
804 Lord Noxus

The soldiers raised their rifles, and the staccato clatter of a dozen automatic rifles discharging at once roared through the gymnasium, echoing off the walls and causing the students to cover their ears in pain.

But through it all, Wolfe simply stood still and waited for them to finish, with Professor Ashcroft standing right behind him.

"Have you had about enough of that? You're not going to be able to injure me. Not even your Emperor could do that. I know, I already killed him once. Now, put down the rifles and I will consider making this quick." Wolfe instructed.

One of the soldiers charged at him with a knife, and Wolfe simply vaporized him with Nether Lightning.

"Would anyone else like to try? We can do this all day." Wolfe reminded them.

[Team Leader, Team Leader, we need assistance in the holding cell.] One of the soldiers was whispering into a glowing magical stone.