
371 Bidding

Wolfe took out another copy of the listing and circled the name and location in the order. He wouldn't split up a family if he could avoid it.


"Just find me the best crew you can. Witches are best, but I'll take what you can get me for a reasonable price. I've got just over a hundred thousand crowns." Wolfe explained.


The man whistled at the mention of the cash. "How did they get you that much? Grand Dutchies cash isn't exactly common on the far side of the continent."


Wolfe smiled at him. "I killed a bunch of men and took it. If I knew there was an auction today, I could have brought more with me. We've got stacks of it at home, just sitting in storage since we don't use it for trade."

Once the first lot of petty criminals sold for just under one hundred crowns each, the first Witch was brought up to the stage. She had a muzzle on and her hands in mittens, which made Wolfe smirk at his newly acquired helper.