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_inkheart_13 · Fantasie
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19 Chs

Chapter 17-Laugh or life

Previously: "What do mean not as bad as this one?"I asked.

"Usually it's just a flunky with a sword but these men were trained."Aaron said with a bit of a serious tone.

"So someone is really trying to assassinate you?"I asked shocked.

"I agree but from now on watch your back and never go out without me,Aaron or Kayden."Quinn said.

"Now let's get back to the palace."Quinn said.

But I had some question to ask.

"Quinn you have amazing hearing right?"I asked Quinn.

"Yes I do,why do you ask?"He said turning to look at me.

"So you most have noticed the guys before I did?"I asked.

"Yes I noticed them when we left the market."He said.

"Is that why you took me to the forest to see if they'll follow?" I asked.

"Yes,you're very perspective."Quinn replied.

"So why didn't you tell us?"Jasper whispered.

"It was possible they were listening and I wanted to confirm if they were following us or not."He answered.

"So you didn't tell us took us to a forest where we could have been butchered like chicken just cause you wanted to make sure you could have given us a heads up."Jasper whisper yelled.

"Guys I think we have been followed be on your guard,"Jasper whisper yelled mimicking Quinn. "It wouldn't kill you but that back there might have killed us you moron,if Cora didn't think fast Cora could have been killed say bye bye to visitor from another world and hello to the destroyer fucking killing you all I've said it before I don't wanna die young and I don't want anything bad to have to Cora okay so next at least tell cause we won't always be lucky."He continued and finished with a bit of sad note before he turned to look at me.

"Jasper calm down nothing is gonna happen we're fine."I said to him stroking his back trying to calm him down.

"What happened to him?"Aaron asked gesturing to Jasper.

"Sorry he didn't mean anything he said but he doesn't handle close to the death encounters very well,Quinn you know he didn't mean it."I said to Quinn hoping he wasn't offended.

"No I understand he didn't mean to insult me and he's right I should have told you about it earlier so you could anticipate their attack but I didn't."He said bowing his head in shame.

"It's not your fault,it's the fault of the people that attacked us,it's the fault of the fucking bastard that sent those guys to attack us there no use blaming ourselves instead let's focus on getting stronger."I said.

I put my hand on Quinn shoulder.

"Quinn it's not your fault,you were just making sure and if you're at fault then so am I,I noticed them but didn't say anything I felt as if we were being watched but I didn't say a word either,I know I eventually spoke but I noticed it since we left the castle."I said.

"Alright alright it's no one's fault,I shouldn't have reacted but I don't wanna or plan on dying anytime soon and this mushy not fault situation is annoying and makes me feel guilty so let's just get to the palace where no one can assassinate us okay."Jasper whispered.

Making us all laugh.

"Plus I wanna talk not whisper it's getting on my last nerves,I wanna talk you all know I love to talk and I'm kinda hungry too."Jasper said looking around as if he were thinking of something.

"Cora when we get back you're gonna cook okay."Jasper said.

"I'm not your slave,you can't tell me what to do."I said with annoyance.

"How dare you defy your king Cora."Jasper said puffing.

The others laughed at our bickering.

"King huh king of what stupidity."I replied him.

"How dare you I am the king of drama,obey your griffin overlord you useless human."He said raising his head.

"Griffin overlord,oh great and powerful overlord if you're so powerful them why are you perched on my shoulder all day huh."I said to him.

"Simple every powerful ruler needs a throne and what throne is better than one that can talk,walk,sing,draw and cook you never need to do anything it's amazing."He said well whispered.

"And bet me she wasn't cheap but she was worth every penny but you know every man must be generous so I have decided to be generous and give you both my most precious item Aaron,Quinn she yours take care of her she's irreplacable.

"If either of you say anything I'll castrate both of you and give it back to you as a present on your birthdays."I said in a vicious voice.

The both looked at each other then laughed.

"My diamond stays."Jasper said.

I rolled my eyes at him though that just made him laugh and soon the rest of them joined in too.

'Well if you can't beat them join them right?.'

We continued our joke till we neared the castle.

"Hey guys wanna hear my diamond sing."Jasper asked.

"You can sing?"Aaron asked.

"No I can't I'd sound like a dying cat."I said glaring at Jasper.

"You don't sound like a dying cat you sound amazing."Jasper retorted.

"And when and where did you hear me sing?"I asked narrowing my eyes at him.

"I heard you in the shower you were amazing."Jasper added.

"You were listening to me sing in the shower are you crazy?"I said narrowing my eyes at him.

"Yes,no,maybe oh come on Cora don't be mad."He said with a cute face.

But he can't win with that thing I'm immune to a lot of things and that includes puppy eyes.

"Puppy eyes ain't gonna work on me fluff but I'll give you an A for effort."I said to him making him deflate like a balloon and the rest of us laughing.

"Whatever."He said frowning turning the other way.

"As much fun as this is we've reached the castle which means no more talking griffin or talk about what happened today,understood?"Aaron said.

"Yep,we understand."I said.

We kept silent till we got to castle gate just when my stomach involuntarily growled loud making the guards give me strange looks.

'They most think I'm having diarrhea shit.'

"Dang I'm hungry."I said so they'd know I don't have diarrhea.

Then I remember the baked thing from earlier,I took it out unwrapped and took a bite from it and boy was it good.

"Cora,I finally remembered what was in the treat,lupin flour,eggs,milk...."

Before he could finished I zoned out lupin,there's lupin in this thing,shit,shit

'Fuck Lupin oh thank goodness you didn't swallow,spit the shit out.'

I spat out what that was into a tissue paper and used another one to scrape my tongue.

"Is something wrong Cora?"Quinn asked suspiciously looking at the guards at the gate one an anthrobeast and the other a human.

"Yeah I'm fine it's just that I'm super allergic to lupin like I could even die in extreme cases."I said trying to catch my breath it had already gotten to me throat I could feel it starting to narrow and my tongue swell.

"Aah I see."Quinn said.

It was obvious he wanted to say more but I couldn't wait,I ran into the palace marking Quinn and Aaron look at me strange but they walked swiftly after me.

As I got into the castle I slowed from running to speed walking eventually Quinn and Aaron caught up to me but I didn't slow,I bumped into Kayden slightly spilling whatever he was carrying,finally I made it to my room just as the room started to darken and my feet became wobbly I rushed to my backpack but me feet failed before I could reach it my breathing becoming shallow,I crawled the rest of the way to my bag emptied its contents search for my allergy shots,I finally found one and immediately stabbed it into me and steady myself on my bed post its effects finally showing and breathing regulating leaving the men around me giving me worried pained looks

Hey guys sorry about the late update but do not hesitate to keep reading,reads motivate me to write oh and Pls leave a review and sorry about any possible grammatical errors

_inkheart_13creators' thoughts