt service Mr. Husband," she chuckled as he started the engine and moved towards the restaurant.

The Restaurant

"Welcome, Mr. Smith and Ma'am. Your room is ready," the manager greeted them as soon as they walked into the restaurant. Steve simply nodded his head and walked to the room he had booked.

They stepped inside the reserved room and Jessica was awe-struck with the beauty of it. It was a long rectangular, more like a hall with no walls but windows. In the middle was a circular table for two. The room was filled with flowers and the sweet scent made one relaxed. Outside the window, one could see the city lights. It was simple yet heart-warming.

"Do you like it?" He asked slightly nervous as he stared at her face that had a soft smile.

"It is sweet. Any you too. I love it." Jessica said in a baby voice, her face clearly showing that how much she adores him and this date.

Steve signed in relief, "thank god! Come let's take a seat and then we can order."

They both took a seat and placed their order. They started to talk about random subjects. The atmosphere turned warm and harmonious. Soon the food arrived and they ate while chatting and laughing at the lame jokes Steve cracked.

After having their lunch they both headed out and decided to take a walk at the park. But their small walk turned into a long one. They were enjoying each other's company and were surely happy. Their talks seemed to not have an end. Reality hit them when their attention was caught by the beautiful sunset. They stared at it for a while before Steve offered to drop Jessica home, to which she agreed happily.

They walked towards her apartment hand-in-hand. Both had a small blush on their face. the moment was peaceful and cute.

When they reached the front door of her apartment Steve reluctantly let Jessica go. He wanted time to freeze and never unfreeze again. He just wanted her with him.

"Bye Mr. husband. Don't forget to attend my opening ceremony tomorrow," Jessica's voice bought Steve out of his thoughts but he turned into a statue when he felt a pair of soft lips on his cheek.

Jessica giggled at his state before she ran away towards the building leaving behind a love-struck Steve. When she was out of his dream world, he slowly put his hand on the cheek which had the imprint of her lips. Suddenly he started laughing loudly and jumping around. In between of his laughs, he shouted, "she kissed me! She kissed me! Yayy!"

People around him stared at him weirdly and one of them even contacted a mental hospital claiming that some 'psychopath' was spotted. But before anyone from the hospital could reach there, Steve noticed the stares and composed himself before walking away as if nothing had occurred here.

All this was seen by Jessica from her apartment balcony. She laughed at Steve's behavior but her eyes held a look of adoration.

'He is the sweetest person. My father did a good job at least by choosing him to be mine. I just love him. Maybe my life would be peaceful. I will protect him and his family. They are kind to me and it is my responsibility to be the same. I will treat them like diamonds because they are one.'