
Inheritance: Journey of Utlus

Argen Utlus, a Man who had no Family, After being disowned by his Mother and Banished from his Home. He decides to live alone slowly becoming feral until a Man Finds him and takes him in.

Unis_DeadLast · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Much needed History lesson

Argen, Hilda, and Ofself were on a boat to one of the isles in the far east. The boat ride was interesting to say the least. Argen saw Sea Drakes that were escorting the boat they were in when he looked to Ofself for answers." Sea drakes are like Dolphins, they are smaller compared to their Ocean Dragon Cousins so they travel in a pod or in this case a Wave. They are friendly to boats since Asphetheir has been helping in the keeping Ocean Dragons off of these seas."

Four days of travel and they have reached an island seemingly surrounded by perpetual thunderstorms. From the shore to the mountains above lightning and thunder ruled. Ofself and Argen carried their supplies of food, water, and clothing. Hilda was carrying a map wearing a coat to keep herself somewhat dry in the journey. 

"I know it's for training and all but what does thunderstorms and rain have to do with my scales glowing and releasing smoke?" Argen asked as he felled a tree with his pair of Tungsten Axes to make some sort of bridge over the running river. Ofself laughed and replied." IT has EVERYTHING to do with those. It means yer ready for the next step drawing from your Flight and Gas bladder to make fire."

'Fire? Didn't I tell them he can't do fire breath? The fuck's a Flight and Gas Bladder?' Thought to himself as he cleared bushes and brushes to make a path. Ofself had THE grin.

"Gas and Flight bladders are a second pair of lungs all dragons have to produce their elemental breath. This bladder stores the other gases found in air like helium, carbon dioxide and other light and combustible gases. For Half-dragons they have a third lung to accommodate the other organs their human side needs to survive. Some dragons can make combustible gels on their scales which I suspect you can do but need a way to actually get it out."

They passed a large Oak tree that gave them someplace to rest. Hilda sat next to Argen seemingly cuddling before the male Half-dragon could complain Hilda spoke.

"Y-you're w-arm, it's f-freezing. P-please?" 

Argen looked at her and just nodded. He turned to Ofself for answers. The retired spearman just smiled and waved at them as he was busy making the tent and the large bonfire. Hours had passed and Hilda had fallen asleep within Argen's Arms. It's been a week since they've all met. Hilda was violent but she mellowed out albeit a bit too fast whilst Ofself left the Tavern and Apartment complex just to train him. Argen needed to know why. Why would these people go far for him?

Ofself bought a coat blanket to the two Half-dragons. Argen managed to catch one of his hands.

"Why?" Argen spoke as Ofself replied with a warm smile which reminded the Half-dragon of his old master. The silence lasted what seemed to be hours until Ofself took a seat next to him inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly then replied." Hilda… hasn't seen anyone like her before. Sure she's violent and hyper at times but she hides her loneliness, masking them in the form of her outbursts. Having her mother killed in front of her didn't help either."


"It was roughly forty years ago when Hilda was just ten winters old." Argen began to imagine a small Hilda which made him smile. "Her mother was a Red Dragon of the West. She had no wings instead she had six legs. She was as large as a mansion but as kind as an old lady. She was beaut her human form as well. She looked like my little Hilda"

"We were happy. So happy it would've made the Gods jealous how content and joyous we were." Argen noticed a few tears falling on Ofself face." It was too good to be true. It was a perfect love but it was taken away from us so quickly. By those MONSTERS."

Ofself's usual smile was replaced with a scowl as his teeth grinded and tears fell full force. 

"She was just minding her own business. She was in her dragon form to patrol the area but those MONSTERS HAD TO KILL HER. RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER OWN FAMILY,HER OWN DAUGHTER, HER OWN SPOUSE!" The air was getting colder and the sleeping Hilda was clinging to Argen's form tighter as frost formed and climbed the tree." They think Dragons are only mindless animals. That they can be killed for sport. For their scales. For their blood. I wanted to help you because you have similar eyes. Because you lost someone like we did. You experienced more than anyone should have. You still file your horns to hide them. You still wear long sleeved tunics and gloves to hide your heritage. You lived a life of strife before finding someone who generally cared for you only to lose them, right?"

Argen nodded.

"You're probably different from my Little Hilda but having you there at Dragon's Tail she was genuinely happier. I'll tell you she even asked me about human customs of courtship just don't tell her I told you." Ofself wiped his tears away as his smile made its way to his face." She is a mix of Dragon and Human but it's like an alienated subject when she herself is Half-dragon and Half-human. And about why she's clinging to you I believe it's hinting about what kind of Dragon your Progenitor was but I have still to see some other clues aside from the Glowing scales and steam exhaust your body has."

"Thank you for telling me this."

"I didn't tell you so you'd feel bad or pity us. I told you so you'd know." Ofself stood up making his way to the tent as he faced them." I would like to have grandkids, at least four of em. Dragon biology is my forte but I am curious as to how half-dragons have children."

Argen was burning up and Hilda's embrace wasn't helping.