

song recommendation: One last time by Ariana Grande.


" hmm..... yummy" Julie smiled from ear to ear, " this is the best noodles I've ever tasted". Penny smiled at her friend who was obviously enjoying the ' ever so easy to make food', noodles.

" this is simply and delicious" Julie commented still devouring the food.

" will you teach me how to cook?" Julie asked Penny from the blue.

"why not?. But this is really easy to cook" Penny commented looking down to her own plate, "the easiest to make." she looked up from her plate and smiled wryly at her friend, "you can also learn how to cook with the help of your mobile phone. Remember you once told me that I can learn anything online".

" oh, yeah, I told you that. but I'll still love to learn from you".

Penny cleared the table. They had some check up on the exam center they were going to use and the University they wish to attend and which they could afford.


They set out for the tower at evening.

" this is beautiful" Penny muttered as they got on the tower.

" yes, it is. love it?"

" definitely." Penny looked at the lights that were beginning to bloom in it's glory, making the sight look more extravagant and colourful. Sun set and what could be seen was the lights from houses and streets.

The view was breathtakingly beautiful.

" when did you discover this place" asked Penny out of the blue.

" ah.. I can't say though. but not quite long" replied Julie. She thought for some time and said, " I think I discovered here the day I broke up" she half smiled seeing the expression on Penelope's face before being asked the obvious.

" you were in a relationship? and you didn't tell me?" Penny asked feeling left out and taken advantage of by her friend.

" I thought you wouldn't be happy if I told you"

" and who told you that?"

" my guts. you hate the word 'relationship' and obviously you despise men, so how do you expect me to tell you".

Penny burst into a fit of laughter, " your guts, huh?" she frowned, turned on her heels and faced her friend. " I hate them, despise them, yes. that doesn't mean you shouldn't let me know. you are not me and I don't wish for you to be, Julie. I know you don't want me to feel hurt by telling me, but trust me I wouldn't feel hurt. I just want your happiness and that's all." Penny exhaled and turned back to watch the scenery.

Julie was speechless, " I'm sorry, Penny." was all she could muster her courage to say.

Though friends, she has never seen her friend look left out, or talk this much.

Penny has always been the strong and emotionless child they've come to know. Though she cares but scares.

" I'm really sorry" Julie whispered and encircled her hands around Penny's waist.

" it's fine, I'm not angry but I'm sad" Julie muttered softly.

" don't be sad. I don't want you to be sad, Penny." Julie went to stand beside her, looking at the sky, stars showing up one after the other.

"the scenery helps to forget trouble" Julie muttered.

"I noticed that too." Penny said almost in a whisper.

They stood there watching and appreciating the beauty of the night.

They watched the moon shun in its glory and decided to leave for home.

" I will go in first" Penny said and went to the bathroom for a quick shower.