
Inheritance: Journey of Utlus

Argen Utlus, a Man who had no Family, After being disowned by his Mother and Banished from his Home. He decides to live alone slowly becoming feral until a Man Finds him and takes him in.

Unis_DeadLast · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Rough start




Words that Argen was aware of, Words that described his very existence. He was the unholy offspring of a mage and a red dragon of the west. His mother clipped his wings at birth to protect him from the ire of the village. She raised him until he was twenty winters old but when she found out the child had no talent in her magic the following day was hell for the Half-Dragon redhead, he was beaten by the villagers as he was to be casted out. He had begged and pleaded with them to spare him.

"I have Done Nothing to earn your Ire!" His eyes lit up with hope as he saw his mother passing through the crowd. "Mother! Ple—AARGH."

Only to be cursed by his own mother losing his natural fire resistance his dragon heritage gave him. He was abandoned by his own birth mother and was now alone.

To fend for himself.

The next thirty years repeatedly beaten and injured as he passed from town to town looking for shelter but no one would take in an abomination. He did not age beyond his 20s something of Draconic Vitality had ensured him longevity.

He made do with what he had and knew, he would break his giant eland like horns whenever they grew long and used them for spear heads for him to hunt. He sometimes ate his kills raw at other times cooked over a fire. He would forage for some edible berries and roots and all in all it was all he could do. It seemed like his life would be in the forests slowly becoming feral until he died by either a madman or one of the beasts.

He had encountered a man who carried a great splitting maul. The man towered around seven feet beating Argen's height of six foot two, the man was burly covered with numerous scars all across his body he wore a vest that was made out of bear fur his pants were hugging his legs and thighs that were covered with plate armor, long blond hair tied into a ponytail and electric blue eyes that shone in the dark. This man did not beat him on sight nor called him names he had only  settled with him in the bonfire. Argen could only growl in hopes to scare the Intruder. The bearded man set his large weapon by the log away from the redhead. No hurting? Strange.

"Name boy, do you have one?" The man asked as he looked at the redhead who held his glare expecting to fight. He repeated the question albeit softer which he got a nod from the lad." Well, out with it."

"A.. ar.. gen." The redhead's voice was rasping from whatever that lad did that time. The Blond man remembered hearing a roar a while back. Must have been the boy.

"Vein Utlus, No last name or title?" Vein introduced himself as he received a nod from Argen. Banished? Orphaned at a young age? This wouldn't do, a young man alone in the forest."Argen, have you got family? If not, why not shack up with d'is ol man?"

Argen looked at Vein with eyes filled with shock and fear bearing his teeth out sharp canines shone, his red scales glistened by the bonfire. "A bed is better than a pack of leaves and moss ain't it?"

Argen dropped to his knees as his eyes stung, he bit down the sobs wrestling control over his emotions and utterly failing as the warm tears fell. Tears that were bottled up from that day, from whenever he broke his horns by force, from the cuts he had gotten from the skinning his first few kills, from the repeated beatings he got from the villages and towns he had visited, from all of it. He was enveloped in an embrace, a gesture that was long forgotten. He wailed that night, yelled with all his might.

He was found.

He was wanted.

For the next twenty-years he would learn his master's magic. Vein's over the Core of Physical Self discipline was nearly unparalleled. It was so unique he had made an entirely new variation which reflects his reckless mindset as it can forcefully flow mana through his body causing an event called Cannibalism of Nerves. This event happens when Mana nerves, as he called it eat the other nerves in his body, in his case it eats pain receptors/nerves temporarily numbing some parts of his body after battle. 

Vein would often share his tales with him.  Stories of his life of the pain and scars he had received from being an elf bastard son. The goliath of a man told the half-dragon of the times he was blamed for his mother's death, he a lowly bastard caused so much pain to the family. His mother thought differently to her eyes he was the world so he made a variation out of his mother's sacrifice. The Case:Rare of the basic tiers.

MVein took care of the redhead as best he could often apologizing whenever he made a mistake, not that the half-dragon minded the back and forth between snarky remarks to genuine stupidity it was quaint and tame compared to all this Half-dragon had experienced. Argen thought of his master as a father he had never had the chance to have, the parent whom loved him. He was happy and contented with it.

But those days never last.

