
Chapter 407 : Attacked From All Sides

Riverdale town was closer to Stone Creek forest than the other towns. Because of that reason, part of the area around it was covered in vegetation, making easy hiding spots and ambush areas outside of the town.

"Captain, he's made his move."

Since he already had his plan ready and couldn't afford to waste any more time, Sato directly exposed himself as he began running in a straight line towards the town.

"He's aiming to get into town before anyone can stop him; wise choice." The [Druid] beside Black Tempest couldn't help but praise.

"Hmph. Even if his plan is that easy, it' not like we're stupid enough not to realise it." Black Tempest smiled with mockery.

"You've informed them?" Black Tempest asked the player beside him.

"Yes, sir. I did as you ordered." The player immediately replied.

"Good. Now, all we need to do is sit back and watch the show; it's too soon for us to make an appearance."

. . .