
Towards Civilzation

Titania awoke to the sun's rays hitting his eyes. A gentle aroma of burnt wood pleasant to his nose still present. He stretched his whole body and started to have violent muscle spasms. He stopped and let out a sigh. Suddenly he was in the shade.

Ajax stared above him and started giggling to himself. The piece of clothing that was used as a blanket, specks of dirt and leaves still on it, was draped over his shoulder. It was evident that Ajax woke up earlier has much more energy. The benefits of youth that has appeared to have left Titania early in his life.

Ajax knelt down towards Titania still on the floor, the sun's rays now hitting him. "What are we?" Ajax asked in tone drenched in sarcasm, "We slept together, who knows what else we have done?" Ajax looks like he is on the verge of erupting with laughter as he keeps making jokes in the form of questions.

Titania let out a gentle laugh and covered his eyes even though the sunlight was still gentle and couldn't cause any strain. Titania decided to play along with Ajax, "What happens if our parents found out?" in a fake worried voice.

Ajax saw this and took it up a notch, "They probably force us to marry and have a family." Ajax said, his voice straining from resisting the urge to laugh. Tears could be seen around his eyes.

Titania held back his laugh as well, his chest tightening from resisting. "No I hate kids." While this came off as a joke to Ajax, Titania personally never wanted kids in his life.

Titania was always repulsed by the though of having his own kids. The way that he knew that he didn't want kids was when he was working as a teaching assistant at a summer academy. He constantly interacted with kids from 5th to 8th grades for seven hours a day, 5 days out of the week and even during his break he had to talk and work with kids. To him kids were nothing but things that leeched food, money, and time off of you that can never be taken back.

Ajax laugh loudly, "Fuck them kids." He shouted. Tears streaming down his face from the laughter that he was finally released. His laughter was warm and pleasant to Titania's ears. Ajax reached out his hand towards Titania, still in a fit of laughter, to help him get off the ground.

Titania took it and Ajax hoisted him off the ground. After they finished laughing Titania cleaned off all of the visible dirt off of himself, swiping off whatever stain he had with his hand. After he was done he looked around his body to see if it was all clean.

Ajax looked at the back of Titania's shirt, "You got dirt on the back of your shirt Titania. Don't worry I'll get it." He was gentle and firm when cleaning him. While he was doing this Ajax. "You want the good news or the bad news? Well, depends on how you look at them" Ajax said as he was cleaning off the dirt on the back of Titania, even though by now there was no more dirt. It looked like he was looking for any reason to touch him.

Titania immediately responded without a thought, "Tell me the bad news." Ajax took his hand away from Titania's back and walked to the river to clean it off. After he was sure that the dirt was visibly gone he flicked the water off his hand.

Ajax stood at the bank of the river and watched as moved and twisted into the forest. "The bad news is that the research facility has been founded by someone we don't know who and we believe that the earthquake that we felt earlier could be related to that. I had relayed what happened so far including the guy that attacked you."

Ajax then walked back to Titania and started stretching his arms and legs. A few joints popped loudly enough for Titania to hear. "The good news," He continued speaking, "The test is cancelled but I have to give them constant updates about you to them, this includes health and location. We can no longer go to the facility and go anywhere together now. Unless you want to go back." Ajax jested.

"No." Titania responded quickly. Why should he question a good thing? His freedom has increased immensely, although the chains around his feet and hands are still there they have loosened a lot. He is no longer under constant watch, but then again it was better that life was better than the previous one, much better. "Where is the closest city Ajax?" Titania asked this time, his voice solid as his choice to leave the forest and not go anywhere near the facility.

"The closest city is 12 miles away, we can either walk and take up the whole day or we can run and make it in an hour and ten minutes. We could always stay in the forest until they pick us up." Ajax jested again. What was up with him wanting to stay in the forest?

"In which direction?" Titania asked Ajax, ignoring his jests of staying in the forest. Ajax let out a sigh of disappointment and pointed north. "We will have to go straight in that direction and eventually we will hit a densely populated city." Ajax expression suddenly changed, his usually cheerful self filled with pride and arrogance has shifted into a look of worry.

"Are you sure that you want to go to the city? Why not just stay here, it's safe. We have a bear we can eat and a river to drink from. Its perfect." Titania didn't knew what came over Ajax.

Titania saw his worry and smiled at him. He then turned and dashed in the direction o. Ajax quickly chased right after him. His worries melted away with the resurrected rising sun, its glory spilling over the world.

They ran through the forest together, smiles plastered on their faces. Cries of joy and laughter filled the forest.

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