
Innocent Bam(Bam x Harem)

What do you want? Power? Fame? All the treasures of this world? Or perhaps... Something much more tempting than this? Either way, you should climb! Climb to the very top of this tower and find what you want! This is how the story should have gone but... isn't it boring? To climb the tower up only to suddenly slip at last. To become strong as time will go? To forget about everything and just aim for power? Is it fun? No...No...And one more time No! This story will tell us about something greater... about the innocent boy named Bam and the tower which is filled with females who strive for him. #Tower of God. #Bam x Harem. #from weak to strong

Jumbo_Ignir · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 13

Rachel was everything to Bam. His world, his hope, his dream and his ambition but everything changed...everything changed when he understood that pursuing someone and admiring them too much would never help.

Yet he somehow remembered a thing or two from his past.

"Bam...." Rachel's kind voice tuned to the ears of young chestnut boy.

He looked towards his so-called world with a questioned look.

"What is it, Rachel?" He asked.

Rachel reluctantly looked towards the ceiling and blandly said "I want to see stars up there."

Bam immediately understood where this conversation was going to lead. Most likely it was yet another blunt from Rachel about wanting to enter the Tower and see shiny balls in the sky to which she refers to as stars. He heard it way too many times and every time he got angry.

He didn't want her to leave. If Rachel would leave than it means his world will leave as well...he didn't want it to happen...Yet, it happened.

When she left, the black-haired lad was feeling various feelings within himself. Rage, sorrow, despair, agony and hate towards Rachel.

But fortunately, he got over it...he managed to free himself from shackles of being tied to Rachel. It is his own life and it don't spin around Rachel...all the anger towards her dream transformed into admiration towards it. Understanding meaning behind 'dream' he finally found his aim at life and the goal which was worthy of throwing his life in the line for.

"This is it, Rachel...I am finally able to express myself." He smiled towards his reaction while being inside his bathroom.

Bam himself didn't knew how would he react if he will ever see Rachel but fact remained the same...He won't follow her no matter what, instead he will reach his own goals and pursue his own dream...the dream of making as many friends as possible.




Koon Agera Ignis looked out of her window as her head was occupied with something else.

"Bam...I really hope that my bad feeling is just a paranoia..."

Her head was occupied only with one thought and that thought was about the mysterious girl named 'Rachel'...the reason is simple...Agera saw her minutes ago.

It was around 13:00 p.m. and Koon was just lazing around and trying to figure strategy on how to support Bam. Strangely and unlikely of her behavior she was carrying for her current teammates...even for tsundere crocodile.

Her eyes started to drool and she was about to fall asleep from boredom but...


Sound of doorbell.

It was strange as apparently; she didn't expect any guests soon as Rak was gone preparing for his spearman class as well as Bam with his wave controller training.

Regardless, Koon proceeded to open the door and saw a strange girl looking towards her direction.

Girl's hair was golden blonde with visible freckles around her face. She wasn't really ugly but to call her beautiful was a bit of overstatement. Overall, the girl seemed normal yet...Agera had a bad feeling about this girl somehow, she thought that she needed to be cautious with her.

"Umm...who are you?" Agera asked straightforwardly.

The blonde worriedly looked towards the blue haired girl.

"I-It might be out of blue but...I need to talk with you about something...specifically, about Bam."

The moment Agera heard Bam's name her expression changed as she strictly glanced towards the mysterious girl's eyes.

Blue observing yellow Agera sighed.

"Come in." blue haired girl said quickly motioning the girl to come inside and that's exactly what she did.

"So...?" Agera started. "Who are you again?"

The girl took off her hood completely as with serious expression started her explanation.

"I don't know whether Bam told you about me or not but my name is Rachel...I am someone close to Bam."

Agera's eyebrows twitched. She remembered some past stories Bam had told her and every bit of these stories included Rachel. From what the descendent of great Koon family had figured out, it seems that Rachel left Bam alone.

'So, this is Rachel, huh?'

Surely one might have thought that Bam hated this Rachel girl however Agera was sharp enough to notice that Bam just wanted to go with his own path, divorced from the path of pursuing Rachel like he did in past.

"I am here to ask...did Bam noticed that I am here?" Rachel asked worriedly.


"No. He did not...in fact, he barely talks about you."

For a moment Rachel let out the small giggle.

"That same chestnut boy? I don't think he would ever stop talking about me."

Throughout all those years Rachel understood Bam as like her own five fingers and something like Bam ever going to give up on chasing her was little to impossible.

This, of course, didn't came to Koon's liking. It looked like Rachel was mocking Bam.

"Whatever, let's cut the long story short, what do you want?"

Rachel chuckled.

"Straight to the point, right?" Rachel chuckled again. "I am here with a request."

Koon rose one of her eyebrows.


"I just want you to not tell about me as I am sure he is climbing this tower to find me so that's why I came here to ask you to lie to Bam about me..."

Though it seemed to be a strange request,something else was bugging Koon's head as well.

Regardless,Koon wasn't really happy about Rachel degrading Bam like that.

"And why do you want that?"

Rachel softly looked towards the blue haired girl and smiled lightly.

"Bam might seem independent from me now but I just know that once he sees me,he will follow me to the end betraying his current friends."

The irritating feeling rose in Agera's heart as she looked towards Bam's so called friend.

"It seems you don't know him that well." Koon said coldly.


"I know that Bam is much different than he is now but know one thing..." She got closer towards Rachel's face. "Bam is not a person to betray someone over his own ambitions."

Her eyes glowing blue Agera was serious...which made Rachel to step back a bit from surprise.

"W-Well...you are free to think whatever you want but I think letting you know about me will be good in future to avoid misunderstandings..." Rachel turned around and headed towards the exit.

"Best of luck...Miss Koon Agera Ignis."

Koon gave her the bitter smile.

"Wish you best of luck Miss Rach...err, no...I meant Miss Michelle Light."

Rachel chuckled before stepping out.


So much time passed since I last updated this story...and I am truly sorry. As you all know I was in Ban and couldn't do a shit to my stories nor acc...but I am back and this story continues yet again! Also sorry for short chapter, I wanted to publish this chap as fast as I can so you all would know that this story ain't dead, Future chapters Gon be more longer :)

Stay safe and see ya all