The earth shook as Argen watched his master battle the monster. The beast was a gold dragon in humanoid form with wings that were thrice his height. The wind began to pick up as his master Yelled with all he had as a magnitude 7 earthquake took hold as a large tornado engulfed their battle field.

"Vein!" Argen yelled as he pushed through the pain that bit his legs desperately running to his master's side."No,No no no non no!"

Vein's body was beyond repair, Leg's gone, arm's bent in an unnatural angle, and a large hole in his stomach. 

He was bleeding out. 

His master gave him a meek smile. 

NO! Argen refused to lose him, he refuse it. He gave himself a long gash that ran from his palm to his forearm and poured his blood onto the hole. His master told him that dragon blood was special since it healed wounds he would trust his words; He grabbed his forearm squeezing it as he pushed it down to his wrist repeating the action several times to have his warmth drip into the hole until his master gripped his bleeding palm. 

"No.." Vein told him as he held the smile."I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't finish your training. I'm sorry for being a sad excuse of a master." 

"Save Your breath. I can fix this please.." 

"You have to go on. And live your life, train and become stronger than I ever was."


 "Take... My Axe.. my bag and… gold.... you will need it."

 "NO NO."

 "Just listen to me son!" Argen's eyes stung. 

"Listen to me. Ye who have no family name. Ye, whose dragon blood runs as pure as any Take my family name.... for you are the son I wished I had. You gave me happiness, you gave me joy, you gave me a reason to fight. You are my son... my legacy." With Vein's final breath the rain started to pour hard as Argen was bawling his eyes out. He had lost a master. He had lost a father.

Days had passed since his Father's death. He had taken the Gambeson his master had for him wore it with a heavy heart as he picked up the Pair of Axes his master commissioned by the blacksmith of the town he had saved. He breathed in as strapped the Giant maul onto his back and began his journey to the kingdom of Asphetheir from there he would look for accommodations.

After days of hiking, hunting, and running from Bombardier Wyvern he had reached the Kingdom of Asphetheir a few minutes from sunset. He had enough pelt and hide to sell to a tanner and probably survive a month in the kingdom until he found work that is if said tanner would not stare at his face for too long. Argen had to be more wary if he wanted to last in this kingdom. He wasn't sure if it would turn on him when they find out he was a Half-dragon. No none of that. He had to keep positive, that's what his maste-Father wanted from him. 


"Damn this metabolism. Damn this hunge-" he sniffed the air and it smelled of Mutton slow roasting over hickory chips seasoned in apple cider. He did as any logical person did. He followed the smell. Passing through some streets and under some bridges he noticed the town square along the way and chose to avoid the crowd. By sundown he had found the place which where the smell originated.

Dragon's Tail Tavern and Apartment Complex. Said the sign seemingly glowing similar to the fireflies he had enjoyed in the forests watching. A deep inhale he stepped into the building and found it was half-empty then a man no taller than five foot 11 approached him. The man had brown hair and green eyes, the man infront of him was build like a spearman lean but muscular, he was wearing a vest over a tunic and pants, he had a faux leg made out of springs and metals. Peculiar Argen thought as he tried to hide his horns that were nobs with his hair.

"Welcome to Dragon's tail Tavern!" The man said in cheer." I'm Ofself,owner of this here establishment. How may I serve you? Oh dearest customer." The man bowed elegantly similar to those chief he and Vein had met 10 years ago. On a closer look the man before him had some shade of white on the sides of his hair.

Argen returned the gesture with ease." I am here to sell these hides to a tanner and look for accommodations. You're sign outside said Apartment. Might I inquire a room?" 

The owner chuckled and gestured to follow him. After going through some stairs and under some bridges behind the tavern Argen was surprised how well hidden the apartment was. It was an extension of the tavern but no one wouldn't think about designing the place of how their probable architect did that and Argen was impressed with the amount of detail each wood carvings had around the balcony and the door frames not to mention the apartment was next to the wide river that ran through the kingdom as the sun disappeared when the kingdom's lights seemingly sparkled similar to the stars in the heavens. It was beautiful. He smiled as he thanked Vein, his master and father for caring for him. 

"Hilda, sweetie." Argen turned his head to see Ofself knocking on the third door near the end of the open balcony. Argen heard some mumbling from within the room. "Yer Got yerself a customer."

Our Redheaded Half-dragon winced as he heard what he believed to be plates falling to the floor, a few bumps and Oof's, a conk, and the door then open to reveal a red haired girl bending forwards as she leaned onto the door knob she small bison horns sprouting from each of her temples her gold eyes met with Argen's turquoise and seemingly in sync blinked a few times. At a closer look she had small patches of red scales on her cheeks to be exact under her eyes forming two y's which faced away from one another what made Argen shocked was she had a long red tail seemingly flowing left and right at an angle.

"She is like me.." Argen said quietly in his exhale then a burst of small flames came forward luckily he blocked the attack with his forearms burning through the gambeson revealing his red patches of scales he had on them. "Ow. OW. OW.HEY WATCH IT!"




"Ahem." Ofself chuckled and caught both Redhead's attention." Hilda sweetie, AS MUCH as I like watching you flirt with someone like you. He IS a client and customer of Dragon's Tail Tavern and Apartment Complex. I would ask you to tone the flirting down and show the young man to his room."

Argen was dumbfounded as Hilda went back inside her room. Flirting? THAT WAS FLIRTING? What kind of FUCKERY is this? He looked to Ofself for answers the man shrugged and replied." First time? Didn't your Dragon Parent teach you about the customs?"


"Ah, right Male Western Dragons leave their kids to their mothers. Sorry about that." Ofself scratched his head and gave Argen a small apology." You see, Hilda is my Daughter. She's a Half-dragon like you, and before you ask how I know. I already noticed your scent was similar to a Dragon. You tend to learn the smell of Nitroglycerin, like burnt sugar if you may, when you marry and raise one yerself. Not that you Dragons can smell yer own scents."

Wait. Was that the reason why Bombagoose, The Fucking Bombardier Wyvern was chasing me? Nitroglycerin as Vein told him had a sweet smell. That kind of explained how he was able to sneak up and hunt with no fear of prey running away. 

"Aside from the Customs and biology lesson, where are your horns and Tail?"

"My Horns are on my forehead as for the tail I don't have one. I used to have wings but they were clipped by my mother since the village we were in hated dragons and I was never really out of the house. Then they found out I got curse and was alone for a LONG time." Argen gave the Tavern owner a weak smile." Until I found my master then later lost them. No, I didn't tell you so you'd pity me. I told you since you shared your story. I have a question if you'd answer it."

"Go for it. If it's dating tips I can help you on that-"

"Not that!" 

The Half-dragon saw Ofself chuckle giving him a knowing grin." Then what is it lad?"

"Does this Kingdom Discriminate our kind?"

"Nope. And before you go bat-shit crazy listen this kingdom does not discriminate races. Sure you'd hear an asshole from time to time but due to the Kingdom being what some call a Haven it's relatively peaceful aside from the random street fights and drunk asses being well asses." Ofself let out a hearty laugh patting Argen and took the pelts and hides the Half-drake had." I'll have Hilda bring you the coin on the morrow. Hope you'd stay with us at Dragon's Tail Tavern and Apartment Complex."

A few moments had passed and Hilda was with him wearing what seems to be a Modified Dirndl which had a hole where her tail could stick out it was around a five feet in length as to oppose her five foot nine height. She glared at him from to time which he returned the gesture each and every time. After several steps she had opened the door to a room. It was quaint a Bed a working table. Hilda gave him a tour of the room from the large bathroom and tub to the closets. She mumbled something in her breath.

"I'm sorry, for doing you know.." She pushed the apology out.

"It's fine, Just need to fix this Gambeson."

"Then let me fix it. I'll make it somewhat fire resistant just enough to not burn right away! Please."

"If you're doing this cause you eavesdropped at your Pops and I's talk don't." Argen gave her a smile a genuine smile." I don't regret having my wings clipped. So please. If you're offering cause you think you wronged me then don't. If anything I should apologize for calling you names, being a hypocrite and getting mad right away. I, don't process emotions well."

Hilda giggled holding her laughter back much to the ire of Argen.

"S-shut UP! I'm just socially awkward-"

Then and there Hilda let out a booming laugh as she held her stomach crying from the laughing. Argen grew a shade redder as he glared at the laughing young lady.

"Night snrrk, Argen. See you tomorrow, dork."

With that Hilda left with the damaged Gambeson and  him to his own devices. He laid on his bed. It was better than Moss and packs of leaves indeed. He drifted to sleep and dreamt about shiny objects.